Guided 365 Day Reflection Journal
Scripture For Grief, Recovery, & Joy for Week 8
This Weeks Scripture
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”"
Lamentations 3:22-24 ESV
Preparation for This Week
When preparing for the week ahead, think about the following: God’s Mercies are New Every Morning.
Food for Thought
We serve a God who loves us unconditionally and shows us mercy every day - no matter how far away from Him we may wander or whatever obstacles come our way. As long as we put our trust and hope in Him, He will provide us with the strength to carry on.
While there are many things in life that come and go, one thing we can always trust is God's unconditional love. His mercies never cease; his faithfulness is never-ending. We can take comfort in knowing that despite whatever comes our way, He will always be there with us on our journey. Whether it's a mountain top or a valley floor, God will never abandon us or leave us without support.
Don't ever forget: you are loved by the one true God who will never give up on you! That's a powerful and comforting truth.
That's why we can have such confidence in Him. Unconditional love is a gift, a beautiful promise for us to keep on our journey with faith, knowing we are cherished and loved by an Unfailing God. No matter what lies ahead, He will help us through it - never ceasing to love us!
This week, take a few moments to evaluate your progress on your bigger monthly goal. It's important to break down the big picture into manageable chunks and set yourself small weekly goals that will help you keep moving forward. Don't be discouraged if you haven't made as much progress as you would have liked; just stay motivated. Remember, with faith and determination, anything is possible - even when it seems like a huge mountain to climb! There will always be something new to learn and overcome along the way. So, take a few moments this week to check in on how your monthly goal is going and make sure you're still moving in the right direction.
Remember, no matter what challenges may come your way, trust in Him, and He will guide you through. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. So keep taking small steps towards the goals that are important to you without fear or discouragement - and always remember to check in with yourself every so often! You’ve got this!
Dig A Little Deeper
You may find week 8 in the Companion Devotional to be a great partner to this section.
Today's Scripture
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalm 13:5 NIV
Today's Guide
When preparing for today, think about the following: God’s Love Never Ends.
Food for thought
When life feels uncertain, and storms seem to rage, I thank God for His never-ending love. He has always been my rock and refuge in times of need, and that assurance helps me keep pressing forward even when the future is unclear.
Today’s scripture is a great reminder that God loves me no matter what this world throws at me. Not only does He provide joy, hope, and guidance, but He has already given us the ultimate gift of salvation.
My faith allows me to walk through hardships with confidence because, no matter what happens, I know God will always be by my side. My soul rejoices in the knowledge that I am safe and secure in His love.
When times are hard and the storms rage, it can be difficult to find anything to be grateful for. Remember, no matter how dark or difficult things appear, there is always something to be thankful for. Today’s scripture reminds us that even our hearts rejoice in salvation.
Take a few moments to find something to be grateful for - it may be something small or something big. Whatever it is, allow your heart to fill with joy as you think of it. Remember, where there is light, darkness can not take hold and thrive.
Today's Prayer
Thank you, God, for my salvation. I trust in Your unfailing love. You have never abandoned me, and I am grateful. Amen
Everyone Has The Freedom To Choose
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