Wolf Call Newsletter
March 11
Safety Tip: Secure campuses and lockdowns
In the past, this has led some families to immediately come to campus to find their student. While completely understandable and well-intended, it’s important to understand that a flurry of non-students arriving to campus can unintentionally contribute to panic and alarm, thereby making it more challenging for law enforcement and school administration to investigate the threat, establish calm, and keep everyone safe. We work hard to gather information and communicate to our families as quickly as possible during a secure campus or lockdown situation. If one occurs, we highly encourage families to monitor their emails and text messages for communications from our administration with status updates or instructions for families. We thank you for your cooperation in keeping all of our students as safe as possible.
A “secure campus” is typically called when there’s police activity in the surrounding area. In a secure campus situation, the campus is secured, but our school day continues.
In a “lockdown,” it’s likely that there’s been a threat of some kind made to campus that requires immediate investigation. In a lockdown situation, the campus is secured and students take cover in place.
Important Dates
3/13/24- Minimum Day (WASC accreditation)
March 25 - April 5, 2024 - No School (Spring Break)
Please see future dates and our school Bell Schedule HERE.
Spring Sports are up and running! Check out our new athletics calendar and schedules on our website at: https://wolfpack.guhsd.net/Athletics/Schedules/index.html
Tutorial Adjustments
There will be no after school tutorial this Wednesday March 13, due to our WASC accreditation visit. In addition, Monday and Tuesday after school, teachers will need to meet in focus groups which may impact our regular tutorials. It is best practice for the student to email the teacher (and CC a parent) with intent of attending. This gives the teacher the chance to respond if tutorial will not be held and creates accountability for the student and parent of attending. Students could follow up with a quick email, "I attended tutorial on....with..." to document attendance.
In addition, anytime that we have a Minimum day, we will not hold after school tutorials as teachers are in staff meetings or working to submit grades.
In the last two weeks, there have been a few changes to the tutorial schedule due to supporting the needs of our staff. Our tutorial schedule is live on our website and is updated in real time. Please review the tutorial schedule.
University of Arizona (lunchtime on March 22)
Interested in learning more about the University of Arizona? An admissions representative will be on campus to meet with students on Friday, March 22nd during lunch time in the College and Career Center L-1. Come learn all about admissions and campus life. Sign up in the Counseling office today!
SDSU Field Trip
The Counseling Department is hosting a field trip to San Diego State University on March 20th. Students will receive a tour of the campus and learn more about the University. Sign up in the Counseling office ASAP if you are interested in attending!
Cal Poly Humboldt
Interested in learning more about Cal Poly Humboldt? An admissions representative will be on campus to meet with students on Thursday, March 21st during lunch time in the College and Career Center L-1. Come learn all about admissions and campus life. Sign up in the Counseling office today!
Participate in March "Mathness" All Month Long!
Throughout the month of March, participate in March Mathness. Each school day, there will be a different puzzle from the March Mathness calendar. Let's see you put your problem-solving skills to work! Even if you can't find a solution, though, you can still turn in your evidence of effort daily in the library. View the calendar and zoomed in puzzles at bit.ly/marchmathness2024
Any student wanting to park on campus (this includes Seniors who want to purchase a parking spot) needs to show proof of attending one "Start Smart" class with a parent. This course needs to be completed ONCE in high school. (If you have already signed up for a future date, you do not need to enroll again)
West Hills has these Start Smart sessions remaining:
Location: WHHS Theatre
April 15, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 PM
May 16, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 PM
Please see THIS DOCUMENT for more information including where to sign up!
Interested in seeing what our Advanced Theatre class has been doing this year? Then please join us Friday March 22nd at 7pm for a FREE Showcase of scenes, monologues, student directing projects, theatre design projects, short films, and musical theatre numbers. The Advanced Theatre Winter Showcase is a wonderful way to support Arts in Education Month and our talented Wolf Pack Theatre students. Plus, any West Hills student who attends will have the chance to win 2 FREE TICKETS to opening night of our spring musical MAMMA MIA on Thursday April 11th! We hope to see you there!
Teacher of the Year
Classified Employee of the Year
Gold Star Volunteer of the Year!
We had the pleasure of surprising Lisa Morena today with the Gold Star Volunteer of the Year distinction. She has two students on our campus, Lucca (11th) and Arabella (9th). We truly are grateful for all our parent volunteers! In addition to all her volunteer work she has also stepped up as the head JV softball coach this year!
INKWELL - WHHS annually published literary-art magazine
Any WHHS student is invited to submit original artwork and/or writing for inclusion in Inkwell, the school's annually published literary-art magazine.
Submit work using the form: bit.ly/submitinkwell2024 - the deadline is not until March 15th, but you can submit now!
For inspiration, see a digital copy of last year's Inkwell at bit.ly/inkwell2023 - or get more info from Ms. Sannwald in the library.
PTSA: Attention Class of 2024!
Grad Bash to Universal Studios sales stop 4/12/24
Auction for grad seats & parking spaces is open now until 5/17/24
Raffle ticket drawing for 2 grad seating packages is 5/17/24 purchases stop 5/20/24
Legacy Bricks on sale until 6/5/24
Senior Signing Day
Save the Date: Friday, May 3rd @2:30 in Theater Foyer
If you plan to continue your formal education at a 4-year-university or community college we want to recognize you amongst your peers and family on Friday, May 3rd at 2:30PM in the West Hills Theater Foyer.
This is a time for photo opportunities and celebration. We will have the West Hills logo backdrop and WHHS light up letters in the foyer for plenty of photo opportunities. We hope you will join us.
If you are interested in having a senior sign on your senior night, please fill out the form above. The deadline to fill out the form is due Friday, March 15th, at 3:35pm. If you do not fill out the form before the deadline, you will NOT have a senior sign for your senior night. Students, you MUST use your school account info to fill out form.
Upcoming Event for our Santee Community
Please see this flyer for information regarding applying for this competition.
Connect with WHHS
West Hills Social Media and links
Main: @whhswolfpack
Juniors: @wolfpackclass2025
Sophomores: @whhsclass2026
Freshman: @whhsclass2027
ASB: @whhsasb
Guidance/Counseling: @whhs.counseling
Athletics: @westhillsathletics
Library: @westhillslib
Yearbook: @wolfpackyearbook
AVID: @whhsavid
Marching Band: @blue_and_black_brigade