ELC Family News
December 2024
Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 5
- Board of Education Meeting @ 7:00 PM
- No School for PreK - Family Fun Day Event AM
- Last Day of Student Attendance
- Winter Break
- Classes Resume
- No School for PreK
Dear Preschool Families,
Thank you so much for joining parent-teacher conferences in November. We value the opportunity to discuss students' growth and next steps in their learning. Your partnership is a key part of student success. We also enjoyed our spirit week and were excited to see so much family participation from sending back your leaves to the "grateful trot"!
On Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 preschool students will not have school. However, we will be hosting a Winter Pajama Party event from 9:00-10:15 AM at the Early Learning Center. Wear your coziest winter pajamas! Families will also have the opportunity to participate in an author visit with Courtney Bednyak (visit her website here), winter song fun, and making glitter "snow" slime. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP here by Friday, December 7th.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support!
Barb Golik
Notes from the Nurse
December is here, bringing along the festive chill of winter and an active cold and flu season!
Here are a few tips to keep everyone healthy:
Practice good hygiene and healthy habits:
Wash hands frequently
Remind your child to cough and sneeze into their elbow
Offer a balanced diet and encourage plenty of sleep and exercise
If your child is sick, keep them home. Your child must be kept home from school if they have the following symptoms:
Temperature >100.3°F. Your child must be fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of medication, before returning to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea. Your child must be free from vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours, before returning to school.
New onset rash
Eye redness with drainage
Sometimes despite our best efforts, our children can still catch a cold. Children can get six to ten colds every year! Here are some feel-better tips when they are sick:
Encourage fluids and run a humidifier to help soothe coughs and sore throats while loosening mucus and congestion.
Blow your nose frequently. Here’s a helpful video to teach your child how to blow their nose.
Encourage rest while their immune system is working hard to fight the illness.
Together, let’s keep our preschoolers safe and healthy. Wishing you a warm and wonderful winter season!
Weather Reminders
As the temperatures become colder each day, we want to remind families to please send students to school dressed appropriately for the weather. Please have them wear a coat, mittens, hats, and boots.
- Our students go outside between 25° F and 90°F and spend 20-25 minutes outdoors on most days.
- If your child is in need of winter clothing (coats, mittens, hats, boots, etc) please contact the Early Learning Center office at 847-827-4165 or firststeps@emsd63.org.
Winter Closings: What You Need to Know
Take a minute to review D63's Winter Weather Closing Information. A few key points:
If buildings close, students shift to remote learning.
Decisions to close schools are made jointly with other local school districts.
If buildings are going to close, expect an email, text, and phone call. Information will also be posted on our website and social media.
We Care Campaign
Each year, D63 gives back through our We Care Campaign. We will be collecting donations of food and personal hygiene items that will support our FRC Marketplace, D63’s community closet and food pantry. Donations can be dropped off at your school, District office, or the FRC.
Looking for Great Teacher Assistants
If you're 19 or older, a Teacher Assistant position might be a great fit! We're currently seeking two Teacher Assistants - one for Washington and one for Melzer. TA positions include a regular schedule, paid time off, competitive benefits (including health insurance), and pension participation.
Candidates must have an associate's degree or higher or 60 college semester hours or a high school diploma/GED and successfully complete the ETS ParaPro or ACT WorkKeys tests. Learn more and apply.
If your child has to miss school due to illness or any other reason, please submit via the Parent Portal.
How to use the Parent Portal to report your child’s absence:
- All absences must be submitted on the morning of the day your child will miss school - NOT the night before. Once you log into the Portal, you’ll choose your child’s name and navigate to a list of online forms. Select and complete the “Absence Form,” and then submit.
- You can find detailed, step-by-step instructions at any time on our District 63 website.
- Questions? Contact the Early Learning Center main office at 847-827-4165
Email: firststeps@emsd63.org
Location: 10000 Dee Road, Des Plaines, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 827-4165