Board Briefs
March 21, 2024
Board Briefs are published to keep staff and citizens informed about actions of the Judson Independent School District Board of Trustees during the regular board meeting. The agenda was appropriately posted along with supporting documents. These can be viewed in Boardbook.
Pledge Leader and Presentation of Colors
The March Pledge Leader was Miguel Ponce. Miguel is a student from Spring Meadows Elementary. He is an Honor Student and participate in UIL. He is also a member of the Safety Patrol Team. Miguel is very outgoing and has perfect attendance for the whole year!
The Judson High School Army JROTC, directed by Master Sergeant (Ret) Richard Pope, led the presentation of colors . The Color Guard was commanded by: Cadet Senior Master Sergeant Bryan Salgado, Cadet Colonel Sebastian Bernal, Cadet 1st Lieutenant Erick Valdivia Kahler, Cadet Captain Jace Jenkins.
Recognitions 🥇
Students and staff are recognized each month for their accomplishments in academic and extracurricular endeavors at the regional and state level. The Judson ISD Community Connections Award.
- Judson ISD Communications Team- Texas School Public Relations Association Awards
- VMHS Academic Decathlon
- JHS Unified Basketball Team State Champions
- VMHS Men's Basketball Team State Semi-finalists
- JHS, WHS, VMHS State Qualifier Wrestlers
- JHS Women's Wrestling State Champion
- VMHS Powerlifting State Qualifier
- Mr. Matthew Marshall, Deli Skate Supply- Community Connections
View the entire photo album HERE.
JISD Community Connections
VMHS Academic Decahlon
JHS Unified Basketball Team
Superintendent Report
The following items were discussed as part of the Superintendent Report:
- Bond & Construction Update
- Update on plan and timeline for playground renovations for Bond 2022 (item submitted by Trustee Ryan)
- Update on status of vape detection equipment (item submitted by Trustee Ryan)
- Masters Facilities Plan (item submitted by Trustee Faulkner)
Consent Items
The following items were pulled for discussion. All other Consent agenda items were approved unanimously.
- C. Consider and take action regarding approving the attached amendments to the budget for the 2024 fiscal year (Stanford)- clarifications of instruction function; requested to provide more details on what type of general categories of items are purchased in Function 11; motion passed unanimously
- D. Consider and take action regarding approving expenditures equal to or greater than $50,000 (Ryan); discussion on CTE spend plan and items being purchased; motion passed 4-2
- G. Consider and take action regarding approving the selection for design and engineering services for Franz Leadership Academy - Pavement Replacement Project (Ryan)- discussion regarding the RFQ process and what was previously approved; motion passed 5-1
- H. Consider and take action regarding approving of the selection for design and engineering services for Judson Middle School - Pavement Replacement Project (Ryan)- motion passed 5-1
- I. Consider and take action regarding approving the selection of a civil engineering firm to provide survey services for Converse Elementary School - Site and Civil Upgrades Project (Ryan)- motion passed 5-1
- J. Consider and take action regarding approving the Proclamation Declaring April 1-5, 2024 as JISD Assistant Principals Week- read by Jose Macias
- K. Consider and take action regarding approving a proclamation to declare April 2024 as National Library Month- read by Suzanne Kenoyer
- L. Consider and take action regarding approving the Proclamation Month of the Military Child for April 2024- read by Monica Ryan
- O. Consider and take action regarding approving the Staffing Report (Stanford); discussion regarding recruitment efforts for Special Education vacancies; motion passed unanimously
Discussion and Consideration of Action Items
Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the engineering firm for services related to the Materials Testing Phase of the construction at Elementary School #21- motion passed unanimously
Discussion and possible action regarding approval of the selection for asbestos survey services related to the Districtwide - Gym Air Conditioning (14x Elementary and 3x Middle School Campuses) Project- motion passed unanimously
Discussion and possible action regarding approval of an amendment to the Compensation Plan for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year- motion passed 5-1
1. Addition of Administrator Intern for 207 Days- this position is limited to high school, elementary and middle school Admin Intern calendar days are at 197
2. Increasing Summer School Bus Drivers from $22 to $25 per hour- this is requested to attract more bus drivers for summer school programming
Discussion and possible action regarding the naming of Middle School #6- Over 500 recommendations were submitted through a survey that was available to the public; Per Board Policy CW (LOCAL), the Board may name a District school or facility by the
following parameters: 1. To reflect the name of the residential community or the communities that
the facility serves. 2. After a local geographic area or feature, or after local municipalities. 3. To
honor an outstanding individual who has attained educational prominence in the District; a motion to name the school Cibolo Creek Middle School- motion passed unanimously
Discussion and possible action regarding approving the purchase of (9) yellow 77-passenger busses- motion passed unanimously
Discussion Items
Below are topics highlighted during the Discussion Items section.
- Judson Education Foundation- State of the Foundation information presented by Lexie Greathouse
- Teacher Retention Strategies- Non-monetary ideas to increase teacher retention were presented by Dr. Taguinod
Closed Session Decisions
Consider and take possible action(s) regarding the Personnel Report and Updates Including New Hires, Resignations and Administrative Appointments- motion, as discussed in closed session, passed unanimously