Mustang's Message
May 19, 2024
Breaking News
This Thursday, May 23rd, is our Leadership Day & Open House! This is an amazing event where our students get to shine and share all that they have learned and accomplished this year. A big highlight will be our Leadership Day that will begin in the MPR promptly at 5:00pm with presentations and performances. This will be followed by our open house where you will have the opportunity to visit all classrooms.
- PTA Meeting will begin at 4:45pm prior to Leadership Day in the MPR. We need your vote! When you elect next yearās PTA at Open House, they can get started on next yearās events, programs, spirit wear and more! <<Click here for 2024-2025 MMPTA Executive Board Nominations>> Additional board positions are still available ā email MissionMeadowsPTA@gmail.com for more details.
- Leadership Day Performances & Activities 5:00-6:00pm
- Open House 6:00-7:00p
Other Important News
- Yearbook Sales are Happening Now thru Monday, May 20th! Capture the memories now and avoid waiting in line in-person. Pre-orders for yearbooks are available now HERE! Pre-sale yearbooks are $20. Yearbooks sold in-person (while supplies last) at school will be $25.
- 5th Grade Spring Fling, Friday May 31 - This is a chance to celebrate all of our 5th grade students who will be moving on to middle school. Come help send them off in style and wish them well. VOLUNTEER SIGN UP!
- Summer Art Opportunities - The district will be hosting Elementary Arts Summer programs. There are two programs being offered this year. First there is a Beginning Band Jamboree, and second is a Visual Arts program. Both programs are offered June 24-28, 2024 only at Monte Vista Elementary. Check out these links for more information and how to register your child.
Important Dates to Remember
Monday, May 27 No School ā Memorial Day
May 31 - 5th Grade Spring Fling
May 31 - Buy One/Get One (BOGO) Book Fair
May 31 - 1st & 3rd Grade End of Year Award's Assembly
May 31 - TK End of Year Celebration
June 3 - 2nd & 4th Grade End of Year Award's Assembly
June 4 - 5th Grade Promotion
June 5 - Last day of school
Field Day, Friday, May 24th
Field Day is an annual event where every student and all classrooms get to participate in some fun games and events. This is always a memorable day for our students, but we could always use some parent volunteers to help run the events throughout the day. If you would like to help please sign up.VOLUNTEER SIGN UP! ~ Volunteers will run activities during the school day. Here is the grade level schedule.
Field Day Schedule
8:15 - 9:15 Kinder & 1st grade
9:30 - 10:30 3rd grade & TK
10:35 - 11:35 4th/5th/Livingston
12:30 - 1:30 2nd grade/Clark/Meneses
5th Grade Promotion
Mark your calendars 5th grade families! The promotion ceremony will be held on Tuesday, June 4th at 8:30 a.m. More information to come in very near future.
End of the Year Grade Level Assemblies
At the end of the school year each grade level holds their own assembly where many of our students are celebrated for their accomplishments this year. Please check this schedule.
- Friday, May 31 1st Grade EOY 8:15 and 3rd Grade EOY 9:15 Assemblies
- TK EOY Celebration 12:30pm
- Monday, June 3 2nd Grade EOY 8:15 and 4th Grade EOY 9:15 Assemblies
- Tuesday, June 4 5th Grade Promotion
- Wednesday, June 5 SDC EOY Assembly
- Kindergarten EOY Brunch
Additional Bus Stops Returning to Mission Meadows 2024-25
We are excited to announce that the district's transportation department anticipates being able to reinstate some paused bus routes for the 2024-25 school year. Our district's long standing tradition of providing general education transportation to qualifying schools and students is a commitment to providing an equitable access to education to all students. Be on the lookout for a letter from the transportation department to qualifying students in the coming weeks. It is important that you return it promptly upon receiving this notice letting them know whether or not you will be taking advantage of this bus transportation. Thank you for your patience as the district worked diligently in solving the staffing shortage. We look forward to providing bus transportation to students again to help families in the 2024-25 school year. Here are the proposed bus stops that will be reinstated.
Thank You for attending the Mustang's Family Dance
Last Friday was a wonderful night as many families joined us for our Mustang's Family Dance. We have to give a huge shout out to all the parents who helped volunteer to set up, decorate, and clean up after this event. We also must give a GIGANTICE THANK YOU to Ms. V who help run the line dancing and got our bodies moving.
Campus Clinic is now Healthy Campus
In addition to providing a quality educational experience to its students, Vista Unified also supports their mental health and wellbeing. Healthy Campus, formerly Campus Clinic, is ready to provide counseling services to any VUSD student and services can even continue through the summer! Sign up is as easy as using the QR code on the attached flier.
Help Mission Meadows by getting the Box Top App
Probably the easiest way that you can help Mission Meadows is to simply get the Box Top App on your phone, and then just scan your receipt each time you visit the grocery store. No longer do you need to cut out box tops, and it is surprising how much money our school can raise with this App. Signing up is quick and easy, and you can share it with your family members no matter where they live.
The Strawberry Festival
Vista Unified School District (VUSD) is attending the Strawberry Festival again this year on May 26th from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Get ready for some exciting, hands-on STEM activities that will spark your interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Looking to chart your future career path? We'll have info on the amazing career pathways offered at our middle and high schools. Plus, learn how to obtain a permit to ārideā to school with our bike safety program! Come visit our booth located on the corner of Main Street and South Indiana Ave. Meet VUSD educators, engage in interactive activities, and discover the exciting world of learning that awaits!
TK & Kindergarten Registration Is Happening Now
Do you have a child, or do you know of a child who will who will be beginning school next year? Parents may register now for their Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students.
The parents or guardian of a child must present legal proof of age before the child may be admitted. Such proof of age may be presented in the form of a birth certificate, a baptismal certificate, passport or an affidavit of the parent or custodian of the minor.
Legal age requirements for entrance:
Transitional Kindergarten: The child must turn 5 between September 2, 2024 - June 2, 2025.
Kindergarten: The child must turn 5 by September 1, 2024. A child may also enter kindergarten when they turn 5 years old.
First Grade: The child must turn 6 by September 1, 2024.
Parents, check out this Kindergarten Readiness Checklist to help you know what all TK students will be learning, or what all Kindergarten students should know before entering school.
If you have any other questions, please stop or call the school's office.
AM/PM Summer School Program
The Vista Unified School District is excited to offer a safe, quality and enriching summer program. Our Walking on Sunshine Summer programs are open to all eligible district students and will be offered at the following locations: Alamosa, Breeze Hill, Maryland, Monte Vista for our K-5th grade. Students should attend the site that is closest to their home school. Transportation will be provided as needed; pick up locations will be at home school sites. Please click on the link or QR code to register your child by Friday, May 3rd.
AM/PM Afterschool Program now accepting applications for 2024-25
If you have a child that will be attending Mission Meadows Elementary next year and you would like them to participate in the before and afterschool program due to work schedules, applications are now being accepted. Please apply as soon as possible, as they are already hiring for staff. Additional information may be found on the Vista USD website.
Boys & Girls Club of Vista Summer Camp
Message from our School Counselor, Mr. Rivera
As you know, we remain deeply committed to supporting the mental wellness of our students. Our district has established a partnership with Campus Clinic to provide mental wellness services to students across our district. Campus Clinic offers comprehensive mental health services to students, and their family regardless of their insurance status.
Here are some key details about the services provided by Campus Clinic:
One-on-One Sessions: Students can receive personalized support through one-on-one sessions with a licensed medical professional. These sessions can take place either in person or via telehealth, providing flexibility and convenience for students and their families.
On-Site Sessions: Sessions can take place while the student remains at school, making it easier for them to access support without disrupting their academic schedule.
Registration Process: Families interested in accessing Campus Clinic services can begin the registration process by scanning the QR code on the attached flier or by calling 855-286-2577. Our goal is to make the registration process as seamless as possible for families, so please encourage any interested families to reach out for support.
This partnership represents an important step forward in our ongoing efforts to prioritize student mental wellness.
If you have any questions or would like more information about Campus Clinic services, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you in any way I can as we continue to prioritize the well-being of our students.
Jesus Rivera
School Counselor
Mission Meadows Elementary School
SUN Bucks - Summer EBT for Qualifying Families
SUN Bucks is a new program to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer months. Families will get $120 for each eligible child to buy groceries during the summer. School Liaisons are available to assist families with questions or to complete the necessary paperwork. We encourage qualifying families to take advantage of this amazing resource. English Flyer, Spanish Flyer
Mission Meadows Attendance Goal
I hope that all of you are aware of the attendance goal this year of 95% overall attendance by each one of our Mustangs. I have good news, our attendance rate is improving! We are now at 94.3% overall for the school year, and last week we had 96% attendance as a school. This is fantastic! As I have expressed before, attendance is so important to the academic success of your child. When they miss days, they are missing critical instruction that is built upon what was learned the previous day. Please make sure your child is in school, on time, everyday, unless they are sick with a fever, diarrhea, or have thrown up in the last 24 hours. Remember, that if we meet our attendance goal then our students will get to duct tape Mr. Peel to a wall and throw pies in his face.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu for Spring 23-24
Why Children Need to Read Every Night
At Mission Meadows we love to have our students read! We utilize the Accelerated Reading Program and highly encourage all of our students to read, or be read to 15-30 minutes (depending on their age) regularly. Reading every night offers numerous benefits for children's cognitive, emotional, and social development. Here are several reasons why it's recommended for children to read regularly:
Cognitive Development: Reading helps develop a child's cognitive abilities, including language skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. Exposure to a variety of words and ideas through reading enhances their cognitive capabilities.
Academic Success: Regular reading is linked to improved academic performance. Children who read frequently tend to perform better in subjects like language arts, mathematics, and other disciplines.
Imagination and Creativity: Reading fiction stimulates a child's imagination and creativity. It allows them to explore different worlds, characters, and scenarios, fostering creativity and a love for storytelling.
Communication Skills: Reading helps children develop effective communication skills by exposing them to a rich and varied vocabulary. This, in turn, can improve their ability to express themselves verbally and in writing.
Cultural Awareness: Reading exposes children to diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences, promoting cultural awareness and understanding. It helps them appreciate and respect differences in people and societies.
Empathy: Reading about characters facing various challenges and situations allows children to empathize with others. This emotional connection fosters empathy and understanding, contributing to their social and emotional development.
Attention Span and Concentration: Regular reading helps improve a child's attention span and concentration. As they engage with a book, they learn to focus on the storyline, characters, and details, which can benefit them in other areas of life.
Stress Reduction: Reading before bedtime can be a relaxing routine that helps children unwind and reduces stress. It can contribute to better sleep quality, which is crucial for overall health and well-being.
Critical Thinking Skills: Reading encourages children to think critically about the content, ask questions, and make connections. This helps in the development of analytical and problem-solving skills.
Parent-Child Bonding: Reading together provides an excellent opportunity for bonding between parents and children. It creates a positive and nurturing environment, fostering a love for learning.
In summary, reading every night plays a crucial role in a child's holistic development, promoting cognitive, emotional, and social skills that are essential for success in various aspects of life.
Mission Meadows PTA News
Check out the PTA Spring 2024 flier attached! If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out: MissionMeadowsPTA@gmail.com.
School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is now Available
Every school year we update and share the latest School Accountability Report Card with our families. You will find a link to the SARC here as well as on our Mission Meadow's website. A hard copy will also be made available upon request at our front office.
New Mission Meadows Family Handbook
We are also excited to share with you our new Mission Meadows Student & Family Handbook. When you have some time, please check it out to get more information regarding important information and procedures here at Mission Meadows.
Mission Meadows Elementary School
Location: 5657 Spur Avenue, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760)630-7884