St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 13.12.24
This week...
It's hard to know where to begin when thinking about the highlights across school this week - we've been very busy! Our KS2 Carols in Church were absolutely fantastic last night (head to our social media pages to see videos!) and rehearsals are well underway for our EYFS/KS1 Nativity next week. Today, we're all demonstrating our virtue of generosity, as we wear Christmas jumpers, in support of Martin House Children's Hospice!
Please remember that we have no Celebration Assembly next Friday, as this is replaced by Carols Around The Tree at 1:30pm. Please join us in festive song (refreshments will be available) - all are welcome. School will then close at 2pm, with a return of Monday 6th January.
Thank you, as always, for supporting us to
Live, love and learn with the Lord.
Mrs Ronicle
Feel free to follow our social media accounts. Our Twitter has the most photos/videos, but we also have a more limited Facebook account too, designed for those who don't use Twitter!
Our virtue this week is: Generosity
In school, we have discussed how we can be generous in lots of different ways. One of the ways we can show generosity is through giving our time to others. This week, I was impressed by our two Headteacher Award winners, who gave up their lunchtimes to tidy our PE storage shed! Well done, Lily and Toby!
KS2 Carols in Church
Our super KS2 children blew us away with a really beautiful celebration of Advent, through readings and singing on Thursday eve. Their reverence and courage was very impressive.
We are in the process of building our new website, and we'd really love to get some quotes from our families about why you choose St Joseph's for your children, and what makes our school such a special place!
Please email any quotes (they don't need to be lengthy at all!) to our school office:
Book Bingo!
Next week, we'll be sending home a 'Book Bingo' card for each child. Try to complete as many of the reading activities on the card over the Christmas holidays!
TTRS Tournament!
This is the final weekend for us to take part in the BWCAT Times Table Rock Stars Tournament!
PLEASE encourage your child to log in and practise at home - every game counts towards our score and we want to do St Joseph's proud!
Attendance Update
Whole School Attendance this week: 93.35%
This week, our attendance is below National Average. We know it's nearly Christmas, and there are lots of little bugs going around, but please do try to get your children into school if at all possible - we know the huge benefit that good attendance has on children's wellbeing and attainment!
This week, we have been learning...
St Francis Class (Nursery / Reception)
We have been busy practising for our Nativity performance next week and now know the songs and story very well! Please do come along to support us and enjoy this very festive and heartwarming event. We have also been enjoying our current book, The Jolly Christmas Postman and are getting very confident in our maths - finding our number bonds to 5!
St Bernadette Class (Year 1/2)
In our Maths learning, we have been exploring shapes this week! We began by identifying 2D and 3D shapes and their features, then moved onto creating our own 3D shapes, using mathematical nets! We even managed to incorporate shape into our computing session, by creating digital shape art!
St Patrick Class (Year 3/4)
This week, we finished our stop motion animations in Computing. It was a long process of taking lots of photos and moulding backgrounds and characters out of Lego, playdough and our drawings!
St Therese Class (Year 5/6)
We have been creating our final clay Shang-Dynasty inspired animals. We used ''taotie' which are large features and geometric patterns. We are very proud of our creations!
Stars of the Week!
St Francis (Nursery/Reception): Ava
St Bernadette (Y1/2): Daisy
St Patrick (Y3/4): Darcie
St Therese (Y5/6): Arabella and Toby
Headteacher's Award Winner (for demonstrating our virtue of generosity): Toby and Lily
Reading Raffle Winners: Della, Frankie H, Favour, Jessica, Tilly
Team Point Winners: St Luke
Upcoming Dates
Preschool and KS1 Nativity (in school): Tuesday 17th December, 4pm
Christmas Dinner Day: Wednesday 18th December
Carols Around the Christmas Tree: Friday 20th December, 1:30-2pm
School closes for Christmas: Friday 20th December, 2pm
School reopens to children: Monday 6th January
Friends of St Joseph's
As ever, any help and support is appreciated so please do get in touch with us!
Our email address is:
Please find and follow us on Facebook
Shout Outs!
How to get in touch
If you have a query or concern, please feel free to speak to me (Mrs Ronicle) at the gates in the morning; your child's class teacher at the end of the day; or our school admin team at the front entrance or via phone/email.
If this is not possible, feel free to phone or email the office who can forward any messages to staff.
Location: Station Road, Tadcaster, UK
Phone: 01937 832344
Twitter: @StJosephsTad
We are a proud member school of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust: