OLLV Catholic School
Be it known to all who enter here, that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen, but ever present teacher in the classrooms, the model of its faculty, and the inspiration of its students.
Angel Note: October 7, 2024
This Week:
Monday: October 7, 2024- PE: PK, Kinder, 6th-8th
- Noon Dismissal- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 12:00 PM- 1:30 PM- Grades 5-8 Cross Country Practice
- 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Cheer Practice
- 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Grades 3-4 Cross Country Practice
- 3:45 PM Grades 3-4 Soccer Tournament
Tuesday: October 8, 2024
- PE: 1st-5th
- Noon Dismissal- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Last Day to turn in Harvest Festival Tickets for Free Dress Passes
- 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Harvest Festival Item drop-off in Bevan Hall
- 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Cheer Practice
Wednesday: October 9, 2024
- PE: PK, Kinder, 6th-8th
- Noon Dismissal- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Harvest Festival Item drop-off in Bevan Hall
- 12:00 PM- 1:30 PM- Grades 5-8 Cross Country Practice
- 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Cheer Practice
Thursday: October 10, 2024
- PE: 1st-5th
- Noon Dismissal- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Wear Pink for Breast Cancer- $2.00 Donation
- 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Harvest Festival Item drop-off in Bevan Hall
- 12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Cheer Practice
- 9am Mass
- Noon Dismissal- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 2:00 PM- Cross Country Meet at SFDS
Harvest Festival Raffle Tickets: Last Call!!
Each student is required to sell $25 of raffle tickets. Student who do not sell will be charged in FACTS. Students earn free dress passes for every $50 sold. Tuesday is the last day to turn in tickets in exchange for Free Dress Passes. Thank you in advance for your support with our Harvest Festival!
A Message From The Office
Please remember that all OLLV logo apparel must be purchased from Dennis Uniform, Campus Club or OLLV uniform drive. Parents are not permitted to create their own school logo. Thank you.
Congratulations to Zuri in 7th grade for winning the monthly Makers Empire's Design competition. The judges were impressed by Zuri's entry in the What a Character Makers Empire competition. Zuris' entry showed great design skills and attention to detail. Zuri's design was selected from over 5000 designs entered in this competition. Incredible!!
Better Lunch Menu
Come out and support our 3rd and 4th grade soccer team!
A Message From the Church
Session #2
Grades 3-5 Second Session 10/07 at 3pm
Grades 6-8 Second Session 10/21 at 3pm
Be sure to sign-up through MobileServe if you want to volunteers at the Snack Shack!
Stardust Gala 2025
If you are interested in donating to or helping with the Stardust Gala please fill out the interest form below.
Catholic Resources
October: The Month of the Rosary
We pray the rosary each morning during the month of October as our school. The links below can help you discuss with your children.
Sunday Connection | Loyola Press
2024-2025 Calendar
2024-2025 Classroom Volunteers
Should you wish to volunteer in your child's classroom or be a chaperone on a field trip please ensure that you have completed fingerprinting, background checks, and the CMG program. You may pick up a volunteer packet in the front office. Please know that this clearance process takes between four and six weeks.
Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School
Email: mbello@ollv.org
Website: https://www.ollvschool.org/
Location: 3046 Alta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89107, USA
Phone: (702) 802-2323
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyofLVSchool
Twitter: @OurLadyLVSchool