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Parent Letter
Week of November 24, 2024
"Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness."
Our Delivery Crew
Thank you all for your service for the Ochoa Community!
Thank you for your generosity!
The Principal's Desk:
A Message from Principal Rowe-Andrews
Happy Sunday Ochoa Families,
I would like to wish you all a wonderful and restful break and extend a great big THANK YOU to all of our families for your kindness and generosity. Thanks to you we were able to help seven Ochoa families this year have a better Thanksgiving. Families received a turkey and a box of food items from Operation Cranberry, as well as a box of donated non-perishables from all of you. Thank you all again, this wouldn't have been possible without you.
As I reflect on ALL of the things for which I am grateful...
I want to share a personal story about my family and my upbringing . My parents grew up in North Carolina, in the Jim Crow South. As mere teens, they left their families and were part of The Great Migration North, to escape the hold of oppression of the time. This was during a time when education was highly valued, however circumstances would have it that they both did not attend college. In spite of that fact, they used to always remind all of us (five children) how important it was to value our education, and that their goal was to make sure that we were all college educated. While college is not for everyone, that was the dream they had for us. For themselves, they hoped to be able to become self-employed after working three jobs each for many years. In order to realize the dreams they had for us, for a better and easier life, they had to continue to pursue their dreams. They did in fact eventually realize their dreams of being self-employed, my mother a cosmetologist of over fifty years and my father, owner of lounges. Fun fact, each named after their two daughters. This was not easy for them and lots of sacrifices were made in the process. They always instilled the importance and value of our education. This meant every time I was away from school, weekends, breaks and even the summer time, we were always learning. There was an understanding and an expectation that we were going to college, even though they didn't know themselves how to get us there. That just simply meant, they needed to rely on others for information but we had to be prepared, when opportunities presented themselves. My parents (may they rest in peace) are my superheroes and I am grateful to be their daughter, I am grateful for all they did for us. Even though in those moments, I didn't always want to comply.
I tell that story, because one of the things I am most proud of is their legacy and commitment to all of us. They worked tirelessly, but still made the time to pour into each of their five children, in spite of the difficulties and challenges of their time. I want to encourage you, families, to continue to pour into your children. Show them the importance of showing up everyday for themselves, for their family name, to advocate for their own learning, and always put their best foot forward. An education can never be taken away from you.
If possible, please encourage your students to complete 30 mins. to 1 hour of practice reading, writing, and math each day. Yes, even while we are away from school! If your student has missing assignments for Qtr 2, encourage them to work on those. Students can log into their Google Classrooms and CLEVER accounts on their district issued chromebooks. IXL has practice and skill building activities in all content areas. They can read books online using SORA. If there is a need for tutoring support, please use this link Tutor.com (Tutoring on Demand).
Happy Thanksgiving!
-Principal Rowe-Andrews
HUSD Critical Budget Information
Perhaps you have already heard about the "Critical Budget Shortfall" that Hayward Unified is facing? If not, here are some resources you might want to review HUSD Bd Mtg_11/13/24 Systematic Instructional Review/instructional audit of HUSD (2hr:41min-3:20) and Budget Presentation (4hr:50min-5:10); also please skim the budget page created to educate the community, on the HUSD Budget Solutions 2024-25 Page. Once you have some background information, feel free to take the Community Budget Survey.
Before you take the survey:
Section #1: asks you to look at a list of opportunities to generate revenue for the district and select all that you believe should be considered.
Section #2: asks you to review a list of priority areas, based on District goals and put them in priority order by clicking the up/down arrows. There are a series of explanations for each priority.
Section #3: asks a series of questions. This is anonymous, so please exhaust your thinking on each of these. My philosophy is, no idea is a bad idea. They all must be discussed and we must weigh pros and cons appropriately.
Section #4: asks you to share your name and contact information in the event you would like follow up of some kind and or the district has clarifying questions.
If you have any questions, do feel free to contact Ms. Rowe-Andrews, Principal or Ms. Sonia Hiester, Family Engagement Specialist. Have questions? Attend an informational drop in session:
12/2 from 12-1PM
12/3 from 8:30-9:30AM
12/9 from 12-1PM
12/10 from 8:30-9:30AM
Site Based Decision Making Team (SBDM)
SBDM meets: **Tuesday, December 3, 2024: Meeting Agenda (Eng/Span)
Next meeting 1/7/2025 ~ Submit Meeting Agenda Items by clicking the box below Due:12/20/24
Attendance Matters at Ochoa
I feel it important to share with you the urgency of getting students to school each day. Ochoa, like all schools sets an attendance goal for each month. Although we strive for 98% monthly attendance rate, we have not been able to reach 95% as of yet this year. We are noticing patterns of absences, Monday, Wednesdays, and Friday each week. If your student has appointments, we ask that you make them at the end of the school day whenever possible. We especially are noticing patterns of absences around holiday weekends. More than anyone, we recognize the need to enjoy a little family time, however doing so may come at a cost to your student's learning. Take a look at our attendance rates so far this year.
November attendance= 92.51 (Nov 1-11th)
October attendance = 93.5%
September Attendance = 93.3%
August Attendance = 94.19%
When our students miss instruction, they are still responsible for the work and mastering the content. Repeated absences over time (days, weeks, months, years) has the potential to create learning slide. This can make children fall behind their grade-level peers and create a level of anxiety, when they are unable to perform in the classroom. Help your student move toward the path to success this year and make sure they are in attendance daily and for the duration of the school day. Quarter 2 starts this week, let's turn our attendance rates around. Help Ochoa achieve a 98%!
HUSD's New Anti-Hate Speech Policy
The N-word+ ban policy translated into Spanish for easy access and understanding.
A document outlining the history and harm of the n-word, also translated into Spanish, to help families discuss the significance of the policy at home.
A link for families to provide their input on the policy, ensuring their voices are heard.
A resource guide on how families can support at home (Spanish here and English here) with practical tips on fostering conversations about respect, inclusivity, and the importance of eliminating hate speech.
Slide decks from the presentation: English presenter and Spanish presenter
Loss of Privledges List (LOP) & Risk of Retention (ROR)
Ochoa Families, there are many interventions that we put in place here at Ochoa to support all of our students; some are especially for those students who may be struggling academically and or behaviorally:
- Attendance incentives & programs (AC Transit Free bus pass)
- COST- Counseling supports (individual/group)
- Tutoring Support (Lunch/ After school/Weekends)
- Focal Student Progress Monitoring
- After school Programming (YEP)
- Restorative Circles & Mediations
- Academic Counselor Check Ins
- Student Success Team Meetings
- Progress reports (weekly)
- Check In-El Spec
This is a non-exhaustive list, however these supports are put in place to ensure your student gets the help they need to be successful and thrive here at Ochoa Middle School. When students do not meet academic or behavioral requirements, they are in danger of being placed on the 1) Risk of Retention List (Academics) or 2) The LOP List (Behaviors). I want to share with you what being placed on either of these lists might mean for your student. Please know that I am sharing this information proactively with the best of intentions for us to work in partnership.
Students at Risk of Retention (ROR)
Identified during the 3rd-4th qtrs
When students are unable to maintain their academics and have three or more "Fs" on their quarterly report card, we begin to hold a series of student success team meetings, academic check ins and start a process of progress monitoring your student. We offer one or a combination of the interventions listed above. If there are no improvements in their grades from Quarter 1 through the middle of Quarter 4, we will make a recommendation for retention. Students with three or more "Fs" on their report cards, will then be placed on the LOP list, where they become ineligible to participate in school related events such as: clubs, games, dances, end of year field trips, end of year fun school related activities up to and including 8th grade promotion. These lists apply to 7th and 8th grades students.
Students on the Loss of Privileges List (LOP):
Students can be placed on the LOP list for a number of reasons. The first, described above for academics and failure to perform. The second reason is based on violations of school rules and policies outlined in our student, district handbook, and california education code. This non-exhaustive list of violations may include:
- attendance
- any disciplinary action (Suspensions, In School Suspensions)
- poor attendance (includes tardies/absences)
- poor behaviors (any disciplinary actions)
- failure to serve consequences (i.e. detentions, community service, study halls, progress reports)
- failure to adhere to dress code
- failure to adhere to cell phone policy
- failure to maintain grades (less than two Fs)
Students appearing on this list will not be able to participate in any school related activities.
Families, this doesn't mean students can't make mistakes, we expect them to, however as we move toward the end of the school year, we do not expect to have to reiterate expectations, especially when there may have been an obvious disregard for the school and district policies. We are here to work in partnership with you and want ALL-100% of our students to participate through year end. Please have a proactive conversation with your children so that they fully understand this process.
School Site Council (SSC)
Our meetings this year are:
SSC Meets as follows: (*the team will decide meeting times/medium)
10/17/2024- Hybrid Mtg, 5:30PM
10/22/2024- SSC District Training (mandatory), 5:30-7PM @ The HUB
5/22/2025- if needed to finalize the SPSA for 25-26
๐๐๐ Extra Curriculars: Basketball Begins ๐๐๐
๐ป๐ปAll students must be picked up within 15 minutes of school events end.๐ป๐ป
Student Athletes & After School Activities
Student athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no more than one "F: Grades will be monitored regularly and students will be advised by the athletic director. School games and evening events must follow school expectations.
- dress code is enforced
- students must attend school; If absent and or on suspension during the day may not attend events/sports etc
- school appropriate language required
- school appropriate behaviors required
English Language (EL) Specialist's Desk
Click here to: Visit our Multilingual Learner Department's Webpage
Resources for Families of Multilingual Learners
Parents: Get Involved
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Site Level: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Board Policy 6020: Parent Involvement & Family Engagement
My Schedule: I am at Ochoa the 2nd and 4th Wednesday/every Thursday and Friday.
Site Based Decision Making Team (SBDM)
*Agenda is posted 72 hrs in advance.
Next Meeting: November 18, 2024
Join Here: Google Meets Link or In person
Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) was introduced to Hayward USD in 1996 as a strategy for ensuring that staff, parents, and students at individual school sites had a vehicle for engaging in the decision-making that most affected their own sites. Over the years, HUSD board and district leadership have affirmed the importance of SBDM as a means of exchanging ideas, data, and other information necessary to improving educational opportunities for HUSD students.
These are public meetings any member of the Ochoa community is welcome to join meetings, submit agenda items, voice concerns, support process improvements and spending (MAA funds), and offer input to the School Site Council (SSC) team at Ochoa Middle School regarding suggestions for spending that supports student academic achievement.
๐ Calendar at a Glance
Monday, December 2, 2024
- Students return from Thanksgiving Break
- Budget Survey Drop In Session, 12PM (Virtual)
- drop in to get support from our FES and I on the Budget Survey
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
- Budget Survey Drop In Session, 8:30AM (Virtual)
- SBDM Mtg, 3:30PM_Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
- School Spirit Day, wear Black & Gold
- Future Freshman Day, 8:30AM (Mt. Eden/Tennyson/Hayward HS)-8th Graders only
- Students dismiss at 1:30PM
- Faculty Mtg, 1:45PM
- Basketball (see schedule above)
Thursday, December 5, 2024
- School Site Council Mtg, 5:30PM (Virtual)
Friday, December 6, 2024
- School Spirit Day, wear Black & Gold
Thanksgiving Break
- 11/25/24-11/29/24
- 12/23/24-1/3/25 (return Jan 6th)
January 17, 2025
- Teacher workday (No School for Students)
January 20, 2025
- M.L. King Day Observed, No School
Ochoa Garden Project
Ochoa has a nice sized garden and we are looking for families who might be willing and able to help us plan to revitalize it. Currently, we are growing grapes, apricots, pomegranates, and apples. Our Site Based Decision Making Team has been discussing the possibility of creating a garden to table home economics program for our students. If you or someone you know might be able to offer some expertise in this area, please reach out to Principal Rowe-Andrews or Ms. Hiester, Family Engagement Specialist.
We would love to hear from you.
Public Transportation
Does your student require public transportation? If you would like to apply for a free AC transit card for your student please click the link below. This is not transportation specific to students with IEPs, but is available for ALL students.
๐ Attendance Policy: Every Day Counts
Ochoa strives for a 98+% attendance rate for our students each month/year.
October attendance to date= 93.85%
September Attendance = 93.3%
August Attendance = 94.19%
Poor performance in the classroom is often the result of poor attendance. If students are to achieve maximum value from their middle school education, 100% attendance is the goal. Did you know that the state of California only allows students to be absent, with *valid excuse for less than 10% of the year?
*valid excuses for absences from school are:
- Illness or quarantine
- Medical, dental, or optometry appointments
- Religious Requests, upto one per quarter with prior written notice and approval
- Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family
California law requires all students 6 to 18 years old are required to attend school on time and regularly. Cal. Ed. Code ยง 48200.
A child is habitually truant if, without valid excuse, they are:
- Absent for three days in a single school year,
- Absent or tardy more than 30 minutes three times in a year,
- Any combination of the above. Cal. Ed. Code ยง 48260(a).
A child is chronically truant if they have missed 10 percent of the school year. Cal. Ed. Code ยง 48263.6.
Parents must Report Absences-Please call us!: All absences must be cleared by a phone call or a note within 72 hours of the absence from a parent/guardian to the attendance office (510 723-3130 extension 43111). When absences are not cleared in this manner the family can expect to receive a call from our office or automated phone system.
Bell Schedules Schedule 2024-25
Students should plan to arrive to school each day between 8 and 8:15AM, unless they have a zero period class. Students with a zero period PE class must arrive at school daily no later than 7:15AM. The first bell rings at 8:20AM and students must be in their seats or on their PE numbers by that time. Even if a student arrives "just 1 minute late," they legally must be marked tardy according to the law. Help us to achieve our daily and annual attendance goals this year and help us to get to 98% or better.
HUSD Traditional School Calendar
HUSD Board Meetings & District Updates
Smore โค๏ธ Back-to-School
Website: https://ochoa.husd.us
Location: 2121 Depot Road, Hayward, CA
Instagram: coming soon
Facebook: coming soon
Twitter: coming soon