Kindergarten Newsletter
February, 2025
Supporting Phonological Awareness
What is Phonological Awareness?
Phonological awareness is the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds in spoken language. It's a foundational reading skill that helps children develop the ability to decode, blend, and read words.
Phonological awareness can be taught at different levels, including:
Syllables: Children can clap or tap each syllable in a word.
Onsets and rimes: The onset is the first sound of a word before the vowel, and the rime is the rest of the word.
Phonemes: The individual sounds in a word. Phoneme blending is putting sounds together to form a word, while phoneme segmentation is breaking a word down into its individual sounds.
Other phonological awareness skills include:
- Rhyming
- Alliteration
- Counting
- Categorizing
- Segmenting
- Manipulating sounds by adding, deleting, or substituting
Phonological awareness begins to develop before formal schooling and continues to develop through third grade and beyond. It's an important first step for students to become lifelong readers.
Important Dates
Registration is NOW open. Please allow 4-6 weeks for applications for the next school year to be reviewed and to receive a response from Central Registration. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received. You will receive an email once the review is complete with additional details.
Preschool Outreach Events
District-sponsored events for preschoolers entering DASD Kindergarten next year
February 12, 2025
Art with Abrakadoodle
March 3 & 4, 2025
Super Duper Sports- Click on the picture for Registration Information
Resources for Caregivers
Alphabet Play
Preschoolers can recognize and identify letters—especially familiar letters like those in their names. When you join your child in their play with alphabet toys, you encourage interest in learning.
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness: Activities For Your Pre-K Child
Phonological awareness is a set of critical pre-reaading skills: the ability to hear, identify and play with the sounds in spoken language- including rhymes, syllables and phonemes. Children with strong phonological awareness skills are ready to become readers.
10 Phonological Awareness Activities to Grow Your Child's Reading Skills
Support your preschool-aged child's early reading skills at home using these fun, educational activities. Understand phonological awareness, rhyming and build phoneme awareness with support from these informative videos.
Books To Read Aloud Together
Jake Bakes Cakes: A Silly,Rhyming Children's Picture Book by Gerald Hawksley
Some Smug Slug by Pamela Duncan Edwards
Sheep In A Jeep by Nancy E. Shaw
A wild tale of five reckless sheep whose antics are told with goofy sound effects and catchy rhymes. This combination makes Sheep In A Jeep a lively, fun read aloud.