Towson High School Newsletter
March 15, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Towson High School Community,
The spring season is filled with many opportunities for our Generals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Here is an overview of our standardized testing and final exam schedules:
- Grade 11 SAT Day - March 19 - All 11th grade students will take this assessment. The results of this assessment are used for CCR status (520+ in Math), ESSA Report Card credit for well-rounded curriculum (530+ Math, 480+ EBRW), college admissions, scholarships, and more.
- MCAP ELA 10 - April 9-April 23 - All 10th grade students and any 11th/12th grade students who have not yet taken this assessment. The results of this assessment are used for CCR status (score of 3+) and ESSA Report Card achievement data.
- ASVAB - April 24 - Select 12th grade students will take this assessment. The results of this assessment are used to give students ideas about civilian jobs, those requiring advanced degrees, skilled trade careers, and military jobs. The results are also used for ESSA Report Card credit for well-rounded curriculum (score of 31+).
- MCAP Government - May 1-May 15 - All students that are currently taking American Government and any 10th/11th/12th grade students who have not yet taken this assessment. The results of this assessment will be used as the final exam grade and will account for 20% of students' final American Government course grades.
- MCAP Science - May 1-May 15 - All students that are currently taking Living Systems and any 10th/11th/12th grade students who have not yet taken this assessment. The results of this assessment will be used as the final exam grade and will account for 20% of students' final Living Systems course grades.
- MCAP Math - May 15-May 29 - All 9th grade students that are currently taking Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2, and any 10th/11th/12th grade students who have not yet taken a MCAP Math assessment in high school. The results of this assessment are used for CCR status (score of 3+) and ESSA Report Card achievement data.
- AP Testing - May 6-24 - All students who are registered for AP exams.
- Senior Final Exams - May 15-May 23 - All 12th grade students. For yearlong courses with a final exam, the final exam will count as 20% of the final course grade. For semester courses with a final exam, the final exam will count as 20% of the final course grade.
- Underclass Final Exams - June 7-14 - All 11th grade students. For yearlong courses with a final exam, the final exam will count as 20% of the final course grade. For semester courses with a final exam, the final exam will count as 20% of the final course grade.
As we move into testing season, please discuss with your student the assessments that they will be taking this spring and the importance of each.
In partnership,
Dr. Kim Culbertson
Student STARS
AVID students who went on the field trip to UMBC. They were respectful and well-behaved, and represented Towson's best!
Kieran Mischke, Jack Blanchfield, Evan Cline, and Theo Brown for being selected to the Boys All-County First Team.
Alexandra Lohse for being selected to the Girls All-County First Team.
Boys Indoor Track Team for being selected by the BCPS Office of Athletics as the Sportsmanship Award winner. This marks the 14th season since 2015 that the XC/T&F programs have won at least one sportsmanship award (no awards were given in 2020 due to the pandemic).
Liliana Zavin and Sarina Saki have been selected as 2024 Carson Scholars.
Olivia Bisson for being selected as a 2024 Recognized Carson Scholar.
18 artists (Sophia Chen, Zoe Jones, Eva Koepenick, Sadie Meyers, Maegan Relano, Conor Day, Annika Kline, Violet Talmanz, Duane Coryatt, Hailey Droski, Fuad Folorunsho, Lily Franklin, Claire Frick, Talia Jacobs, Georgia Kral, Carly Mitchell, Sheryl Rubio-SAntoss, and Aakriti Sapkota) for winning 28 awards for the 2024 Scholastics Arts & Writing Competition. The Gold Key winners will be considered for national recognition.
Camille Bull, Audrey Byrne, Maegan Relano, Aakriti Sapkota, Daniel Schneider for being named 2024 Scholastic Art & Wrting AP Portfolio winners.
Towson Varsity Girls Basketball Team for an awesome season AND for the huge crowd of supportive Towson students at the championship game at Dulaney High School. Go Generals!
Conor Hodes for making being a rising star in Mr. Aglietti's class.
Caden Vu, Julian Joseph, Lucas Westerkamp, & Alejandro Velazquez de Leon for their leadership with the Red Cross Club and the Blood Drive.
60 Blood Drive Participants who saved up to 100 lives!
Robert Pruden for his work as a moderator of a podcast in Latin Language and Cultures, as part of the Unit 3 assessment. Gratias ago!
Naomi Seagall for outstanding work in Latin Language and Cultures. Gratias ago!
Josiah Brion, Brady Burke, Sophia Chen, Mia Greenberg, Eva Keopnick, Sadie Littleton, Jane Shields & Cole Weihs for moving on to the Baltimore County Reflections contest!
AP Spanish, AP French, AP Latin, & 45 Heritage Speakers for taking the AAPPL assessment.
Ms. Keller for laminating a poster of a Medieval artifact for Mr. Buick's Latin classes.
Ms. Hancock for helping Mr. Merani's 1A class to reach their academic and social-emotional goals.
Ms. Bissmeyer & Dr. Hobbs for presenting at the BCPS Intern Professional Learning Conference.
Mr. Sun & Ms. L. Smith for organizing the Sophomore Ring Dance.
Mr. Cheung for passing a professional milestone!
Ms. Anias for her help with administering the Maryland State Survey.
Mr. Biddison for organizing the annual Blood Drive.
Mr. Quicke for a significant life event.
Ms. Karsos & Mr. Salvino for organzing the faculty basketball game.
Ms. Richmond & Ms. Bissmeyer for organizing the AAPPL assessment.
Mr. Marx & Ms. L. Smith for hosting an AVID interest meeting.
Parent/Community STARS
- Sophomore Parent Volunteers who helped decorate and made donations for the Sophomore Ring Dance.
- The American Red Cross for sponsoring the Blood Drive.
- Jen Tobin & Pam Chen for volunteering to assist with the Blood Drive.
- Kim Beard for organizing the PTSA Reflections content and hosting a reception for students and their families. Towson HS is the only high school that entered at the Baltimore County level.
Spring Break - March 23-April 1
The last day of school before Spring Break begins is Friday March 22 - it is a full day of school. Schools and Offices will be closed for Spring Break from March 23 through April 1. Schools and Offices will reopen on Tuesday April 2 (B-day).
End of Marking Period 3 - April 5
Marking Period 3 ends on Friday April 5 (3-hour early dismissal day). Marking Period 3 report cards will be available on FOCUS on April 16 at 4:00 pm.
Marking Period 4 will begin on April 8.
Student ID Badges
Current 9th and 10th grade students received BCPS-issued student ID badges in 1A on March 8. All students can download the BCPS FOCUS App (see directions below) for a virtual ID badge. When students arrive to school after 9:00 am, they will sign-in using the new FOCUS Attendance Kiosk in the Main Office. The Attendance Kiosk requires students to have their student ID badges (physical badge or virtual badge).
Cell Phones Policy Reminder & Resources for Families
On September 26, 2023, February 2, 2024, and March 11, 2024, BCPS shared that our cell phone policy is fully in effect for the 2023-2024 school year. While students may bring personal phones to school, the phones should not be used during class time or used inappropriately at any time during the school day. Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary actions against your child. We understand there are several reasons why parents/guardians have their children bring phones to school, however, they are a distraction and cause significant disruption to the learning environment. Please let your child know that cell phones and school time don’t mix and students who violate the cell phone policy will receive consequences in accordance with our schoolwide interventions and supports procedures for disruptive behavior.
Here are links from Google and Apple on their respective parental control functionality. We encourage parents and caregivers to review this information to learn more about the steps you can take to manage and supervise your child’s device.
Common Sense Media
2024 Carson Scholars
Liliana Zavin and Sarina Saki have been selected as 2024 Carson Scholars! With this honor, they will receive a scholarship, a medal, and a certificate. Both of our Carson Scholars will be recognized at the Carson Scholars Fund’s 28th Annual Maryland Awards Banquet in May.
Olivia Bisson has been named a 2024 Recognized Carson Scholar! Olivia was previously honored with a scholarship award and is now receiving a commemorative pin and certificate to acknowledge her continued academic and humanitarian achievements.
School Counseling Updates
Welcome, Ms. Weir!
Ms. Weir recently joined the Towson HS School Counseling team and will be working alongside Dr. Hobbs for the remainder of the school year with students whose last names begin with E through J. Mrs. Weir completed her Master of Education in School Counseling at Loyola University Maryland and her counseling internship at Hereford High School. Before starting her internship, Mrs. Weir taught high school math for nearly a decade. She is excited to start this new connection to education at Towson High School!
Congratulations, Mr. Tormey & Ms. Valian - BCPS Counselor of the Year Nominees!
Congratulations to Mr. Tormey on his nomiation for BCPS School Counselor of the Year, and Ms. Valian for her nomination for BCPS High School Rookie School Counselor of the Year! The School Counselor of the Year Awards recognize extraordinary school counselors at each level who transform the lives of students through the effective implementation of a comprehensive School Counseling Program Plan aligned to ASCA national standards.
Update for Ms. Raley's Caseload
Ms. Raley will be on maternity leave starting at the end of the day on March 22. She will return next school year. Her case load will be managed by the following school counselors:
- Ms. Valian - All students with the last name starting with B -
- Ms. Petras - All students with the last name starting with C -
- Mr. Tormey - All students with the last name starting with D -
Junior Conferences
Families of Juniors: We would like to invite you and your student to meet with school staff to review your student’s College & Career Readiness (CCR) status and post-secondary plans. During the meeting we will explore options for the future and discuss what you can be doing now to prepare for Senior year. The conferences will be held beginning March 18, 2024, through June, 2024 on the following dates and times:
April 5, 2024 – From 11:30-2:00 pm
April 10, 2024 – From 8:00-2:00 pm
All other school days from 9:00-1:30 pm
Please call Ms. Williams or Ms. Weinstock at 443-809-3613 to schedule your conference.
March College & Career Talk Newsletter
Please check out the latest edition of the THS School Counseling Office's College & Career Talk newsletter. The newsletter contains information for students and families in grades 9 through 12.
Engineering Help
Reflections Art Program
This year, 8 Towson HS students' work will move on to the Baltimore County level in the National PTSA Reflections Art Program. The following students were celebrated for their artwork at a school reception on March 13, and they will be celebrated at county level ceremony on April 7 from 2:00-4:00 pm at the StarTUp at the Armory in Towson. Towson HS was the only Baltimore County high school that entered at the county level.
- Choreography - Josiah Brion
- Music Competition - Josiah Brion
- Visual Arts - Sophia Chen, Mia Greenberg, Eva Koepnick, Jane Shields, & Cole Weihs
- Photography - Josiah Brion, Brady Burke, & Sadie Littleton
Students Promoting Positive Action
The Students Promoting Positive Action Club (S.P.P.A.), formerly known as S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is requesting donations to support Anxiety Kits for students. The kits will be kept in the Counseling office and will be distributed by staff when indicated for students in need. We would greatly appreciate any donations. Please see below for more information about the SPPA club and this project!
Monetary donations may be made directly to Ms. Russo in the form of cash or check (payable to Towson High School, note “SPPA anxiety kits” on memo line). Donations may also be made online via the Online School Payment system! SPPA Club Anxiety Kits ( SPAA is also happy to accept donations of items. Please use the link to access suggested items on our Amazon Wish List. You may purchase any of these items, or similar items, and drop off donations to Ms. Russo in the nurse’s office. Thank you for your support!
On Saturday, March 2, our very own Towson Terminators competed in the MD State VEX Robotics Championship at Dundalk High School. They competed against teams from all over the state of Maryland for a chance to advance to the VEX World Championship competition in Texas. Although they did not advance, they had a great time and look forward to competing again next year.
TAM & Educators Rising
More State winners for Towson High TAM & Educators Rising! Ava J, Olivia Z, and William G, took SECOND PLACE in the Researching Learning Challenges competition on Dyscalculia! Congratulations!!!
Our AVID students had a great time on their second college visit of the year to UMBC. They learned about the school in an info session with students, went on a campus tour with guides, and grabbed lunch at the dining hall. They also got to see just how cozy dorm life is going to be in a mock dorm room! Interested in learning more about AVID? Please contact Mr. Marx, AVID Coordinator,
Physics Quarknet Masterclass Event
On Sunday, March 10th a number of physics students went to Johns Hopkins to participate in the Quarknet Masterclass outreach event. Quarknet is a national organization funded through the National Science Foundation to promote physics outreach to high schools nationwide, and the Johns Hopkins/Maryland branch is one of the largest and most active in the nation.
Students looked at real life data from the CERN high energy supercollider and analyzed a large amount of particle collisions using modern physics software in order to determine what temporary particles were made during the collision. Students learned about things ranging from collision theory and quarks to what a Higgs Boson is and what subatomic particles can be produced from a series of collisions.
From there, students analyzed their data and determined what possible new particles could have been made during these proton collisions and their mass properties. Our students figured out how things could decay into W bosons (both + and -), Z zero bosons, and even the higgs in certain situations. From there, they determined the mass of particles such as the J-Psi and others.
It was both a fun and successful event that let students see the real science that is happening as we speak. For more information, visit , and The picture below is from QuarkNet.
Spring Musical - Hairspray - April 11-13
Class of 2024 Information
Cap & Gowns
Senior Banner Sale
- Purchase through the school OSP, "Senior Banners."
- Complete the Senior Banner Order Form.
Senior Talent Show
Class of 2025 Information - SAT Day - March 19
SAT for Juniors
Juniors will take the SAT on March 19 during the school day. Students can get personalized SAT prep on the Khan Academy website. Click here to watch a video about SAT Prep
Click here to access information on how to connect College Board & Khan Academy accounts
Please use this link to access the Sign-Up Genuis and Amazon Wishlist:
Class of 2026 - Ring Dance Photos!
Class of 2027 Information
BCPS Community Conversations - April 3 & April 10
BCPS Curriculum Nights - April 30
PTSA Drive to 500
Theatre Boosters - Clothing to Cash - April 6
Recurring News
CAEAC Meetings
Student Supports
Students can receive extra support afterschool via Coach Class and Peer Tutoring. Coach Class is offered by each teacher, each week. Free Peer Tutoring is offered throughout the week by students and advisors of our national honor societies. All supports begin next week unless otherwise noted. BCPS also offers all high school students with free teen therapy through Talkspace.
23-24 Clubs & Organizations
Towson Clubs & Organizations
We encourage all students to be actively involved in clubs and organizations throughout the year. Please check out the club list below. Students that are interested in starting a new club should contact Ms. Smith at
Senior Information Corner
Senior "Save the Dates"
Save the Dates:
- Senior Banners: on Sale March 1-22
- Senior Prom Tickets on Sale: Monday, April 22 – Friday, May 3
- Guest Contracts Available: Monday, April 22 in room 106 or the counselling office (due Friday, May 3)
- THS Senior Prom: Saturday, May 18 at the Marriott Owings Mills Metro Center
- After Prom Party: Bowlero Timonium, Sat May 18, 11pm-1am sponsored by THS PTSA
- Senior Picnic: May 25 after school
- Graduation Practice (Mandatory): Tuesday, May 28 (AM) and Wednesday, May 29 (AM)
- THS Graduation Commencement Ceremony: Thursday, May 30 (AM) at TU Arena
Preparing for the Graduation Ceremony:
- Commencement Ceremony Logistic Form: Please complete this form as soon as possible to prepare for the reading of your seniors’ name and ensuring accessibility for family members.
- Cap and Gowns: Caps and gowns for the Class of 2024 Graduation Commencement Ceremony should be purchased using Jostens ASAP! Purchase before Feb. 1 guarantees the current price, so order fast!
- Senior Obligations: Please note that your senior may not walk the stage if there are outstanding obligations after May 24 (device, textbooks, or other outstanding payments to the school). If these aforementioned items are currently lost or damaged, please contact the school ASAP.
- Attire for Students: Students should be dressed in semi-formal attire under their caps and gowns. Options include dresses, skirts, slacks, collared shirts, dress shoes. Attire to avoid includes jeans, flip-flops, shorts, and sneakers.
- Ticket Information – TBD: Ticket information will be made available later in the year after Ms. Falatko has the BCPS meeting with staff from TU Arena (formerly SECU Arena). Families have previously been allotted 6 per graduate.
Senior Portraits:
- The deadline for senior portraits taken outside of the school sessions is March 1, 2024. Seniors can schedule senior portraits here until March 1, 2024. Please visit the yearbook page on the THS website for information about alternate photo submissions.
- We are a fall delivery school. Seniors will receive their yearbooks via mail over the summer. Buy your yearbook or purchase senior ads here.
Save the Dates:
- Senior Prom Tickets on Sale: Monday, April 22 – Friday, May 3
- Guest Contracts Available: Monday, April 22 in room 106 or the counselling office (due Friday, May 3)
- THS Senior Prom: Saturday, May 18 at the Marriott Owings Mills Metro Center
- Graduation Practice (Mandatory): Tuesday, May 28 (AM) and Wednesday, May 29 (AM)
- THS Graduation Commencement Ceremony: Thursday, May 30 (AM) at TU Arena
Additional questions regarding these and other senior events may be directed to Ms. C. McCusker at
Graduation - Class of 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024, 10:00 AM
Towson University, York Road, Towson, MD, USA
Attendance Matters
Research has shown that attendance is a leading predictor of academic achievement and adult success. Students who find attending school important are more likely to attain goals like attending trade school, college, or getting a job. By showing up to school every day, students develop a positive work ethic and prepare for future success by developing healthy and productive habits.
Our attendance goals this year are for students to maintain at least a 94% attendance rate and to reduce chronic absenteeism. A student that misses 10% or more of school days in chronically absent. By missing just 2 days a month, a student will be chronically absent. Use the "Attendance Tracker" and "Parent Tips" below to support your student in maintaining satisfactory attendance. Additionally, we will send parents/guardians a "Weekly Attendance Report" each Friday afternoon so you can track your student's daily and period attendance.
Attendance Tracker
Parent Tips
Weekly Reports
Get Involved: Join a Parent Organization
Opt-In for Text Messages
If you are not receiving text messages from the school and would like to, please text “Y” or "Yes" to 67587.
Important Links
Upcoming Events
March 19 - Junior SAT Day
March 21 - Senior Talent Show
March 25-April 1 - Spring Break (Schools reopen on April 2)
April 2 - Schools reopen - "B Day"
April 5 - Third Marking Period Ends
April 10 - Schools Closed for Students - Teacher PD Day
April 11, 12 & 13 - Spring Musical
April 16 - Report Cards Distributed
April 20 - Junior Prom
April 26 - Schools & Offices Close 3 Hours Early
May 18 - Senior Prom