RCHS Counselor's Corner
Monthly Newsletter October 2024
Important Dates!
10/4: Last day of 1st nine weeks
10/7-10/14 : Fall break
10/15: 2nd nine weeks begins
10/23-10/25: Red Ribbon Week
OCT 29: Hispanic Heritage Month Program (Bulldog Block-Students/7pm Public Performance @PAC)
OCT 30 Trunk or Treat 6-8pm RCHS organization joining together-Canned food drive.
10/19: TSIA (9th-12th sign up only)
10/22: PSAT/NMSQT-10th & 11th (sign-up only)
10/22: SAT School Day for 12th grade- Only those who have never taken it (invitation only) 10/30: PreACT (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE) 10th & 11th (sign-up only)
Blind Equality Achievement Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
RCHS Info.
Hello Fall!
I can't believe how quick this year is flying by! I hope everyone enjoyed the fall(ish) weather and had a relaxing break. This month the counseling department will finish up with senior meetings, start preparing for the 25-26 school year registration, and continue to help our students settle into the year. Again, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we do our best to answer all your questions or point you in the right direction.
Looking forward.. We will begin course selections for our CURRENT 11th and 10th graders starting in November. Current 8th graders will receive information about high school graduation requirements, endorsements, and course options. There will also be information about early college and PTECH coming out as well!
ZAP nights @ RCHS
This is a great intervention for students that are struggling with turning in work and getting assignments completed in class.
If you are wanting your student signed up for this, reach out to their teacher.
Thursdays from 3:45-5:45 in the library
Tutoring opportunities
Students have the opportunity to receive tutoring during Bulldog Block Tuesday and Thursdays from our National Honor Society students. Students may request in help all subject areas through Minga app.
Tutorials are also offered before and after school. Please see schedule for more details.
Class of 2025-Seniors
- Check out Senior Counselor Newsletter
- Check out free webinar College-bound Student-Athletes and Families
- For questions or to book a Senior studio session, please call Prestige Portraits at 972-669-9200.
- Yearbook Senior Ads: click here
- Graduation Requirement: Please note all seniors must submit FAFSA information.
- Save the Date: December 12th Senior Parent Night and FAFSA Night at RCHS
METHODS FOR STUDENT REPORTING-See something, say something.
Use the QR code on the back of any student ID to send a message directly to principals
Report to Crimestoppers or Bulldog Watch-Information located on the back of STUDENT ID
Utilize What's Up RCISD to report questions and concerns to RCISD administrators
Are you a Top Dog?
Every year the RCISD Education Foundation honors a select group of RCHS Seniors who have met criteria based on achievements in academics, extra-curricular activities, service to community and leadership. In return, these students choose an influential education to honor from their time in RCISD. Both will be honored at a banquet. This is such an awesome opportunity, please look at the information below.
CCMR Resources
Interested in being a college student athlete?
Interested in being a student athlete in college, please view the flyer below for information on a FREE webinar from NCAA!
Help with FAFSA @ RCHS
Email or call for help on the FASFA process and/or questions
After the 2022-2023 school year, the school must provide TFD notice upon student’s initial enrollment in high school, specifically listing the requirement that the student is responsible for providing an official copy of their assessment results and transcripts. More information can be found on the following resource pages:
THECB TFD Webpage THECB FAQ Sheet: English Spanish
19 TAC §21.52 Eligibility for Texas First Diploma
Mental Health Resources
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month
Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event
Contact your Counselor
Alpha House (A-Co) Kim Combest
Beta House (Cr-He) Leah Wright
Gamma House (Hi-Mi) Charline Hoevers
Delta House (Mj-R) Shannon (Lacy) Murphree
Kappa House (S-Z) Lori (Kristi) Davis
Sigma House (Associates or P-tech) Tracy Glick
Student Support Counselor Matt Wheatley
Student Support Counselor Tiffany Goff
Lead Counselor Kathy Blann