Adult Services News
December 11, 2017
The Hate U Give is 2018's Reading Across RI Selection!
Reading Across Rhode Island kicks off its 16th year by inviting everyone to join in the reading of The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. The kick-off event will be on January 27th from 2 - 4 pm at The Pavillion at Grace at 300 Westminster Street, Providence, RI. You can register for the kick-off event here. The spring programs will be held on April 12 and 13. You can contact Kate Lentz at the RI Center for the Book to inquire about sets of books for discussion groups.
The Reading Across RI website shares this information about the book:
"A brave, thought-provoking, conversation-enabling novel about what prejudice looks like in the 21st century. Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she was born and raised and her private high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend.
Angie Thomas was born, raised, and still resides in Jackson, Mississippi. She is a former teen rapper whose greatest accomplishment was having an article about her in Right On! Magazine. She holds a BFA in creative writing and can still rap if needed. The Hate U Give is her first novel.
'The Hate U Give has a universal appeal, with current themes of identity, family and
race. It’s an ideal selection to build upon last year’s discussions of Just Mercy” stated
Kate Lentz, Director of the Rhode Island Center for the Book. “Bryan Stevenson
challenged us to: get proximate, be hopeful, change the narrative, get uncomfortable and we will do that with The Hate U Give!'"
Spotlight on Mary Anne Quinn
This month, the spotlight is on Mary Anne Quinn, Coordinator of Adult Services at the Warwick Public Library. Together with her colleagues Jen Eibel and Jayne Lear, she will be hosting our Adult Service's Roundtable program "Improve your Book Talks and Turn your Program into a Bestseller" on January 10, which will include background on and a demonstration of their popular Breakfast with Books program. For more details and to register, visit the OLIS site.
Favorite thing about being a librarian?
Who else besides a librarian would actually get paid to talk to people about books? What a great job! It combines two of my favorite things, talking with people and talking about books. Sometimes I can do both at the same time! Book groups are a great example – I’m involved in several book groups and really enjoy them. Lastly, I work with a great group of people and that makes it easy to come to work every day! (So that’s more than one favorite thing!)
Favorite or most successful program?
Breakfast With Books, the program we will talk about on January 10, is very successful and has evolved over the years. Our book loving patrons start asking about it when they know it’s coming up. We do it twice a year and always get a crowd, so it seems to work.
Any book recommendations?
It’s tough to recommend books to librarians, so I’ll stick with a couple of titles I read for our next program. One is Under the Harrow by Flynn Berry. This debut novel of suspense follows Nora, who travels by train to a village in the English countryside. Upon arriving at her sister’s house, she finds her sister Rachel, dead. Nora is a bit of an unreliable narrator, which I like – it keeps the reader on her toes!
Another is American War by Omar el Akkad. It takes place in the South in the year 2074, and follows the story of Sarat Chestnut, during America’s second Civil War. The South has broken away from the rest of the United States over a U.S ban on the use of fossil fuels. Sarat’s family and home are destroyed, which leads her down a path to war.
Programs, Reading and Community Outreach
May the Force Be With You
Some Program ideas:
Force will be strong at 3 Calgary Public Library locations...
Star Wars Day: The Library Strikes Back
Program Model: Star Wars Day
Program Model: Star Wars Celebration
Star Wars Crafts for Adults Pinterest Board
Winter Reading Programs
Examples are plentiful, but here are a couple that look good:
Kansas City Public Library Book Bingo (I LOVE this interactive bingo sheet!)
Kansas City PL Previous Winter Reading Programs
Adult Winter Reading Program @ Morley Library
Winter Reading Lingo @ Saxton B. Little
I know some libraries already run or are planning to run winter reading programs. If you do, and you'd be willing to share more about it, email me at to share the details of your program!
Adult Literacy Grants from ALA & Dollar General
The application window for $10,000 American Dream grants through the Dollar General Literacy Foundation and the American Library Association is still open. Grants are awarded to expand services to adult English language learners and/or adults in need of basic education and workforce development.
To be eligible for funding, the applicant institution must be a public library within 20 miles of a Dollar General Store, distribution center or corporate office: Dollar General Store Locator
The application deadline is January 2, 2018. The program year will begin in February 2018.
PD Opportunities
- Webinar: Going Deeper with Social Media (WebJunction, December 19, 2pm)
- Webinar: Citations Needed: Build Your Wikipedia Skills While Building the World's Encyclopedia (WebJunction, January 10, 3pm)
- ALA Midwinter 2018 (Denver, CO February 9 - 13, 2018 - early bird closes October 18!)
- PLA 2018 Conference: Imagine the Possibilities (Philadelphia, PA, March 20 - 24 2018)
Rhode Island Foundation Grants (varies)
Library Pipeline: Awesome Foundation Innovation in Libraries Grant (due between the 1 - 15 each month)
Walmart Community Grant (December 31)
The American Dream Literacy Initiative $10,000 Grants (January 2, 2018)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
National Tea Month
National Blood Donor Month
National Braille Literacy Month
National Hobby Month
Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (January 15)
African American History Month
American Heart Month
Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 11 - 17)
Spring CE Calendar to go live in January
Improve your Book Talks and Turn Your Program into a Bestseller
Join Mary Anne Quinn, Jen Eibel and Jayne Lear from the Warwick Public Library for an exciting talk about something we all do-book talks! Mary Anne's tremendously popular Breakfast with Books series highlights the new year reads and summer reads in a fast-paced thorough way that has her patrons filling their holds lists for months. Mary Anne will demonstrate the event using some of the best books of 2017 and discuss her tips and tricks for book talking any title on your shelf. Register to attend.
Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018, 02:30 PM
Cranston Public Library: William Hall Library, Broad Street, Cranston, RI, United States
Financial Literacy Roundtable Meeting
What does FLRT do? FLRT serves the RILA membership and Rhode Island library community by raising awareness of and providing support for financial literacy education programs, such as annual Money Smart Week, at libraries throughout the state. FLRT activities include representation at state-wide financial literacy events like the Annual Financial Capability Conference, organized by RI Jump$tart Coalition and RI Council for Economic Education.
FLRT typically meets every other month, September through April, culminating with Money Smart Week. The Round Table membership will consist of representatives from all library types, from any community in RI. Tasks include helping to organize events for other librarians as well as the general public, and distributing resources and materials for patrons to libraries throughout the state.
Contact co-chairs Cassie Patterson or Ann Poulos with any questions about how you may get involved.
Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018, 10:00 AM
Greenville Public Library, Smithfield, RI, United States
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @libraffoni