Ryan's Weekly Family Update
Message from the Principal
Dear Ryan Elementary Community, It’s hard to believe we have less than a week to go of the 23-24 school year. I have loved being the principal of this amazing school. It’s hard for me to believe that this is the end of my 19th year as an elementary school principal. I feel like I have won the “principal lottery” joining this amazing community and can’t wait for year two to start. Stay tuned for details about the 24-25 school year. This week is always full of emotions as we bring the year to a close, prepare for transitions and reflect on all that we have accomplished. If you find a moment, take a deep breath and give yourself a high five or hug. Parents/guardians, you have completed another school year supporting your child/children. Congratulations! This week, our 5th grade teachers and staff will honor and celebrate all of our students moving on to middle school. We are so proud of this group and know they will continue to excel in their next adventure. If this year marks the end of your time at Ryan, please know we are all so grateful for your support, and that you will be missed and cherished. Once a Ryan Rhino, always a Ryan Rhino. It’s always a great day to be a Rhino. Sincerely, Stephanie Jackman Principal
- Volunteer Tea Invitation
- Rhino TV Episode
- Last Day of School Dates
- It's NOT too late to purchase a Yearbook!
- Summer Counseling Resources from Mrs. Short
- Lafayette Public Library Reading Program information
- Come and find your items in LOST & FOUND!
- NEW message from the Health Room
- Register for School Bus!
- Eco Cycle Newsletter
- PTA Update
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Volunteer Process Details
- Attendance Announcement
- BVSD Messenger Notification Details
- FAQs Section from past newsletters information
If you have an immediate need, please call the main office at 720.561.7000
Last day of School!
Thursday, May 23 Last day for students
Thursday, May 24 Last day for teachers
IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO BUY A YEARBOOK! If you'd like to purchase a yearbook, they will be available in the school office beginning Monday afternoon. The cost is $20 cash or check payable to Ryan Elementary. Available while supplies last. If you've already purchased a yearbook, teachers will begin distributing them on Monday.
You will need to come into the office, IN PERSON, with cash/check written to Ryan Elementary for $20. You may not call or email a request, we will not place a hold on any yearbooks.
Supplies are limited so it is first come, first served. Thank you for your understanding.
Counselor's Summer Resources
We hope that all Ryan families take some time to relax and recharge this summer. We know that summer is a wonderful time of joy, and can also present different challenges. Please remember that even though schools are closed, there are still many resources available to you. BVSD Elementary Counselors have put together a Summer Resource Guide for you filled with activities, support and mental health resources.
The Lafayette Public Library is kicking off their 2024 Summer Reading Program!
Summer Reading signup begins online and in person starting June 1 (or you may get a head start by picking up a Passport at the Jeff & Paige Festival Plaza concert at 11am on Thursday, May 30. Earn FREE books or a FREE pass to the Great Outdoors Waterpark on August 2, 2024!
Our Lost and Found bin is once again overflowing! PLEASE come and look to see if anything belongs to your family.
PLEASE also remember to label your child's items, it helps us to get the items back to the owner and limits the large amount of items in our lost and found bin that will be donated at the end of the week.
News From the Health Room
With so few days of school left, it's time to connect with the Health Room about picking up your child's medication, i.e., pain medications, allergy meds, etc. Parents who have a child with an "urgent med"(i.e., epi-pen, inhaler, etc.) at school should not plan to pick-up meds until the last four days of school. Unclaimed medications will be disposed of, we are unable to store any medications at school, over the summer.
If you plan to have a med at school for your child for next school-year, please have your child's physician complete the authorization form (below) before the first day of school. Forms must be updated each school-year and accompany the medication in the original packing.
Please read the following information from BVSD Health Services:
BVSD students may receive medications at school according to the following protocols:
- Medications (over-the-counter OR prescription) may not be in the personal possession of students except for those with written authorization from a health care provider and the School Nurse
- A completed Medication Administration Authorization form must be submitted for each prescription or over-the-counter medication that will be administered at school. This form is available from your school’s Health Room and on the BVSD website: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1564117558/bvsdorg/yntwuiyeformgsqqfe49/MedicationAuthorizat ionForm72019.pdf
- A new authorization form must be completed each year for each medication.
- Medications must be delivered to the health room or office staff by an adult.
- Prescription medications supplied by the student’s parent/guardian must be in the pharmacy supplied container and clearly labeled for the student.
- Non-prescription, “over-the-counter” medications must be in the original container and clearly labeled for the student.
- It is the responsibility of the parent to obtain all unused medication from the school, at the end of the school year all unclaimed medications will be disposed of.
Parents may always come to school and administer medication to their child.
Feel free to reach out to Miss Chrystal, our Health Room Aide, with any questions or concerns at chrystal.terhune@bvsd.org OR 720.561.7009.
It's time to Register for the School Bus!
If your child rides the school bus, you should have recieved an email from BVSD Transportation on Thursday, May 2nd.
You will need to register if you'd like your child to take the bus for the 2024-25 School year.
If you need your child to ride the bus for the 2024-25 school year, please register for bus service on Infinite Campus (IC). Registration opens on May 1 and closes on July 1 at 5 p.m.
Instructions to register your student(s) for the bus in IC are shown below.
Bus Registration Instructions
Login to the Infinite Campus parent account. If you don’t have an account, directions on how to set one up can be found here.
Once logged in, select the “More” button on the left-hand side of the screen.
Next, select the “Transportation Options” link on the right side of the screen, located under the heading “Quick Links.”
You will see a list of all of your BVSD students. Click on your student(s) and answer the questions.
Bus stop locations and times will be posted in IC in early August under the BVSD Bus Stops Schedule tab. This tab will be blank for students who have not registered.
Please do not send your child to the bus stop if you have not been assigned to a route.
PTA Update
End of Year BBQ - May 23
The PTA will be hosting a BBQ at Whitetail Park (2550 Autumn Ridge Blvd., Lafayette) to celebrate the end of the year on the last day of school, THIS Thursday, May 23, 4–7pm! We will provide hotdogs and hamburgers (including vegetarian options), and we ask families to bring a side to share and drinks for your family. Bring blankets to sit on and lawn games if you'd like! Come enjoy this free fun family event and celebrate everything that our kids have accomplished this year!
PTA Parent Engagement Survey
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is a fun, simple way to get involved within the Ryan community. We have all sorts of opportunities to get involved. Whether you volunteer regularly in your teacher’s classroom or bring treats and coffee to teachers for late start or volunteer for the upcoming book fair, the impact can be huge. Not only does it benefit the school but it benefits your kids and families in our community as well! Please take a moment to explore this link: https://www.bvsd.org/parents-students/get-involved/volunteers you may need the Raptor check or CBI Background fingerprint check. These are both good for 12 months.
Click here to see what opportunities we have available Help at School
We appreciate your help! Thanks!
Volunteers & Background Checks Instructions
Volunteers and field trip chaperones should be under line-of-sight supervision by BVSD staff at all times. Line-of-sight can be through a transparent wall or door. For volunteers, partners, or field trip chaperones who will not be under line-of-sight supervision by BVSD staff at all times – CBI fingerprint check required through a third party vendor, paid by the volunteer/partner/school AND volunteer must sign a BVSD volunteer agreement (Spanish).
Please see the Volunteer/Visitor FAQ and the Volunteers/Visitors Flowchart for additional details.
Attendance Announcement
If your child has an appointment during school hours, please ask the medical office for a school excuse note and bring it to the Ryan office.
To report your child's absences, please enter it through your Parent Portal or call the Attendance Line 720.561.7002 and remember to include the REASON FOR THE ABSENCE!
We understand sometimes our students need to be out for an extended period of time. We ask, if you know your child will be out for more than 3 days, to please fill out this form in addition to reporting the absence through the portal or attendance line.
Good habits start early! Research shows regular attendance at school has a DRAMATIC impact on student progress. Please see the How Sick Is To Sick guidelines as well as the BVSD attendance policy.
BVSD's School Messenger support and notifications
Boulder Valley School District recently tested their emergency alert system.
The test alert included a phone call, text message and email to those opted in to receive BVSD Communications.
Users can adjust their communication preferences as desired via these instructions.
If you did not receive a text message, and would like to opt-in to receive text messages from the district and schools through SchoolMessenger, opting-in is a two-step process:
- The person's cell phone number must be in a cell phone field in Infinite Campus (students/parents) or Infor/Lawson (employees).
- They then send a text message from their cell phone to “67587” with the word “yes” in the message. They may opt-out at any time by texting “STOP” to 67587.
BVSD Calendar Links
If you have any questions please be sure to reach out!
Ryan Elementary STEAM School
Website: https://rye.bvsd.org/
Location: 1405 Centaur Village Drive, Lafayette, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-7000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanElemSTEAM