Dolphin Weekly Waves
Week of July 1, 2024

Week of August 4, 2024
From the Principal
Happy Sunday! We had a great first week back at West End with our dolphins! Students impressed us with their great behavior, positive attitudes, and excitement for the upcoming school year. We enjoyed hosting our K4 and K5 families at the Boo Hoo Breakfast with Mrs. Simpson on Thursday and celebrated SDPC's Fun Friday with National Coloring Book Day in every classroom! Adventure awaits for this year as we focus on instilling a love of learning in each student at West End!
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our dismissal system! We decreased our time in the first two days by 15 minutes! Please remember to hang your car tags, be kind to your other parents by merging, and to submit any transportation changes by 1:30 each day by completing this form, calling, or sending in a note. We will not dismiss any students after 2:00 and during dismissal. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe!
Check out photos from the first day, enjoy your Sunday, and we look forward to seeing your students bright and early on Monday!
Thank you for being a part of our West End dolphin pod,
Kimberly Robson
Fun Fridays
This year our district has implemented Fun Fridays on select Fridays throughout the school year. Friday we introduced this to our students with a video from our SDPC Leadership Team and then celebrated National Coloring Book Day! Students enjoyed time with their friends, reflecting on their first two days, and coloring! It was a great way to end the first week of school!
Pictures Here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-9m1t3PpieSmuvLfuc9GIQZslNFYTuJs?usp=sharing
Essential Behaviors
Community Events & Opportunities
Field Day Shirts for Sale
5th Grade Field Trip Fundraiser
Little Dreamers Preschool Storytime
(for ages 0 to 4 and a caregiver)
We value your feedback!
West End Families, We value your input and feedback and consider it as we make decisions here at West End. Please feel free to give us your feedback on anything related to our school in the form below. You are also welcome to submit questions here. Please give us 24-48 hours to respond to all questions. Thank you for your time and ideas! We appreciate you and you are an important part of the DOLPHIN POD!