Emotional Poverty Winter Book Study
How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Violence in the Classroom
Book Study Overview & Description
Join Us for the MRESC's Winter 2020 Book Study featuring Dr. Ruby Payne's new book:"Emotional Poverty in All Demographics: How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Violence in the Classroom".
- Target Audience: All Educators (Administrators, School Counselors, Teachers, Related Services, and Paraprofessionals).
- 15 Contact Hours or One (1) Semester of Graduate Credit* Available (*Additional Fee Applies)
About the Book Study: Using Dr. Payne's newest book "Emotional Poverty," this book study will help educators address anger, anxiety, and violence in the classroom with strategies that work across grade levels and demographic boundaries.
Under-resourced students, wealthy students, and students in all demographics can benefit from Dr. Payne's techniques. Looking for more info on the book? Click on the video below for a short introduction of the book by Dr. Ruby Payne.
This text and book study will:
- Provide participants with a deeper understanding of the origins of anger, anxiety, and avoidance
- Present a common language that all educators can use to talk about brain regulation, integration, and emotional competence
- Help educators manage the “classroom dance” that occurs between the educator and the students
- Provide tools for educators to address and reduce anger, anxiety, and avoidance
- Help school officials identify the differences in male and female emotional processing according to Dr. Payne's framework.
- Provide the tools to motivate good behavior
Please note that each participant is responsible for obtaining a copy of the book study text(s). A copy of the book is NOT included in your registration fee.
Aha Process, Inc. Link to Purchase Book: CLICK HERE *Participants must purchase their own text.
Costs & Registration Fees
- $50 per book study/per person - Shelby, Logan, Hardin, Madison, and Champaign County Districts and Boards of Developmental Disabilities.
- $75 per book study/per person - Districts and agencies not listed above.
Reminder: Each participant is responsible for purchasing their own copy of the book study text(s). A copy of the book IS NOT included in the registration fee. To aid in your procurement of the text, a link to Aha Process's online book store is highlighted in the "About the Book" section located above.
How will this online book study be facilitated?
All book studies are facilitated using Google Classroom (CLICK HERE to view technology requirements) and require weekly reading of assigned chapters, responding to discussion prompts, providing peer feedback, self-reflection, and the submission of a personal action plan and a final project (see the about the book study section for additional details).
- Graduate credit (one semester hour per book study) is available through Ashland University for an ADDITIONAL fee of $235 per credit hour.
Essential Details for Your Records
Book Study Kickoff: January 20th
Format: Online Book Study (w/Google Classroom)
Syllabus: Click HERE to view syllabus
Duration of Course: January 20th to March 8th
Contact Hours: 15
Book Study Facilitator: Meggan Weaver, Veteran Educator, Retired Gifted Coordinator, & MRESC Book Study Facilitator
What technology will I need to participate? Google Classroom - Click here for technology requirements.
When will I receive my Google Classroom access code? Approximately one (1) week prior to the start of the book study (January 20th) you will receive a Google Classroom invitation email. This email will include a Google Classroom “Course Code” that you will use to join the class at classroom.google.com.
Reminder - Purchase Your Own Book: Each participant is responsible for purchasing their own copy of the book study text(s). A copy of the book IS NOT included in the registration fee. To aid in your procurement of the text, a link to Aha Process's online book store is highlighted in the "About the Book" section located above.
Our Cancellation Policy - Cancellations must be received by January 9, 2019 at 3:00 pm. Cancellations received outside of this policy will not be accepted. Attendees and/or employing districts will be billed accordingly.
Monday, Jan 20, 2020, 08:00 AM
Midwest Regional Educational Service Center
Email: registrar@mresc.org
Website: www.mresc.org
Location: MRESC - Sidney Office, 129 East Court Street, Sidney, Ohio 45365
Phone: 937-498-1354
Twitter: @MidwestRegESC