Wixom Howler Edition 21
January 17, 2025
Wixom Calendar Dates
1/20/25-No School Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observed
1/20/25 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
1/29/25-Half Day of School for students
Wixom Diversity MLK Project Exhibit at Walled Lake Northern Monday 5-6:15 pm
We’re excited to showcase our photoshoot along with our artistic yarn tapestry that will be on display to honor the legacy of Dr. King.
These inspiring pieces highlight the beauty of our Wixom community and remind us of the beauty in our differences. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this meaningful exhibit!
A special Thank You to Mrs. Baxtresser for her work with PTA Reflections
Congratulations to the following students who advanced to the Reflections District Round:
Giovanna B.
Amelia M.
Leah P.
Charlie N.
Kelvin B.
Daphne W.
Elouise G.
Lucy P.
Dress for the weather
Michigan weather is constantly changing each day. Please make sure your child has the proper attire for outdoor play. We go outside every day for students to enjoy the fresh air. If you are in need of resources as we approach the winter months please don't hesitate to reach out to Taneia.
PTA Events
The Wixom PTA Google Calendar can be found here: https://shorturl.at/QyTie Events for the entire school year can be found here. You can also add them all to your own Google Calendar with one click!
Upcoming PTA Sponsored Events:
January 17th - Skate Night
Meet your friends at Bonaventure Skating (24505 Halsted Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48335) from 6:00-8:30 PM for a private skate party! Admission and skate rental is $12. There are pizza deals and playplace tickets available for purchase at the door. January’s Theme is GO LIONS!
January 21st - Dine to Donate at Novi Shake Shack
January 31st - Variety Show Permission Slips due
January 31 - Popcorn Day
Free popcorn with PTA Membership. Or bring $1 to school
Upcoming PTA Meeting
Our next PTA Meeting will be Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00 PM. All members of the PTA are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held in person in the Media Center. Childcare will be available. You can join the meeting virtually at the following link: https://meet.google.com/bod-zkgf-qqu
PTA Variety Show
Students who are interested in performing at the annual PTA Variety Show on March 14th will need to attend one of the screening auditions on EITHER Monday, February 10th or Tuesday, February 11th from 4-5PM. Details about the show and the screening auditions can be found on the information flyer and permission slip sent home this week. An electronic copy is here. In order to participate, permission slips must be turned into the main office by January 31st. Questions can be directed to Katie Fauls at katie.fauls10@gmail.com
Dine to Donate
Several years ago, an effort was started to raise money for a book vending machine for Wixom Elementary. When the topic was revaluated this year, it was determined that the funds raised were not enough to cover the rising costs of the machine and restocking it each year. Instead, thanks to a generous donation from the Wixom Student Council, all students will receive a free yearbook at the end of this school year. If you receive a future email from Lifetouch regarding yearbooks, you will notice that the book price is zero. You are welcome to enhance your child's book with their name, signature page, current events, etc at an additional charge.
Wixom Watch Dogs
Dads, Step-Dads, Grandpas, Uncles, Brothers & all ‘Dudes’:
The Wixom WatchDOGS’ mission is to get men more involved with our Wixom Elementary educational community, doing our part by:
• Providing positive male role models for our students
• Assisting with classroom and playground activities
• Leading or supporting school improvement projects
• Hosting fun events for our students and their families
• Helping reduce bullying and improving school security
Join the Wixom WatchDOGS Mailing List for more info, and
Follow our Wixom WatchDOGS on Facebook
Kroger Community Rewards
Looking for an easy way to support our school? Shop for groceries at Kroger and they will contribute money to our PTA. It’s easy to sign up in the Kroger App:
Click the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner
Choose “Rewards”
Choose “Community Rewards”
Search for “Wixom Elementary PTA” and enroll
Sign Up for SMS Messages via Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Chromebook Information
If you do not have access to a computer at home for your child to use for iReady lessons,
please contact the school and we may be able to let you borrow a Chromebook. We have a limited number of Chromebooks available for students to borrow for the year.
Front office: 248-956-3400
Principal: Taneia Giles (TaneiaGiles@wlcsd.org)
Principal Secretary: Mrs. Michele Abele (MicheleAbele@wlcsd.org)
Building Secretary: Mrs. Tamara Baker (TamaraBaker@wlcsd.org)
Office: 248-956-3400
FAX: 248-956-3405
Absence Line: 248-956-3490
Late Bus Hotline: 248-956-5199 - All late buses will be listed on the hotline if the driver is running TEN OR MORE minutes late.
301 North Wixom Road
Wixom, MI 48393