point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Popcorn Lover’s Day is celebrated on the 2nd Thursday in March, is a dream come true for all popcorn fans. (Salted, buttered, caramel, & even kettle corn). Popcorn was discovered over 4000 years ago. When colonized, popcorn was known as ‘parching corn,’ ‘rice corn,’ & ‘popped corn.’ The 1700s: Colonial women made the first breakfast cereal by pouring milk & sugar over popped corn. The 1880s: The mobile popcorn cart is invented. Popcorn became a mainstay at fairs, parks, & streets as a result of the innovation. Cracker Jack began selling popcorn in 1896, & it quickly became a staple at all baseball games. 1970s: The Orville brand of popcorn is launched. 1971: The first microwavable popcorn is launched & by the early 1980s, numerous companies were making microwave popcorn.
week of March 9th
Sunday - Daylight Savings - Spring forward
Tuesday, noon - Thrive Housing Task Force; 4pm - Municipal Court
Thursday, 9:30am - Thrive Steering Team
Friday, 7:30am - City Council Worksession
a little more about this week's agendas
City Council agenda items under development includes annual presentation from Downtown Excelsior Partnership; declare vacancies on Board of Zoning Adjustment and Community Center Board; resolutions to apply for funds for Missouri State Transportation Assistance Program; annual streetscape maintenance program; accept Morocco Estates streets for maintenance; purchase of trucks for public works; designate tourism/arts district; February financials for review.
making a difference
Celebrating work anniversaries this week -
- Sharon Sampsel, Park Laborer - 13 years; Nathan Box, Fire Captain - 7 years;
- Brendan Blackburn, Fitness Attendant -4 yrs; Becky Meirath, Senior Center Assistant - 3 yrs;
- Evan Kellis & Cody Horky, Firefighter/EMT - 2 years; Alexandra Kinstler, Emma Schetseleaar, Emily Seymour, Katelynn Tiffany, Lifeguards - 1 year.
Procedures for the Appointment of Board & Commission Members:
- appointments shall be best qualifed & selected with reference to fitness for such appointment
- Fitness is determined by qualifications established by state statute &/or City ordinance; plus knowledge of city/civic activities & the subject matter normally considered by such board
- May consider geographic area of the city where applicant resides
Declaration & announcement of Vacancy
- Upon vacancy, City Manager shall schedule matter for council review & action
- Council declares vacancy & City Manager shall solicit applications (found on website)
- City Manager shall forward active applications to council
- Mayor nominates an applicant from among the applications & may interview or appoint a committee to select & nominate from among those interviewed, or the Mayor may solicit further applications
- Nominations from the Mayor shall be followed by a roll call vote for each nominee;
- council may confirm or deny the Mayor nomination or council may table for action at a later date & solicit further applications
Most board appointments expire on September 30th
- By August 30, City Manager shall forward the applications on file for each board
- Council may then either appoint or declare the office to be vacant
creating the town you don't want to leave
- New Cardiac Monitors are in service this week
- The spa at the Community Center is expected to be re-opened this week or next. The repairs have been started. The damage was caused by a water hammer surge, busting the sand filter fiberglass, which explains why it wouldn't hold water.
- Dryfork Greenway progress will next grind all of the tree & brush. The roadway is now closed to through traffic, so work can start on the low water bridge & roadway
- Chamber Member Shoutout - featuring Kim Halfhill, KH Consulting. Kim is our Thrive Community Coach, providing direction for work done by Thrive volunteers. Kim developed the curriculum for the Citizen's Leadership Academy, nurturing future leaders within our community. Thank you, Kim for your dedication to make ES a better place to live.
choose your attitude!
I have traveled all over the world - Mexico, Austrailia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Okinawa, & even Antarctica - & lived all over the country - California, Colorado, S. Carolina, Connecticut, Virginia, & finally, Missouri - & ES is the place out of all that that I have chosen to call home.... and walk all over town at all times of night & day & never feel unsafe. Read it on FB