Bulldog Bits-n-Bytes
March 2025
Please contact the office if you need this information provided in another language.
Our Vision
"Brooklyn STEM Academy students and staff believe in being positive, working hard, and learning in an environment that is rich in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math so that everyone is prepared to meet the challenges of the world around them."
Email: jennifer.teare@msdmartinsville.org
Website: https://www.msdofmartinsville.org/brooklyn-elementary-stem-academy/
Location: 251 North Church Street, Brooklyn, IN, USA
Phone: (317)831-2150
Facebook: facebook.com/BrooklynSTEMAcademy
Twitter: @brooklyn_stem
Important Dates
March 3rd- Spring Pictures
March 5th- Read Across America District Literacy Night @ CEC 5-7pm
March 7th- End of 3rd 9 Weeks
March 9th- Daylight Savings Time Starts
March 12th- Report Cards Sent Home
March 13th- Family Pantry @JRW
March 20th- Healthy Smiles
March 24th-28th- Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
March 31st-April 4th- Spring Book Fair
April 3rd-Family STEM Night
STEM Around Brooklyn
In continuing to learn about being healthy, PreK learned about their eyes. They learned the colored part of your eye is called the iris, and the black center is the pupil.
Kindergarten learned a lot about shadows when talking about Groundhog's Day. They even brought flashlights to make shadows of their own, then did some flashlight reading!
First Grade
First grade has been working hard on their Animal Adaptations PLTW. They tested out various "beak" types to see which beaks worked best for different purposes.
Second Grade
2nd grade has moved onto dinosaurs! So far, they have learned the different types of dinosaurs, and the 4 types of fossils that have been discovered. Then, they made fossils of dinosaurs!
Third Grade
3rd grade finally got to use VEX kits to build machines to rescue the tiger!
Fourth Grade
4th graders made volcanoes in a jar during their Valentine's Day party!
Family Pantry Dates
MSD of Martinsville's Family Pantry dates are Thursdays, 03/13, 04/10, and 05/15 between 11am-1pm located in the back of Wooden Middle School (109 E. Garfield Street). Enter the school's one-way road from Sycamore Street. After giving information (family name, school, and ages of the people in their household), volunteers will put the pantry items inside your vehicles.
Super Quick Camp
Grades 1-8
March 4th-April 24th, Tuesdays & Thursdays
5-6pm MHS Fieldhouse
$100 for all 14 sessions
Daylight Saving Time Reminder
Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 9th. Clocks SPRING FORWARD one hour in the early morning, from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m.
School Wide Title 1
Funding has been made available through School Wide Title 1 Services to Brooklyn STEM Academy for the purpose of providing students with extra support in reading/language arts and math. This extra support is available for all students at Brooklyn STEM Academy. Classroom teachers, Title 1 Teachers and instructional aides provide assistance through small group and individualized instruction as children demonstrate a need for support. Please contact your teacher about services your child may receive.
MSD of Martinsville Vision Statement
“Together we challenge and inspire our children through rich experiences, empowering them to achieve success while making positive contributions to our world.”