WE Love Kindergarten!
Back to school!
Welcome to the S'more page for Mrs. Wehrmann and Mrs. Darnell's Kindergarten class. This is where we will post weekly updates for our classroom. I will send a link each week in Class Dojo and it will also be on the school S'more page under my name and picture. I can't wait to watch your kids grow this year! 💚💛
Please Return Paperwork
Please remember to send the paperwork given to you at our family meeting back with your child in the manilla envelope. If you did not meet with me yet, your paperwork will come home on your child's first day. Send all forms back that needed to be signed. Thank you! :)
Meet your teacher, Mrs. Wehrmann!
Hello everyone!
I'm Mrs. Wehrmann! My husband Nick and I have two boys, Geoffrey (8) and Elliott (6). I graduated from Appalachian State University with my Birth-Kindergarten license and NC teaching degree and am excited to teach Kindergarten again this year! Please feel free to reach out at any time!
Meet your Teacher Assistant, Mrs. Darnell!
Hello All!
I am Mrs. Darnell! My husband Adam and I have 4 grown children, and an 8 year old son. We also have a couple bonus sons and a beautiful granddaughter! This is my third year in kindergarten and second with Mrs. Wehrmann. We are so excited about the coming year! Always feel free to reach out anytime!
Contact Me:
The easiest and quickest way to get in contact with me is Class Dojo!
Email: wehrmanns@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Phone: Call the school @ 336-838-4261, and ask for Mrs. Wehrmann. Thank you!