ALCS Preschool Press

Fun Run
Since preschool is not in session on this day, families have the option to bring their child to participate if they choose. A small track will be set up for our preschoolers. Families that do choose to attend are asked to stay with their child on the walk.
Here is the schedule for Monday. Preschool has a designated time of 11:15 but preschoolers can attend during any session.
10:15-11:15 - KDG. & KDG AM - 2nd grade
11:15-12:15 -3rd grade- LEAPS (small track)
12:15-1:15 - 1st & PM Kdg- 4th
Please reach out with any questions.
Coming in the 2024 School Year... Meet Up Mondays!
We are so excited to share that for the 2024/2025 school year we will be hosting "Monday Meet-Ups" throughout the year.
The purpose of the "Meet-Up Mondays" are to bring our families together, explore different opportunities in and around our community and give our preschoolers additional learning opportunities.
"Meet-Up Mondays" are optional for families to attend and parents will be responsible for their preschooler at all times.
We currently have not set a schedule yet, but are hoping for a minimum for 4 "Meet-Up Mondays"
As a team, we have began creating a list of different opportunities to choose from, but would love to hear from all of you! Where would you like to "meet-up" at?
Avon Lake Preschool Family Survey
We truly appreciate all the feedback we have received so far. If you haven't yet, please take a minute and fill out the AL Preschool Family Survey.
As a program, our goal is to be reflective in our practices and work to make enhancements that benefit all of students.
Please take a minute and fill out our Avon Lake Family Survey and let us know how we are doing. The survey is anonymous and all data collected will be used to drive our program decisions.
Preschool Sports
Preschool Sports (Ages 3-5)
Register now for April, May, June & July classes.
April / Saturdays / (Ages 3-5)
β½οΈSoccer, βΎοΈIndoor Tee Ball & πBasketball
May / Saturdays / (Ages 3-5)
β½οΈOutdoor Soccer & βΎοΈTee Ball
June / Weekdays
β½οΈSoccer, βΎοΈTee Ball (Ages 3-5)
πTrack Clinic (Ages 3-5)
πK4 Basketball League (Grades K-2)
πK4 Volleyball Camp (Grades K-4)
July / Weekdays
πBasketball Camp ( Ages 3-5)
πVolleyball Camp (Ages 3-5)
πK4 Volleyball Camp (Grades K-4)
Indoor Tee Ball
Go to www.preschoolsports.org
Upcoming Events:
20- Fun Run
27-No School Memorial Day
31- Field Day
Save the Date:
Tuesday, June 4th: End of Year Preschool Celebration- Families Invited!
1030 Morning Celebration
130 Afternoon Celebration
We are here to help, guide and support you and your child so that they can have the best early learning experience.
Avon Lake City Schools Preschool (LEAPS)
Email: stacey.vince@alcsoh.org
Location: 32967 Redwood Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Phone: 440-930-8226