The Eagle’s Landing
October 6, 2024
10/7 - PTA Cultural Arts Event
10/9 - PTA Fun Run
10/28 - 11/1 - Red Ribbon Week
11/4 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - details to come - No School for Students
11/5 - Election Day - School is Closed
11/8 - Picture Retake Day
11/11- Veteran's Day Breakfast & Assembly
11/11 - Red, White and Blue Day
11/11 - 4th Grade Musical - 6:30 PM
11/20 - Ivy Hill 5th Grade Band Concert - 7:00PM
11/25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Hello Ivy Hill Families!
We have lots of great events coming up this week! Our PTA is bringing a Cultural Awareness Program to us on Monday - we'll learn about the different culture along with some dances and drumming!
Wednesday is our PTA Fun Run - if you haven't had a chance to donate to this worthwhile fundraiser, please do so! The students can win prizes like an additional recess and a school wide Pajama Day to name just a few!
Below is a list of our Ivy Hill "Spirit Days"! Please help your student remember to dress up on these special days! We love to see all our Eagles in their funny, crazy and spirited dress!
We have a reminder about our students and their "smart" devices. Please remember that in all D25 Elementary schools the "smart" devices (phones and watches) should be kept in your student's backpack in the OFF position. No calls should be made/accepted while at school. We appreciate your help in this matter.
We're holding our annual Veteran's Day Breakfast and Assembly on November 11th. If you have a Veteran in your family (or a friend of your family) please sign them up for this very special event!
We are so fortunate to have a wonderful PTA (Parent/Teacher Association) here at Ivy Hill. Please consider joining their program and participating in all the great activities they bring to our students! Check out their weekly newsletter The PTA Happenings!
Please read through this newsletter as there is a lot of important information for you!
Stay safe, stay kind, and stay courageous!
Scott & Monique
We appreciate the families who have already submitted their child’s required health forms.
However, some submissions are still missing or contain incomplete information. As we approach the State of Illinois REQUIRED EXCLUSION date of October 15th, it is crucial that all necessary forms are provided to avoid any interruption in your child’s education.
Our school nurses have been reaching out to families who need to submit updated information, so please be attentive to any communication via voicemail, email, or backpack mail. For any questions or further assistance, please visit our D25 Health Services page for the school nurse contact information.
Required for all kindergarten and new students
The physical must be completed within a year of school start, dated on or after August 29, 2023
Parents must complete and sign the health history section
Immunizations Requirements must be met or include a MD approved schedule of administration
Failure to submit the form and have it reviewed by the School Nurse prior to the OCTOBER 15th deadline will result in your child being EXCLUDED from school
Required for all kindergarten and students new to the state of Illinois
The exam must be completed by a licensed eye doctor and dated on or after August 29, 2023
The official State of Illinois Eye Examination form is required
Due date of October 15, 2024
The staff and students of Ivy Hill would like to invite all our Veterans to a Celebration Breakfast and Assembly at 8:30AM on Monday, November 11th. If you have a family member or friend that you'd like to invite, please click here for more. information.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
We'll be hosting our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 4th. Please make every effort possible to meet with your child's teacher. We will be sending out a Sign Up Genius very soon.
With the exception of prescribed emergency medication, such as epipens or inhalers, students are never to carry or keep their own medications, including over-the-counter drugs. If your child needs to carry emergency medication, please contact your school nurse. If your student needs to take any other sort of medicine during the day, including all over-the-counter products (cough drops, cold medicine, tylenol, etc). the medication administration form is attached here and must be completed for all medications that are to be taken at school.
Thank you for helping us keep a safe environment for all students at Ivy Hill!
Picture RETAKE Day
Our Picture Retake Day will be November 8th. If you missed Picture Day or didn't like your child's photo, please send them for Retake Day. If you have photos from the company, please send those with your child on Retake Day. More information will be coming soon.
Every day that your child is not in school, is late or is leaving early the office needs to know!! There are two ways to notify us and they are available 24 hours a day!
1. Our GOOGLE FORM - just write in the information - you don't have to talk to anyone!
2. Our ATTENDANCE HOT LINE - Just call 847-398-4275 (the main number) and press 1 - leave us a message.
If you don't call, we are required to call you so PLEASE remember to call your child in absent, late or leaving early!!
Anything can happen during the school day - no matter the age of your child! From being caught in the rain, to a failed science experience, things happen! Please pack a change of clothes in each child's backpack for them in keep in case of a "wardrobe malfunction"!
Be sure that all clothing items are marked clearly with your child's name.
We have student messengers that deliver late items every morning. To ensure your late items reach your student, try to have them in the office by 9:15. We request that you include your child's first and last name and their teacher's name on each item. We do have post it notes here in the office. Once it is marked with your child's first and last name, please place the item on the colorful bench! Just a reminder...we do have water fountains all over the school so water bottles are not mandatory!!
Smart Devices in School
Below is the section of our Student/Parent Handbook that outlines the rules for Smart Devices in the School. Please read and remind your student that all "Smart" devices should stay in their backpacks in the OFF position.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
The possession and use of cell phones and other electronic devices, including wearables, are subject to the following rules:
• Middle school students are expected to turn off electronics and store devices in their middle school locker during the school day.
• Elementary students are expected to leave electronics in the “off” position and in their backpacks throughout the school day.
• A supervising teacher may grant permission for them to be used or if needed during an emergency.
• They may not be used in any manner that will cause disruption to the educational environment or will otherwise violate student conduct rules.
The District recognizes that whether students have their own mobile learning devices and if they are allowed to bring those devices to school is a family decision. In order to address equity issues, the District will provide access to students who do not own a mobile learning device in circumstances when its use is required for instructional purposes during the day. Electronic devices may be used during the school day if:
Use of the device is provided in the student’s IEP, or
Permission is received from the student’s teacher with administrator approval
If a student brings a mobile learning device to school, the family agrees to retain liability for the device. School staff will not assume any responsibility for its safe-keeping and personally owned devices will not be covered under the District insurance policies.
Please print a copy of the calendar so that you will know when our holidays occur!
The traffic expectations listed below help to keep our children safe and expedite the process of getting our children to and from school.
Please be attentive and follow the guidance of our staff members! You will see them directing traffic, helping children exit cars, and ensuring the safety of our students.
Per Illinois State Law, CELL PHONE USE IS PROHIBITED in school zones.
If we see a problem, we will track license plates and ask for the support of the Arlington Heights Police Department.
Rules for Morning Arrival/Drop-Off
Pull into the parking lot entrance: right lane- for student drop-off only; left lane- for parking lot only. Students should gather backpacks at this time
Keep the street/parking lot intersections clear. Keep the sidewalk and crosswalks clear.
Students may only exit cars once they enter the “Drop-off” Zone designated by orange cones in our parking lot.
Once you enter the “Drop-off” Zone, you MUST stay in line. Proceed forward after all students in the drop-off area have exited their cars.
Please drive as far as you can in the circle drive to maximize the number of cars
Do not pass other cars in line. If you need to help your child, you must park in a designated space in the parking lot.
Students must exit from the passenger side only. Adults must remain in vehicles.
Right turn only out of the parking lot from 8:30 AM-9:30 AM.
Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the rear of the school and enter the school.
We have attached a diagram of the parking lot for your reference. We thank you in advance for your attention and support during the school arrival/drop-off time in order to help move traffic efficiently, and most importantly, to keep our children safe!
Rules for Afternoon Pick-Up
All students (except for those who ride the bus) exit from the front of the school.
When arriving for pick up in your car, please yield at the 3-way stop and keep the street/parking lot intersections clear. Also, keep the sidewalk and crosswalks clear.
Pull into the parking lot using the Burke/Ivy Entrance closest to the school: right lane- for student pick-up only; left lane- for parking lot entrance (will close at 3:20 to reduce lot traffic)
There is additional parking on the other side of the drive-thru fire lane, past the fence line. It is the far right lane along the curb. Cars cannot be in the fire lane, yellow striped area, or park on the end caps. (See map.)
Cars in the right lane waiting to pick up children should pull up as far as the main entrance crosswalk. Please do not wait on or past the crosswalk.
Students must enter from the passenger side only. Adults must remain in vehicles.
Students should only use the main crosswalks, if they are meeting parents in the parking lot. They should also wait for an adult to tell them when it is okay to cross.
Please continue forward in the pick-up lane if the car in front of you has picked up his/her child and is exiting. If your child does not exit from the building, please pull into the parking lot and come to the office.
- Here is a link to the MAP for arrivals and dismissals.
All students at Ivy Hill will be given a Lunch Card that will be remain at school. The lunch card acts like a debit card - each time a student purchases a meal, that amount is deducted from their account.
AHSD25 Food & Nutrition Services Department uses the Mealtime Online Payment System for families to conveniently deposit money and monitor their student(s) lunch account balance.
If you prefer, you can send cash or a check (please make out checks to AHSD25 and write your child's name in the memo). At elementary schools, money is turned into the school office.
We encourage all families to use the mealtime payment system to monitor their child’s balance. Even if you choose to pay for meals with cash/check, you can monitor your students' account online. Once you have established an account for your child, please check the box to have an email reminder sent to you when your balance is low.
You will need your child's Student ID to set up an account - that number is located on the Teacher letter you received on 8/22. Or, call the school office for help.
Elementary School Menus can be found here. The cost is $3.25.
Elementary Breakfast Menus can be found here. The cost is $1.75. Breakfast can be purchased from 8:45am - 9:05am. Please have your child to the the Lunch Window as soon as they arrive at school.
The school does not provide snacks. Please send your child with a fruit or vegetable for their morning snack.
Our Spiritwear Company this year is 1ST PLACE SPIRIT WEAR. It is available anytime, all year long! Use this link to order your items.
We’d love to hear from you!
Email: Skaese@sd25.org
Website: SD25.org/Ivyhill
Location: 2211 North Burke Drive, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 398-4275
Twitter: @PrincipalKaese