Here's the Scoop
Hamilton Ridge News and Events - March 2023
A Note from Mr. Fredrickson
We made it to March. Spring is only three short weeks away!
Last month I wrote to you about our focus on putting community and partnerships with families back in the forefront of our work. I mentioned the great events the Hamilton Ridge PTC and DOGS have sponsored like Movie Night, Donuts with Grown Ups and the upcoming Spring Fling. To pull these events off we need parents to volunteer their time and their talents. Your willingness to help serve our students is the true meaning of community.
The PTC is more than just events. It is an important aspect of our school. Through generous funding from the PTC we have augmented our building and student learning. Here are just a few items that have been funded:
New musical instruments for music class
Art materials for art class
New gym equipment
New playground equipment
STEM materials
Teacher grants
Frames to hold student art in the office
Field trip scholarships
Conference meals for teachers
We invite all families to support the PTC. Please check out the PTC Website for more information or email if you’re not sure how to get involved.
Lastly, your involvement does two great things. First, it helps us pull off great events that bring us closer together as a community. It also shows your child that school is so important that even their family is involved.
We value the school/family partnership the PTC provides and can’t wait to see our community at the next event.
Mr. Fredrickson
Virtual Hiring Event - Teachers On Call
WHAT: An informal event to meet with recruiting staff and learn more about Teachers On Call and the positions they offer.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 8th, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: Virtual - click here to sign up
REQUIREMENTS: Licensed through the state of Minnesota (requires bachelor’s degree or higher)
If you are not licensed yet still join the event! Teachers on Call can briefly go over the requirements to become a substitute in our state and send out some information for you to get started.
What to Know About Attendance
Attendance matters at Prior Lake Schools and collaborating and communicating with families to help get students to school each and every day is a top priority. Chronic absenteeism is prevalent across the country and its impact on student learning is impacted at all grade levels.
Regular attendance fosters a classroom community between teachers and children. Students who attend school are more likely to succeed academically, gain background knowledge from discussions, and also provide time for social interactions with their peers.
Please take a minute to watch Magic Johnson’s message, along with your child(ren) on how important being at school is.
Hamilton Ridge Music Performances
2nd Grade Music Concert
Thursday, April 27th at 10:00 a.m. - Hamilton Ridge Gym
3rd Grade Music Concert
Thursday, April 27th at 2:00 p.m. - Hamilton Ridge Gym
1st Grade Informances - Learning Commons - 2:50 p.m.
- Tuesday, May 2nd - Goracke
- Wednesday, May 3rd - DiMarco
- Thursday, May 4th - Quintero
- Friday, May 5th - Bates
Kindergarten Performance
Kindergarten Graduation - Thursday, June 1 - 2:30 p.m.
PTC Update
The next PTC Meeting will be Tuesday, March 7 at 6:30 p.m. in Hamilton Ridge Media Center - please join us. All parents are welcome and encouraged to get involved!
- A yummy fundraiser has begun! Follow this link to register your student to sell Butter Braids: This is a popular item every year to keep in freezers for the holidays, last-minute guests or simply to enjoy anytime you want! Proceeds from this fundraiser help the PTC pay for things like field trips, scholarships, items for the school and more.
- Order Your 2022-23 Yearbook Today (online only).
Go to, choose Order Pictures and Yearbooks and use online ordering code YB26238. - We are busy planning the PTC Spring Fling! If you're interested in helping out, please let us know at
- Mark your calendars for our March restaurant night (where proceeds come back to our school): March 9 - Charlie's on Prior - from 5 pm to 9 pm
- Hamilton Ridge DOGS (Dads and Dudes of Great Students) began hosting Donuts with Grownups this year! Families will be invited by grade level throughout the rest of the year. This is a free event where families can join their students for donuts and juice before school in the cafeteria. 2nd grade families have already been invited and will enjoy their donuts on Friday, March 3.
Here are the remaining dates for grades K-2:
April 14, 2023 – 1st grade
May 12, 2023 – Kindergarten
Be sure to follow our Facebook page!
School Social Workers Appreciation Week is March 5-11
Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools recognizes March 5-11 as School Social Workers Appreciation Week. This week we celebrate our thanks and gratitude for these essential staff.
School social workers play a vital role connecting home, school and community in a unified effort to support students in the educational setting. They provide a skilled spectrum of services ranging from engagement, assessment, intervention and evaluation of outcomes related to the students, families, schools and the communities they serve. School social work interventions improve students’ emotional and behavioral skills and have a positive effect on academic outcomes. Thank you school social workers for the positive impact you make in the lives of students.
Welcome to the Class of 2036!
The countdown to Kindergarten 2023-24 has begun! Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools is pleased to offer tuition free, full-day kindergarten and full-day kindergarten Spanish immersion at La ola del lago at Grainwood.
Please follow the link below and mark your calendar for more important dates.
How do you know if your child is ready for Kindergarten? Click here for the Kindergarten Readiness Flyer to learn what skills to look for and what to practice at home.
staffing needs at each building.
Legacy Book Club
Dear Hamilton Ridge Families,
Hamilton Ridge is offering an option for families to purchase books in honor of students and help our library grow! It is called Legacy Book Club. This is a positive way for your child to give a unique gift to all students at Hamilton Ridge.
If your family chooses to purchase a book to donate to the Hamilton Ridge Media Center, we will place a book plate in the book with your child's name, and he or she will be the first student to check out the new book. Click the button below for more details.
Thank you,
Amy Schwingler
Important Dates
- March 16 2-Hour Early Release at 1:50 p.m.
- March 31 No School; Grading Day
- April 3-7 No School; Spring Break
- May 29 No School; Memorial Day
- June 7 Last Day of School; 3-Hour Early Release at 12:50 p.m.
Contact Us
Student School Hours 9:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
Main Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Attendance Line 952-461-7801
Main Office 952-461-7800
Fax Number 952-461-7849
Health Office 952-461-7806, Tiffany St. Michaels, LPN
Sam Fredrickson, Principal
Kristin Stier, Dean of Students
Kirsten Schoeller, Administrative Assistant
Beverley Null, Administrative Assistant (attendance)
Andrea Carin, Social Worker
IT Help Desk 952-226-0048 or
District Transportation 952-226-0050 or
Prior Lake Bus Company (after hours) 952-440-1166