This Week at Fincastle
Monday, January 23, 2023
Thank you for sponsoring these students to attend the Resurrection 2023 youth conference!
Opportunities to give or get involved:
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, January 24th 9:00-10:00AM @ Life Center
Bible Reading Group with Ty (Luke study)
Tuesday, January 24th 10:00AM-12:00PM @ Life Center
Meal ministry for homeless and elderly
Wednesday, January 25th 5:30-6:30PM @ Life Center
Bible Reading Group with Nancy and Sheila (Luke study)
Thursday, January 26th 10:00AM-12:00PM @ Life Center
Meal ministry for homeless and elderly
Friday, January 27th 10:00AM-2:00PM @ Jellico UMC
Jellico Outreach (If you would like to carpool with Pastor Steve, meet at Fincastle by 9:00AM.)
Sunday, January 29th 2:30PM @ Life Center
A church-wide vote will be held. The vote will be either to stay in the UMC OR disaffiliate from the UMC. (A paper ballot will be used that day.) The District Superintendent will preside over the church called meeting. We encourage all members of Fincastle to attend and voice your vote. If approved to disaffiliate, the church must be approved at Holston Annual Conference in April 2023. For further info, please see Pastor Steve or Ken Bailey.
Sunday, January 29th 4:00PM @ Life Center
Worship Team Practice
Sunday, January 29th 5:00PM @ Life Center
Bible Study with Pastor Steve (The Prayer of Jabez)
Sunday, February 12th after morning worship
Valentine’s Potluck and Not-So-Newlywed Game
Friday, March 24th 6:00PM
Ladies' Night Out
Sunday, April 2nd 4:00PM
Palm Sunday Worship at Jellico UMC
Fincastle United Methodist Church
Location: 629 Old Middlesboro Highway, LaFollette, TN, USA
Phone: (423) 562-6262