Professional Learning Opportunities
The Office of Teaching & Learning: Summer Menu 2024
Summer is on its way!
As summer approaches, you may be thinking about professional learning opportunities that you can complete outside of the busier school year. Please see the below professional learning opportunities open to both new and veteran educators. These offerings help educators in their first five years to fulfill PDP requirements and support veteran educators in meeting requirements for re-licensure and advancing on the pay-scale. Courses are available in a variety of formats; live, asynchronous and blended.
As a district, we continue to emphasize our five focus areas:
- ARL: Anti Racism Learning
- UDL: Universal Design for Learning
- CRI: Culturally Responsive Instruction
- SEL: Social Emotional Learning
- ITDL: Instructional Technology and Digital Literacy
Frequently Asked Questions
Courses in this menu are free to NPS educators unless otherwise noted. In some cases, graduate credits can be earned for an extra out of pocket fee. Please see the Human Resource website to learn about possible course reimbursement.
How do I sign up for courses?
Please see the course descriptions below to learn about enrollment and access. You can enroll in some courses through Vector PD Tracker, while others have links to alternate enrollment procedures.
I am new to NPS. Do I have course requirements to fulfill?
New educators can find more information on NPS course requirements for educators in their first five years here. Please direct questions about course requirements to Alison Tarbell in the Office of Teaching and Learning, tarbella@newton.k12.ma.us.
How do I enroll in PD events on Vector PD Tracker?
Directions for course enrollment can be found here. Please fill out a TASC ticket if you are having trouble logging into Vector PD Tracker.
Culturally Responsive Instruction
Culture is central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving information, but also in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals. Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to, and celebrates fundamental cultures and offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures. Culturally Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that recognizes the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of learning.
CRI: WIDA Professional Development
Dates: Self-paced Modules January 1 - August 31 2024
Facilitator: Lauren Harrison
Audience: All PreK-12 staff
Format: 1-15+ hours asynchronous work through WIDA eLearning
Description: NPS is committed to supporting all learners through CRI and UDL. Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) is part of CRI and UDL. WIDA Professional Learning opportunities will further build capacity of all staff for engaging English learners in grade-level content as well as other learning and experiences throughout the day. Participants may complete coursework through WIDA eLearning. Find the WIDA eLearning flier with course list here and listed below: https://www.doe.mass.edu/ele/prof-learning/wida/selfpaced-workshops.pdf
Choose any or all among these modules:
Developing Language for Learning in Mathematics
Engaging Multilingual Learners in Science: Making Sense of Phenomena
Exploring the WIDA PreK-3 Essential Actions (Added 2023)
Home Languages in the Classroom
Making Languages Visible in the Classroom
Newcomers: Promoting Success through Strengthening Practice (Added 2023)
Reframing Education for Long-term English Learners
Social Studies: Engaging Multilingual Learners through Inquiry
WIDA ELD Standards Framework: A Collaborative Approach
Time Commitment: 1–40 hours from 1/1/2024 to 8/31/2024, depending on selected modules.
Outcomes: Course participants will learn about, apply, and reflect on the use of SEI strategies and mindsets through WIDA eLearning.
Credit: 1 PDP - 15 PDPs towards SEI recertification. Please note: This is NOT an SEI endorsement course.
Credits will be awarded through Vector PD Tracker once the course is completed. Directions for uploading proof of course completion will be available on Vector PD Tracker once you sign up.
Enrollment and access:
- Enroll through Vector PD Tracker. Search this course name: “CRI/SEI/ELL WIDA Professional Development”
- Requests for WIDA eLearning accounts can be made here.
- Reach out to Lauren Harrison for any help getting started on this self-paced coursework.
CRI: ELLevation Strategies
Dates: Self-paced Modules January 1 through August 31, 2024
Facilitator: Lauren Harrison
Audience: All PreK-12 staff
Format: 15 hours of asynchronous work on ELLevation
Description: NPS is committed to supporting all learners through CRI and UDL. Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) is part of CRI and UDL. This course will further build staff capacity of all staff for engaging English learners in grade-level content as well as other learning and experiences throughout the day. Course participants complete self-paced modules (or pathways) in ELLevation (3 parts: Learn, Teach, Reflect) which includes viewing videos, completing readings, and analyzing student data. Participants will make plans for integrating these strategies or activities based on analysis of student data, and then reflect on the use of these activities. Please see the syllabus in Vector for more information about earning PDPs.
- Course participants will learn about, apply, and reflect on the use of SEI strategies through ELLevation.
- Course participants may dive deeper (e.g. lesson plan, student artifacts, summary, into the application of course content of each ELLevation unit.
- 1 PDP-15 PDPs towards SEI recertification. Optional: 1 ISC (in-service credit).
- Please note: This is NOT an SEI endorsement course.
- Credits will be awarded through Vector PD Tracker once the course is completed. Directions for uploading proof of course completion will be available on Vector PD Tracker once you sign up.
Enrollment and access:
Enroll through Vector PD Tracker (Formerly TeachPoint). Search for course name: “CRI/SEI/ELL ELLevation Strategies”
If you do not yet have an ELLevation account please request an account here.
Reach out to Lauren Harrison for any help getting started on this self-paced coursework.
CRI/UDL: Equity by design
See the description of the course in the UDL section of this document as it fulfills both UDL and CRI requirements.
Universal Design for Learning
UDL is a way of thinking about teaching and learning that helps give all students an equal opportunity to succeed. This approach offers flexibility in the ways students access material, engage with it, and show what they know. Developing lesson plans this way helps all kids, but it may be especially helpful for kids with learning and thinking differences.
UDL/CRI: Equity by design
Dates: Sign up June 1 - August 31 2024 and complete within a year of signing up.
Facilitators: Novak Education
Audience: All educators
Format: Online, Asynchronous and self-paced
Description: There are many educators who learn about the framework of UDL and think of it as a blueprint for lesson design. In reality, UDL is so much more than how to design a lesson. Rather, it is about recognizing that every single learner has amazing assets that will allow them to learn at high levels when provided with grade-level instruction that is accessible, engaging, linguistically appropriate, culturally sustaining, and anti-racist. Many students face barriers that prevent them from learning at high levels, but with proactive design, we can minimize and eliminate many of those barriers. When we provide students and their families with opportunities to share their voices and make choices about their learning, we can create new and better systems. We know that educators are trying to eliminate opportunity gaps and elevate and celebrate the brilliance of young scholars. But, the reality is that many learners do not have access to opportunities that allow them to become motivated, purposeful, resourceful, and strategic.
Understand what it means to be an expert educator by incorporating social justice practices, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and trauma-informed practices into universal design.
Learn how to universally design instruction that honors the experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse students while resulting in the desired academic impact
Design improvement targets and data sets using UDL best practices to improve your teaching in quantifiable ways
45 PDPs. Students can opt to earn 3 graduate credits through Gordon College for an out of pocket fee of $200. The graduate credit option can be added at any time through the link provided in module 1 of the course.
- This course fulfills the 15 PDP Special Education requirement for DESE re-licensure.
- This course also fulfills both the 15 PDPs of CRT and 15 PDPs of UDL requirements for Educators in their first 5 years.
- Once the course is completed, use the following instructions to record your Out of District Credits on Vector PD Tracker.
How to Get Started With Your Course:
- Click here:https://novakeducation.thinkific.com/enroll/1577045?th__ug=fda8914f&th__c=newtonequity
- If you have an account, log in. If you do not have an account, create one
- Checkout
- Begin the course whenever you are ready. You have a year from registration to complete it.
Antiracism Learning
Anti-racist work means acknowledging that racist beliefs and structures are pervasive in all aspects of our lives—from education to housing to climate change—and then actively doing work to tear down those beliefs and structures. Those beliefs and structures don’t just exist in primarily white and/or privileged institutions—they thrive there.
- Learning for Justice
ARL: IDEAS 1- Anti-Racist School Practices to Support the Success of All Students
Dates, times, locations and facilitators:
Section A: Saturdays, 8:30am – 3:30pm
June 22nd, June 29th, July 13th & July 27th
Location: 1st and 4th session will meet in person (TBD); 2nd & 3rd session will meet via Zoom
Facilitators: Jennifer Dirga and Seeta Durvasula
Section B: Wednesdays
July 10th & July 24th; 8:00am - 4:30pm; July 17th & July 31st, 8:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Live via Zoom
Facilitators: Edward Byrne & Dr. Paula Martin
Section C: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
July 17th, 9:00am - 3:00pm
July 23rd, July 24th, July 25th, July 30th, July 31st & August 1st, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: 1st session will meet in person at Lexington Public Schools; the rest of the sessions will meet virtually via Zoom
Facilitators Dr. Johnny Cole & JoAnne Kazis
Section D: Tuesdays & Thursdays
July 16th & August 6th, 8:30am – 3:30pm
July 23rd, July 25th, July 30th & August 1st, 4:00pm – 7:30pm
Location: Live via Zoom
Facilitators: Jennifer Dirga & Kerryn Hinds
Audience: All educators in their first 5 years of employment with NPS.
Format: Live via Zoom and sometimes in person sessions depending on the section.
Description: This course is designed to introduce educators to the complex issues raised by race and racism and their impact on student engagement and achievement. This course will provide educators with an understanding of racial identity and the importance of building authentic student-teacher relationships. This course will also help educators increase their skills of cultural proficiency.
30 PDPs. Educators can opt to earn 2 graduate credits from Framingham State for an out of pocket fee. You can submit for reimbursement through Human Resources.
- This course also fulfills the 15 PDPs of ARL requirement for Educators in their first 5 years.
- Once the course is completed, use the following instructions to record your Out of District Credits on Vector PD Tracker.
Enrollment and access:
In early June (to give time to process payment):
Step 1: Sign up on this registration form and choose a P.O. as a payment option.
Step 2: Email Alison Tarbell at tarbella@newton.k12.ma.us to notify her of the section you have enrolled in so she can make sure IDEAS receives their payment before your class begins.
ARL - Other IDEAS Courses/Seminars
Educators can take other IDEAS courses advertised at this Link, however, Newton Public Schools does not pay for courses other than the IDEAS 1 - Anti-racist School Practices, described above. When signing up for other IDEAS courses or seminars, please check the personal payment option, and pay IDEAS directly. As IDEAS members, we do receive the discounted price.
Social Emotional Learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. https://casel.org/
SEL: Responsive Classroom Middle School Core Course
Dates: July 8, 9, 10, and 11, 2024
Times: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Location: Education Center, Room 111
Facilitator: Responsive Schools Presenter
Audience: New and Veteran Middle School Educators
Format: Live and in person at the Education Center
Description: In this interactive and engaging four-day course, you'll learn how to design and implement a middle school experience that's responsive to the developmental strengths and needs of young adolescents- while helping your students to develop the academic and social skills they need to be successful.
Outcomes: You will also have the opportunity to:
- Discover how to create a safe, positive, and inclusive community with the Responsive Classroom approach to discipline
- Practice and plan for holding Responsive Advisory Meetings - a core practice for middle school
- Develop you teacher language to encourage student engagement and help students become more responsible and respectful
- Learn new strategies for effective classroom management
Credits: 28 Hours and 28 PDPs with the option of earning up to 3 Graduate Credits from the UMass Global Campus for an out of pocket fee.
Enrollment and Access: ENROLLMENT DEADLINE, JUNE 20. 30 slots available. Please enroll using this form. You will be contacted with further details as the start date approaches. If you change your mind about participating after enrolling, please email Alison Tarbell, tarbella@newton.k12.ma.us so she can offer the slot to someone else.
SEL: Foundations for Inclusive Practice
Dates: Open Enrollment
Facilitators: DESE Course, Asynchronous and self-paced.
Audience: All educators and administrators; especially those seeking relicensure
Format: Online, asynchronous and self-paced
Description: This is a free DESE course designed to help educators meet the 15 PDP requirement for license renewal in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles. Courses available for Educators and Administrators. A full description of all units can be found here
A video introduction can be watched here: https://vimeo.com/177434160
For Educators:
- SESSION 1: Students with Diverse Needs
- SESSION 2: Frameworks for Inclusive Practice, Part 1
- SESSION 3: Frameworks for Inclusive Practice, Part 2
- SESSION 4: Teaching Students with Diverse Needs
- SESSION 5: Student Feedback, Professional Collaboration, and Family Engagement
For Administrators:
- SESSION 1: Students with Diverse Needs
- SESSION 2: Setting a Vision of Inclusive Practice
- SESSION 3: Frameworks for Inclusive Practice
- SESSION 4: Support for Teachers of Students with Diverse Needs
- SESSION 5: Collaboration, Scheduling, and Family Engagement
Credit for 5 sessions:
15 PDPs for free, One (1) graduate credit is available for an out of pocket fee through a partnership between Worcester State University and Education Development Center (EDC), a non-profit organization. Graduate Credit information (registration and requirements) is available on the homepage of each course by scrolling down past each session description to the Graduate Credit Option section. Please see the Human Resource website for possible credit reimbursement.
This course is an option for MA educators to meet the 15 PDPs license renewal requirement related to training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles.
- Once the course is completed, use the following instructions to record your Out of District Credits on Vector PD Tracker.
Enrollment and access: DESE Registration link - Set up an account to access and complete the course at your own pace.
Instructional Technology and Digital Literacy
Instructional technology and digital literacy concern themselves with the theory and practices of using information and communication technologies for education. They involve the skills of
1. Finding and consuming digital content
2. Creating digital content
3. Communicating/sharing digital content.
Upcoming ITDL Courses
Enrollment and access: The following courses are available for enrollment on Vector PD Tracker.
Check Vector PD Tracker for detailed course descriptions and registration.
ITLD: Elevating Understanding and Engagement with Digital Tools for Secondary Educators
Date: Thursday, July 25th
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Target Audience: Grades 6-12
Credits: 3 PDPs
ITLD: Google Organization - Digital Organization
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Target Audience K-12
Credits: 4 PDPs
ITLD: AI Fundamentals for Elementary Educators
Date: Thursday 8/22/24
Time: 8:30-12:30
Target Audience: K-5
Credit: 4 PDPs
ITLD: ONLINE: AI Fundamentals for Secondary Educators
Date: Asynchronous Modules (via Schoology) to be completed between July 9 and July 30 plus an optional Office Hour.
Module 1: 7/9 - 7/16
Module 2: 7/16 - 7/23
Module 3: 7/23 - 7/30
Office Hour: 7/30 (1 hour)
Time: Asynchronous + Optional Office Hour on 7/30 from 9am-10am
Target Audience: Grades 6-12
Credits: 4 PDPs (5 If attending office hours)
ITLD: Canva 101 for Elementary Educators
Date: 8/21/24
Time: Wednesday 8:30-12:30
Target Audience: K-5
Credits: 4 PDPs
ITLD: Canva 101 for Secondary Educators
Date: 8/14/24
Time: 8:30-12:30
Target Audience: Grades 6-12
Credits: 4 PDPs
ITLD: Canva 102: Grades K-12
Date: 7/9/24
Time: 8:30-12:30
Target Audience K-12
*Pre-requisite Canva 101 or basic knowledge of Canva tools/toolbar (How to begin a project and how to Insert Text, Images.)
Credits: 4 PDPs
ITLD: Cybersecurity Awareness Training - Educator Edition
Date: Through December 2024
Time: Flexible based on your schedule
Location: Asynchronous Online
Target Audience: All
Enrollment and Access: Please complete the Cybersecurity Awareness Training - Education Edition sign-up form to be added to the training modules.Credits: 10 PDPs from the State of Massachusetts Date: July 22-26 or August 12-16 Time: Self-paced/flexible with live Zoom events on a daily basis Location: Online Target Audience: All
ITLD: Parent Square: Summer Virtual Camp
To get a head start on learning the platform, join the Parent Square Summer Virtual Camp. Registration is free!
Credits: Certificate of Completion from Parent Square
Cross Disciplinary Literacy
Key Comprehension Routine
Dates: Monday, August 19th and Tuesday, August 20th, 8:15-3.
Facilitator: Keys to Literacy Staff
Audience: Unit A, Grades 4-8
Format: In person, location TBA
Description: The Key Comprehension Routine teaches students a foundational set of research-based comprehension strategies that support listening and reading comprehension in any subject area. Teachers learn how to teach strategies using existing reading and instructional materials across content areas.
CRITICAL THINKING: for close analytic reading of both narrative and expository text
MAIN IDEA SKILLS: categorizing information and vocabulary, identifying main ideas at the paragraph level, and identifying central ideas in lengthier text
TEXT STRUCTURE KNOWLEDGE: at the sentence, paragraph, and longer text levels
TOP-DOWN TOPIC WEBS: a graphic organizer that represents the major topics and big ideas of any content that is read, said, or done
TWO-COLUMN NOTES: a note taking format that supports active reading and listening
SUMMARIZING: students comprehend and synthesize the main ideas from any content that is read, said, or done
GENERATING QUESTIONS: students create and answer questions along a continuum of thinking using Bloom’s Taxonomy based on content that is read, said, or done
I, WE, YOU INSTRUCTION: strategies are taught explicitly through modeling and think aloud, guided practice is provided, and scaffolds are gradually released as students become independent users of the strategies
COOPERATIVE LEARNING: students learn and practice comprehension strategies by working in cooperative pairs or small groups
Credit: 12 PDPs
Enrollment and access: Please register using this form. You will be contacted with further instructions.