AES Weekly Blast
Ashby Elementary School
Location: 911 Main Street, Ashby, MA, USA
Phone: 978-743-1005
News From the Principal
Dear AES Patriot Families,
Week two went smoothly.
Thank you to our PTC for purchasing new basketball hoop nets for our blacktop area.
See you next week at Open House. AES Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th. Each grade has a set meeting time. I hope you can stop by and learn about grade level curriculum, expectations and see all the wonderful things we have done to the building this past summer!
Breakfast and lunches are free this year, but if students would like seconds they will need to have extra money on the lunch accounts.
Students are earning "Standout Student" tickets for showing our four Habits of Character: Respect, Responsibility, Courage, and Kindness. Once the tickets are read over the announcements in the morning they are hung up for all to see. Tickets are change out monthly.
As I have been walking into classrooms I have noticed 4th graders reading Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost and they even had a band demo presentation this past Wednesday, from HBMS Band Teacher, Ms. Lapoint.
Mrs. Reich and I will be teaching bus safety next week to all the students during their SEL block.
The high school homecoming is set for September 28th. Our school will have a banner being displayed and if any current or past families would like to walk the parade with our amazing banner, please e-mail me.
Please check out our school website for some updated school photos. Speaking of our website, this is the URL address if you need to update your bookmark
If you have any concerns, questions, or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out (
Mrs. C.
Check out the new nets for the basketball hoops
Safety Reminders
🚨Do Not Pass a Bus in the parking lot if the lights are blinking and/or the stop sign is extended.
🚨If a school bus or a school pupil transport vehicle has its red lights flashing and a stop sign extended, you must come to a complete stop. It is the law.
🚨Parents, please remind your students that the bus expectation is to remain seated with their hands to themselves.
🚨Parent pick-up reminder - the inner circle is for kindergarten parents, as they sometimes hold up the line as they need assistance buckling in their car seats.
🚨Also, please remember that changes to students' dismissal procedures should be sent with your child to school. If you need to remember to send a note and email the school, make sure it arrives before 2 pm. If a note was not sent into the school, the email must include your child's homeroom teacher, secretary, and principal.
Picture Day - Thursday, September 12th
Folleto de puertas abiertas en español
Флаер дня открытых дверей на русском языке
Dates to Remember
News From Grade 1
News From Grade 2
We have survived the August/September heat. I hope that the Fall weather starts to settle in. The kids have been working very hard in school.
In Skills block we have been working on syllables and how to identify the syllable and vowel sounds. This is a great skill to learn so the kids can identify long and short vowels. Ask your child what that means.
In El we have started to explore schools and why they are important to us. The kids have begun writing and using details to draw their answers.
In math, we have started by adding and subtracting to 20. Please remember to have your child practice math facts.
Thank you for all your donations they are greatly appreciated! With 27 children we go through wipes and tissues quickly. I look forward to seeing everyone next week for Open House. I will speak from 5:45-6:05 pm on September 11th. I look forward to seeing all of you! Have a great end of September.
Mrs. Sheridan
News From Guidance
Hello AES parents and guardians,
Welcome back! I am the school counselor at AES. As a school counselor, I work alongside teachers and parents to help students develop socially and emotionally. It is my third year at this amazing school and I am excited to be back after having a long, relaxing summer! I have started meeting with classes for our weekly SEL lessons, and I have a lot of exciting ideas for the year ahead. Please email me with any questions or concerns ( It is going to be a great year!
Mrs. Reich
School Counselor
News From the Mr. Turner (Gym)
The BOKS Program
Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s),
I would like to inform you of an enrichment opportunity for your child(ren) here at Ashby Elementary School. Unlike our other enrichment classes this one will run in the mornings from 8:00 to 8:45. This is a 12-week program being offered to our 3rd and 4th grade students beginning on Thursday, January 9th with the final class taking place Thursday, April 3rd. We will meet most Thursdays for those 12 weeks (please see attached chart for specific dates). The program will be offered through Reebok’s “BOKS Program” (Building Our Kids Success).
“The BOKS Program” is currently offered in over 10,000 elementary and middle schools across the United States and Canada. The program’s main purpose is to help prepare students’ brains and bodies for a day of learning. Additionally, the program allows for students to increase their level of weekly physical activity by 45 minutes per week. The two focuses of the program will be physical activity and then towards the end of the 45 minute period, a discussion about nutrition.
If interested in signing up your child(ren) please fill out the attached form and turn it in to the AES main office by Thursday, December 12th. This program will operate on a first come, first serve basis and has a limit of 30 students. The program has a cost of $60.00 per student and requires a parent or guardian to transport the child to the school at 8:00am. If your child(ren) is/are one of the first 30 forms we receive, we will contact you and provide you with a registration form and require a $60.00 fee.
***PLEASE NOTE: If we do not have at least 20 confirmed sign-ups by Thursday, December 12th then the program will be canceled and all money will be fully refunded.***
Please feel free to send me any questions that you might have regarding the BOKS program. You might also want to take a look at the BOKS website for information regarding who they are and what they do (
Thank you for your continued support,
Chris Turner
Ashby Elementary School Physical Education Teacher
If interested in signing your child up for the BOKS Program, please fill out this section of the PDF below and return it to the AES main office by December 12th.
Students Name:
Students Teacher:
Dates of anticipated Attendance (Please circle all that apply):
1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 and 4/3
Welcome to 4th Grade Band!
Your child saw a presentation about the 4th grade band program today. The band teachers demonstrated the instruments for the students and talked a little bit about the band program. All students are welcome to participate. Please see the following documents and links for more information and to enroll in the program. All details and enrollment dates can be found in the documents.
We use Gerry's Music Shop for all of our instrument rentals, and they are very helpful about answering any questions you might have. If you already have an instrument to use we just ask that you bring it in for us to look at so that we can make sure it is working properly.
We do not recommend getting an instrument from places like Amazon, BJ’s, Costco, etc. These instruments are usually very poor quality and are often not able to be fixed when they break.
Please reach out if you have any questions
News From the Cafeteria
Starting in September, there will be 3 choices for lunch. What is on the menu for each lunch choice will be served on all trays for that choice. The trays have compartments, each item will be placed in a different compartment. If your students does not want something, they can choose not to eat it, but the lunch room staff has to serve it.
Extended Day at AES
Extended Day Pricing