Fact Fluency Interview
Fact Interview...What is it?
- Similar to a running record
- Not timed, however, you notice a student's cadence and mark to show "wait" time (3 seconds or more)
- Allows you to see HOW students are solving problems
- Administered 1:1
- Targeted practice based on "known facts"
- Opens discussion of strategies
Sample Interview
multiplication interview.mov
Sample Teacher Recording Sheet & Recording Table
NOTE: You can stop the interview when student has 3 consecutive errors and/or wait time in one column.
- Conducting the Interview Guide
- Student copy of the interview (one copy)
- Teacher copy of the interview (1 per student)
- Pencil (for teacher)
- Tracking Tools (for student)
- Coding Guide
- Recording table (1 per student- optional at interview)
- Highlighter/Marker (optional w/ recording table)
- Class composite (optional)
Fact Fluency Expectations
Teacher Responsibilities
- Prepare baggies & flashcards
- Monitor progress thru conferencing
- Re-assess benchmark (every month, 9 weeks, 3 x's a year)
- Communicate to parents
Student Responsibilities
- Practice targeted facts (4-6 flashcards)
- Learn new strategies
- Communicate with teacher
- Continue to move forward with facts
Example from 3rd Grade Teacher @ PGES
Teacher Binder
- Class Composite
- Teacher Interview for each Student
- Recording Table- track progress of facts
Student Materials
- baggie for "known facts"
- baggie for "not yet" facts
- set of flashcards for each student to pull from for baggies
Flashcard Storage
- student sets are banded together
NOTE: Teacher sends master copy of flashcards to the Copy Center to be collated and cut into sets.
Progress Monitoring Conference
Students place their baggies into the tub to let the teacher know they are ready to be checked on their facts.
Teacher Conference Chart
The teacher keeps track of the student conferences with a spreadsheet. This helps to see which students she has met with and the time interval between conferences.
Example from 4th Grade Teacher @ CGES
Teacher Conference Chart
The teacher has a daily schedule of the students she is going to conference with over their facts.
Teacher Binder
- Class Composite for each operation
- tab for each student with their interview and recording table
Student Materials
- baggies with flashcards for the different operations
PRACTICE Addition B Interview
Click to view a video to practice scoring a student on the Addition B Interview.
Timed Tests and the Development of Math Anxiety
Jo Boaler is a professor of mathematics education at Stanford University and the author of What’s Math Got To Do With It? How Parents and Teachers Can Help Children Learn to Love Their Least Favorite Subject. (Penguin, 2009).