Gaston Elementary Newsletter
May 31, 2024
A Note from our Principal ~
Dear Gaston Elementary Families,
I wanted to let the community know that I will not be returning to Gaston Elementary next school year. I have accepted the position of principal at Harvey Clarke Elementary School in the Forest Grove School District to be closer to home and to continue my growth as an educational leader. I am deeply grateful for my past eight years at Gaston School District and the opportunities and experiences that have shaped my career here. I am committed to ensuring a smooth and seamless transition to the new principal. I look forward to hearing about the continued success of the district and its schools.
Warm regards,
Laura Christensen
Gaston Elementary Principal
Upcoming Events
June 10 - PTO Meeting in Library 6pm
June 11 - Field Day, details to come
Dress Code Reminder
As the weather turns warmer each year, it's important to refresh ourselves on the dress code laid out in our student/parent handbook. Here are some important things to remember:
- No bare feet. We still have PE so please wear (or bring) appropriate shoes.
- No bare midriffs or bare back clothing
- No tank tops with straps less than 2 inches
- No shoes with cleats or wheels
- Shorts should have an inseam of 3-4 inches (roughly fingertip length)
Third Grade Soaks Up Some Sunshine!
Volunteering at GES ~ Has Your Badge Expired?
As the school year winds down, lots of fun field trips are happening at Gaston Elementary! If you have been asked to chaperone, or plan to volunteer, please make sure that you have a background check and your volunteer badge has not expired. Paperwork is available in the office, or online, to apply. Thanks!
Sixth Grade Science Projects
Here are our 6th graders testing the affects of environmental temperature on evaporation rate.
PTO Meeting ~ June 10, 6pm
A Note from our Gaston Parent Teacher Organization:
We're all about raising money to pour back into our school!!
Join us as we plan upcoming events
and make decisions
on investments in our kids' education.
Your input is valued!
Kinder's Fun Field Trip to the Gilbert House!
We're Here to Help!
K-6 School hours Monday ~ Friday are 8am - 3pm
with the exception of Wednesday when we release at 2pm.
PreK hours are AM 8-11 and PM 12-3.
Wednesday AM 8-10:15 and PM 11:45-2
Phone: 503-985-7240
Here are some exciting
happening close by!
Check them out!