Onekawa School Newsletter
Week 6 Term 2, Thursday 10 June
Kia ora Families
We've had a larger number absences this week compared to the previous five weeks of this term.
Fortunately, from our analysis, very few children have covid or norovirus, which has been a concern in many other schools. Most absences are due to coughs and common colds.
Hawkes Bay District Health Board has given the following advice:
Make sure your whānau is up to date with immunisations.
With the borders opening, we are expecting a big increase in influenza numbers. There is also a risk that measles, whooping cough or other vaccine preventable illness outbreaks will occur over the next few months. Babies are at greatest risk from these diseases but making sure the whole whānau is up to date will help protect them.
Advice if unwell:
Test for COVID-19 using a RAT.
If you test positive, upload your result to your My Covid Record and follow the Ministry of Health advice.
If you have had a COVID-19 infection within the previous 90 days and are unwell again it is very unlikely this is a reinfection of COVID. Repeat COVID testing (RAT and PCR) within these 90 days is necessary only on medical advice.
Stay home if unwell as winter viruses are very infectious.
Return to school/ kura/ early learning centre, te kohanga reo when symptoms have resolved. There may be some discretion used for children to return when they have improving and very mild symptoms such as a slight cough or runny nose but are otherwise well.
Wearing masks, cough etiquette and hand hygiene are strongly encouraged.
This helps to reduce the spread to other people.
Drink plenty of fluid
Take some paracetamol or ibuprofen as directed.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen can help reduce pain, headache and fever.
Cold and flu medicines
Warm lemon and honey drinks have been found to be as effective as cough syrups. On average, a cough after a viral infection lasts for 17 days.
When to see a GP
If you have worsening symptoms, difficulty breathing, have pain in your chest, are feeling dehydrated despite drinking plenty of fluid, are coughing up blood, or have had fevers for more than five days or call Healthline on 0800 611 116.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Nga mihi,
Learning Conferences
School will close at the usual time of 3pm on both days. Interviews will however start at 2:10pm on Monday 4 July - children will be supervised on the field till 3pm by Mr Bloor and support staff.
We will send out details of how to book a conference in next Friday's newsletter.
Our native path is almost complete! A massive thanks to Mr Race, Mr Heal, Whaea Mariea and all the children who have helped!
Congratulations to this week's class certificate winners!
Important Dates
Wednesday 22 June Matariki Evening 5-6pm
Monday 4 July Learning conferences
Tuesday 5 July Learning conferences
Friday 8 July Term Two Ends
Contact Us
Location: 235 Kennedy Road, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Phone: 06 843 8297