Weekly Newsletter War Eagle

Save The Dates
January 11
- Varsity Wrestling @ WFHS, 11:00am- CANCELLED
- DECA Prom Fashion Show, 6:00pm-- CANCELLED New date coming soon
January 14
- Varsity Basketball @ WFHS, 6:00pm
January 14-16
Family Engage Academy
- Click HERE for the community event presented by the county Safety Staff
January 24
- New Winter Pep Rally Date
Nominate Staff Members of the Month
Please click HERE to nominate a staff member.
School Climate Survey
The Georgia School Climate Survey is used to gather input from parents about their child’s school. Please take a few moments to complete the survey about South Forsyth High School. Thank you for your feedback.
SFHS Mock Interviews (Tuesday, March 4 – Friday, March 7) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
All students completing a CTAE Pathway as well as our Internship Forsyth students are required to participate in a mock interview. Our hope is to provide students with an authentic interview experience. To make this happen, we need a large number and variety of professionals conducting the interviews. Parents, please register to volunteer and share the link below with friends and colleagues! Click HERE to register or HERE to view the volunteer orientation video.
Counseling Updates
2025-2026 Course Registration
The course registration period for the 25-26 school year has begun. Teachers will be speaking with students over the next week for recommendations. The elective window and waiver window opens on January 23 at 9:00am and closes on January 30 at 4:00pm. Click here for course registration information.
To learn about what is trending in Counseling, please visit our January 10 Weekly News page! Topics include:
25-26 Course Registration
Mid-Year Reports for College Applications
College of the Week
January Rep Visits to the CCC
Free online SAT & ACT Practice Test Opportunity
25-26 FCS Dual Enrollment Night on Jan. 28
FCS Trade Talks Event on March 12
IB DP, IB CP, and AP Capstone applications DUE DATE EXTENDED UNTIL MONDAY, 1/13!!
Attention 10th Graders: The Advanced Studies Application to apply for IB Diploma Programme, IB Career-Related Programme, and AP Capstone are due on January 9th, 2025. Click HERE to sign up, or for more detailed information please click HERE.
IB Coordinator, Tera Graham (tgraham@forsyth.k12.ga.us)
AP Coordinator Nicole Espy (nespy@forsyth.k12.ga.us)
Internship Opportunities
Inclement Weather Instructions for Families
Here is some information for you to help guide students through the inclement weather day.
Partner in Education
Interested in becoming a South Forsyth High School Partner in Education or know someone who is? Click here to view our Partnership Levels. We look forward to working with you!
Please join us for The College Family Plan on Thursday, January 30th at 7:15 pm. See graphic for information and to sign-up.
Ready to start a career in education without a teaching certification? The Forsyth Teacher Academy offers an alternate path to certification, and applications for the next cohort are now open—click here for more details!
Dance Team Interest Meeting
So you think you can dance?! Join us to learn more about Spirit and Competition Dance Team opportunities for the 2025-26 school year. Students will be our guests to the basketball games on Tuesday, 1/28 to attend the games and interest meeting between games. The current dance teams will perform at the ball games at half-time. This meeting is open to all current SFHS students and those planning to attend SFHS in future years (middle schoolers). Dance team is a co-ed team. Games start at 6:00 and 7:30
Meeting is at 7:00 PM between games. Complete the attached form to receive addition information and to connect with us. Contact Carla Yonk at cyonk@forsyth.k12.ga.us if you have questions.