June 2024
"Reading... a vacation for the mind" Dave Barry
This smore highlights enrichment reading resources provided by the EHT school district library media specialists. Everything can be accessed remotely. Please feel free to contact any of us by email to share ideas, concerns and questions. Also a reminder that we have resources listed on our individual websites to enhance your remote learning experience.
Try out Sora!
Sora is an ebook and audio book platform you access through Egg Harbor Township Schools. You can add even more books to the platform using your Atlantic County Library card. Download the app to make reading or listening to a book even easier. Click on the picture to see a video overview of Sora. Directions for using SORA on your computer or google chrome book can be found here: https://app.oncoursesystems.com/school/webpage/352011
For more information reach out to your School Library Media Specialist.
Elementary Level Resources Grades PreK - 5
Click on the picture to find a list of suggested books and series for grades PreK-5!
Middle School Libraries
Click on the picture to find a list of suggested and required summer reading (if going to High School)
High School/Eagle Academy Resources
Summer Reading for the High School!
You can find the high school summer reading list and assignments on the English Department Webpage or click the picture.
Happy Reading!
June is Audiobook Appreciation Month
Listen to a good book! Check out the audiobooks available through Sora.
Image by Sushant savla, via Wikimedia Commons.
Go Wild with National Zoo and Aquarium Month
Take a look at all of the great live San Diego Zoo cams by clicking on the picture.
Flag Day, June 14
Click the image to read about the history of Flag Day.
Media Specialists
Media is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters