RRHS Senior Update - 11/18/24
December Senior Breakfast - Mark your calendars!
Our next Senior Breakfast will be on Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 8:30 AM in the Library. Mark your calendars to join us for a warm, cozy breakfast to kick-off the winter season! We can’t wait to see you there!
Parents: Be on the lookout in our next S’mores to sign up to volunteer and donate items for the December breakfast. We thank you for your help with supporting and celebrating our fantastic Seniors!
Graduation Preparations
- Seniors: Caps, Gowns, & Senior Shirts
As a reminder, it is important that all seniors submit the information below.
Seniors, please take the time to fill out the Google Form (access with your school email) to share your size for caps, gowns, and senior shirts. We require ALL seniors to complete this form to allow us to complete our order in a timely fashion prior to Thanksgiving break.
2. Senior fees
Now that we are in full swing of the school year and heading towards graduation, we are in the process of ordering caps and gowns, senior tee shirts and yard signs for our students. To cover the costs of these items we have a Senior Fee to save parents the hassle of ordering separate items.
The payment portal for Senior Fees is now open. The Senior Fee of $100. This amount pays for the Cap and Gown for Graduation, A Senior Yard Sign, Senior Tee Shirt and meals at the final graduation practice.
We plan to have the caps and gowns delivered in the Spring to allow for lots of photo opportunities.
To pay the fees please go to the SchoolCashOnline Payment Portal on the school web page. There are also two opportunities to make a voluntary donation to help students who are experiencing financial difficulties.
Senior Ads- Buy before space runs out!
Place a senior/baby ad in this year’s yearbook to commemorate your senior’s hard work and success! Ad space is available now and must be purchased online. You can go here to choose your ad size, upload your pictures and message, and pay for the ad. The yearbook staff will design the ad and send parents a proof. Ad space is limited and available on a first-come, first serve basis. Once the ads are sold out, we cannot accommodate any more. Buy your ad now to ensure you get your pictures and message of congratulations in the book!
Know your application deadlines. We had a rush of applications come in for November 15st after the deadline.