Pulse on Peachtree
April 2nd Newsletter
Principal's Message
Spring Break
Wishing everyone a safe, relaxing Spring Break!
Our school building will be open Mon - Fri from 9am to 3pm. Please know our teachers and staff will not be in the building or available through email during this week.
Peachtree Palooza
We had such an exciting event! Our students showed off their school spirit and had some well-deserved fun participating in the activities. Our teachers and staff were having so much fun too that we got limited photos and videos. Take a glimpse at the footage we did gather:
Upcoming Dates
April 4th - 8th: Spring Break (no school)
April 4th - 8th: Assistant Principal's Week
April 18th: GA Milestone testing begins
April 20th: Title I Stakeholder's Meeting
April 29th: Progress Reports go home
May 2nd - 6th: MAP Testing
May 2nd - 6th: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9th - 13th: 8th Grade Spirit Week (more info to come)
May 11th: 8th Grade Patriot Games (more info to come)
May 12th: 7th Grade Patriot Games
May 13th: 6th Grade Patriot Games
May 20th: Last Day of School
**All dates are subject to change.
MAP Testing May 2 - 6
Sports Banquet: Basketball, Cheerleading and Dance
Learning Spotlight: 6th grade Science with Ms. Reid
Ms. Reid's classes have been studying a real-life goldfish issue in our ponds at Peachtree to help enhance student understandings and develop real world solutions to improve the quality of our most precious natural resource, fresh water. (S6E6b) Ms. Reid has also begun preparing our 6th graders for 7th grade using a variety of life sciences connections about ecosystems, like this one.
Picture below, Ms. Reid and her classes are using bladder snails and elodea (a type of aquatic plant) as a proposed solution to the goldfish ponds in our courtyard. Their class has been discussing possible solutions to improve the quality of the pond water to make the habitat in the pool better for our Peachtree Goldfish. The bladder snails are algae eaters and reproduce rapidly. Therefore, providing a potential food source and algae cleaning at the same time. Elodea is a plant known for improving oxygenation in water and can improve water quality. The plant will use up the excessive nutrients in the water to help balance the water conditions. Unfortunately, goldfish are voracious eaters and may eat their proposed solution before it could work. They plan to follow up and find out in a few weeks to find out if the fish ate the plants and snails, or if they will improve conditions for the goldfish.
The original source of the Peachtree goldfish isn't clear. But we know the goldfish survived the pandemic school shut down without any human interaction. Sixth grade science teachers have been using their story to help students make connections between the environment and our studies. Mr. Gardiner and his classes have been caring for them. The problem is that the pools for the goldfish in the courtyard have about 30 fish in them currently and the environment isn't conducive to their survival. Lately, the fish have been showing signs of stress by gasping at the surface for air and there is a lot of algae in the ponds. Stay tuned for the solutions our 6th graders are working on to improve this!
Student Spotlight: Mackenzie Brown and Hasini Edupuganti
Mackenzie Brown and Hasini Edupuganti (both in Cadette Girl Scout Troop 15209) have earned their Silver Award! Three scouts, including Mackenzie and Hasini, have been in the same troop since first grade and decided to work on their Silver Award together. The girls chose to improve the outdoor space of a local elementary school serving low-income students. With supplies purchased with funds from their cookie sales, they built, painted, and installed two benches; built two soccer goals; and painted four existing benches. They also spread mulch on the playground area and helped plant and weed a garden. The school’s students use the benches, soccer goals, garden, and (less muddy) playground often. The girls of Girl Scout Troop 15209 are now looking forward to working on their Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can earn.
Congratulations to both of them for their philanthropic work and accomplishment!
Orchestra Spotlight
- Congratulations to Ethan Leong and Julia Ding for auditioning and making it into All State Orchestra. The competition to get in is fierce, with several hundreds of musicians per instrument auditioning, and after 3 rounds of auditions, each student won a chair in the prestigious top orchestra of the state of Georgia. Both students have been exemplary musicians and have worked very hard this year.
- 8th Grade Orchestra Received straight superior scores for Large Group Performance Evaluation this year, which is similar to MAP testing for students in the music classes. You can view a video of their performance of Celtica, featuring soloist Ethan Leong here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_l55xG0hTo
- The PMS Jazz Band earned a Gold Level score this past week, featuring vocal soloist Anna Jean Lower. You can view the video of their performance of Sway here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3Y5UcAdFOU
Congrats to all! We are so proud!
PAC Upcoming Meetings
We held our March 22nd meeting at 7:15am.
Our next general meeting will be held April 21st at 7:15am. We will hold an academics committee meeting on April 12th.
Both meetings will be offered hybrid. In-person will be in our conference room. Virtual link is included in our agendas. All families are welcome to join and listen. To participate in the meeting, non-PAC members are able to speak during public comment.
Attention Softball Players
Community Resource
Dunwoody High School Summer Fencing Camp
When: June 13th-17th from 9:00AM-12PM
Where: Dunwoody High School
Fee: $250
Interested in fencing and learning a new sport? No previous fencing experience required and equipment will be provided. Snacks and a Camp T-Shirt will be given.
Open to 6th-12th grade students.
En garde!
To register please click here:
Dunwoody High School Cheerleading
Dunwoody High School Football Cheerleading tryouts will be held April 11th - 15th. If you plan to tryout, make sure you have turned in your forms prior to tryouts. We look forward to seeing you there!
Dunwoody High School Football
All 8th graders interested in playing Football at Dunwoody High School, there will be a mandatory parent / player meeting on April 13th at 7pm in the DHS Cafeteria. At least one parent and the player must attend. Look forward to seeing you there.
Peachtree Middle School
DCSD Website: https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/
Instagram: @Principal.Perez
Website: www.peachtreems.dekalb.k12.ga.us
Location: Peachtree Middle School, North Peachtree Road, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: (678)676 - 7702