Liberty High Newsletter 12-15-2024
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Principal's Message 12-15-2024
Dear Liberty High Community,
The end of the Semester is almost here. We have one week left until the winter break. On behalf of the staff, we would like to with all of you a happy and merry holiday season. Please, be safe as you bring in the New Year. It is a glorious time of year to have the extra time to spend with family and friends. We hope that everyone close to you remains safe and you enjoy this time away from Liberty High School.
Students are working hard to finish up the 1st semester. They are turning in work, receiving final grades, and enrolling in new classes. Congratulations to the students that have finished all of their classes and graduated early.
Have a safe holiday season and work with your student to ensure that they have completed all their tasks this week. Teachers and staff will not be available until after the Winter Break. The first day back at school is January 6th, 2024.
Have a blessed day, Dr. Christmas
Liberty High School - Lion Pride Day
Students be sure to join the Liberty High School and One- Eighty Staff for the Liberty Lion Pride Day on Friday, December 20th, 2024. We will be celebrating student success with the 180 bus, fun, games, snacks, prizes, gifts, etc. All Liberty High Students are automatically invited. All festivities will happen during the school day.
LUSD Climate Survey
The Lodi Unified District would like to invite all students and parents to take our climate survey. We absolutely want to know what you think. Your input is invaluable. Please, use the links below.
Student Climate Survey Link
Parent Climate Survey Link
Having difficulty in Math? Need help catching up in Math? Mrs. Lewis's Extra Math Time Tutoring is available before school at 8am and after school from 1:45 pm to 2:30 pm. MTWTh in Room #1.
College and Career Field Trips
We are starting to offer field trips for visit select colleges, community colleges, and job fairs. Please, see your counselor Mrs. Wood to discuss these opportunities. The field trips will also be announced in your classes and are great opportunities to see what your options could be after high school.
Upcoming Minimum Days and Holidays During the 1st Quarter
Friday, December 20, 2024 - Minimum Day.
December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025 - Winter Break (No School)
Monday, January 6, 2024 - First day of the school in the second semester.
Guitar Club
Interested in playing guitar? Details: Guitar, Bass, and Drum lessons - 1:45-2:40 in Room B-2. All skill levels welcome. Some days will include Band, Free Play, and Maintenance.
Liberty Thursday Thrift Store
Does your student need a coat or warmer clothes for the winter season? Mrs. Lewis runs the Liberty Thursday Thrift store that offers clothing items and more to students at no charge. Students are welcome to shop and find something they can use. We are currently welcoming donations of hooded sweatshirts, jackets and dark colored graphic t-shirts. Thank you!
School Site Council Meeting
The next School Site Council Meeting will be held in January. Time and date TBD.
Picking Up and Dropping Off Students at School
Please respect our neighbors and the quiet area that we live in. Drive the speed limit, turn down your music, and refrain from blocking driveways. Thank you for your cooperation.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Parents and Guardians,
To report an absence, please call our office at 209-331-7633. If leaving a message, please remember to include your name, your child's name, and the reason for the absence. Uncleared absences will become unexcused absences after ten days without a parental excusal. For medical appointments, please remember to get a doctor's note and have you or your child bring it to the office as soon as possible.
District Approved Flyers
See announcements above
Want to Join a Club?
Club information will be coming next week.....stay tuned!!!
School/Office Hours and Important Numbers
Just a reminder that school hours are 8:30AM - 1:45PM on regular school days. Office hours are 8:00AM - 4:30PM.
The main school number is (209) 331-7633. The attendance number is (209) 331-7622. Dr. Christmas, the principal, Mrs. Wood, the counselor, and all of our teachers are here to assist you and your student.
We are all here to partner with your student and family to ensure their success at Liberty High School. We look forward to making this a great school year for your student.