SCS Newsletter
T3W7 2022
Tumuaki Korero
Tēnā koutou
Last Friday we had the Hillary Antarctic Hut Virtual Reality Experience visit for the day. This was an awesome experience. We loved learning about Antarctica and the legacy of Sir Edmund Hillary on The Ice. We thank the Antarctic Heritage Trust for making this happen!
We encourage the use of Wheels at school. Children can use bikes on the pump track and other wheels on the concrete area. Helmets and shoes need to be worn with these, for safety. The bike and scooter racks are behind The Studio Hub.
All children are currently working on learning a poem or presenting a speech in anticipation of class competitions next week. These are for the class only, as presenting in front of people is a skill that can be difficult. We want all children to be able to work towards doing this within a safe and supportive environment. Finalists and their families will be notified by the end of the week for the SCS School Speech & Poetry competition on Thursday 22 September at 9.30 am. Here we invite families to come along and support us. We hope to see you then.
Whole School photos are scheduled for Tuesday 20 September. If you would like a family photo with preschool and or older children, please let Cara know. We will then let you know a time for these, probably at the start of the day. All children will get an individual photo, and we will also have class and group photos.
Classes are also working on artwork for our annual Art Product Fundraiser. These will be on display in classes from Friday 16 September. Order information and pricing are detailed later in the newsletter. An order form will be sent home to families closer to the order time.
Ngā mihi
Debbie Stanger
Tumuaki - Principal
Hui Awards
These are presented each fortnight at our school hui.
They are linked to our vision, mission and values.
Waka Hoe Focus:
Setting: Playground
Staff will be working with children, showing them what the value means and looks like.
Term dates 2022
Term 2: Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July
Term 3: Monday 25 July to Friday 30 September
Term 4: Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December tbc
Upcoming Events 2022
Term 3, 2022
- Monday 12- Sunday 18 Te wiki o te reo maori - Māori langauge week
- Friday 16 Artwork on display for Artwork Fundraising
- Monday 19 SCS Whole School Hui - Awhi leading
- Tuesday 20 SCS School photos
- Wednesday 21 SCS Board Meeting 6.00 pm
- Thursday 22 SCS Speech & Poetry Competition - 9.30 am
- Tuesday 27 Orders due for Artwork Fundraising
- Wednesday 28 Wairau Cluster Speech Competition - 11.00 am Ukaipo Rangitane Centre
- Friday 30 Term 3 ends
Term 4, 2022
- Monday 17 Term 4 starts
- Monday 24 Labour Day SCHOOLS CLOSED
- Monday 31 Marlborough Anniversary Day SCHOOLS CLOSED
Touch Rugby
The season runs from Thursday 20 Oct to Thursday 8 Dec 22
Subs are $15 pp
Grades available are Year 3/4 and Year 5/6
Please click the link to the Registration form
Uniform Orders
Please see Cara in the office for an order form.
KiwiCan 2022
This year we have Laekin and Aliyah returning as our leaders, and our sessions are on Friday mornings.
Kiwi Can themes will follow in this order over the year:
Term 1 = Respect / Manaakitanga
Term 2 = Resilience / Taikaha
Term 3 = Positive Relationships / Whakawhanaungatanga
Term 4 = Integrity / Pono
Legion Taekwon-Do is a dynamic martial art, and it is also an exciting sport suitable for all ages and abilities. Classes are for everyone from beginners to advanced levels.
Focused mind, disciplined body and pure spirit through community participation is our motto. Keeping this in mind, we encourage individual growth through a family feel atmosphere whilst practicing Taekwon-Do techniques.
Fees will be free to any Spring Creek School students and to the Spring Creek community. Classes will be Monday 3:15 - 4:15 pm in the Spring Creek Hall from this term. Families need to arrange for their children to go to the hall after school.School Docs
Our school uses SchoolDocs as a website for our policies and procedures. This site is now live and available to our school community.
We invite you to visit the site at (note that there's no "www"!). Our username is springcreek and password 7202.
Policies being reviewed this term are:
- Student Wellbeing and Safety section
- Staff Wellbeing and Safety section
This is done by following these steps:
Visit the website
Enter the username (springcreek) and password (7202).
Follow the link to the relevant policy as listed.
Read the policy.
Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
Select the reviewer type "Parent".
Enter your name (optional).
Submit your ratings and comments.
If you don't have internet access, the school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.
About us
Location: 52 Ferry Road, Spring Creek, New Zealand
Phone: 03 5705514