News from the Nest
September 27, 2024
The Weeks Ahead
Saturday, 9/28
-Postponed: HSA Bulb Planting Event - new date TBD in early October depending on shipment of bulbs
Monday 9/30 (Day 3)
Tuesday, 10/1 (Day 4)
-VF Safety Week Letter Goes Home
Wednesday, 10/2 (Day 1)
-National Custodian Appreciation Day
Thursday, 10/3
-Rosh Hashanah – No School for Students and Teachers
Friday, 10/4 (Day 2)
-VF Spirit Day - Phillies Day
Monday, 10/7 (Day 3)
-VF HSA School Fundraiser Kickoff! Fun Run Info Comes Home This Week
-VF Safety Week Assembly
-HSA Meeting - 7pm-8pm Library
Tuesday, 10/8 (Day 4)
-Vernfield Safety Week
-Pod Parents
-Moe's Pop-Up Taco Kit Event
Wednesday, 10/9 (Day 1)
-Vernfield Safety Week -Kindness/Anti-Bullying Assembly K-5
-Pod Parents
Thursday, 10/10 (Day 2)
-Vernfield Safety Week - Fire Truck Visit
-Pod Parents
Friday, 10/11 (Day 3)
-Vernfield Safety Week
-Spirit Day - Wear VF Spirit Wear or Blue/Gold
Postponed: HSA Bulb Fundraiser
Due to a delay in the bulb shipment, the planting event scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed. A new date(s) will be communicated once the bulbs have shipped.
This means you still have time to purchase a bulb...there are a few spots available and planting will take minutes!
If you'd like to purchase a bulb for a $5 donation to the HSA, plant it (volunteers will be available to support planting), and watch it grow in early Spring, please sign up at the following link:
All sign-ups must be accompanied by a $5 donation to the HSA venmo account: @VernfieldHome_School upon sign-up. Bulbs will not be considered reserved until the donation is made.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mandy Merrill at amhansen@gmail.com.
Vernfield Spirit's Fun Run fundraiser has begun!
You can now sign up for our Vernfield Spirit's Fun Run fundraiser! Signing up is free, easy, and helps our school community raise funds for student events, school maintenance & supplies, teacher support, and other school needs throughout the year.CLICK HERE to see an overview of where our HSA funds go to support our school!
*Need help? Video instructions HERE.
How does it work? On 10/17, students will participate in themed running, walking, and dancing led by the Booster Team! Students can share their donation page to get donations from friends & family for participating in the event. *For a sneak peek - click here
Thank you for coming together to make our school stronger. We hope you’re just as excited as we are!
Hospitality Update
The next Hospitality Event of the year will take place next Friday, October 4th. Let's root for a great year AND a great Phillies Postseason with Root Beer Floats, a Hot Dog Bar, and a faculty Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament.
Signup here - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D49AEAA2DA02-51707975-wearerooting
Your support is SO appreciated!
Fill out the Vernfield HSA Directory form by 10/4
The Vernfield HSA is now collecting responses for inclusion in the 2024/2025 HSA Directory!
Please fill out the form below if you wish to have your family's contact information included. As a friendly reminder, you will only receive a School Directory if you choose to be listed in the directory. You only need to complete ONE form per family.
If you have more than 4 children that you'd like included in the directory, please contact Vanessa Plumley at vrf24@hotmail.com. Please complete this form no later than October 4th. Thank you so much!
2024-2025 Vernfield’s HSA School Directory
The school directory is created by the Home and School Association to assist with contact between parents and families for things such as planning play dates between children, birthday parties, etc. The school directory is not used by the school or school district for purposes of official school communication. Updating or changing your information in the school directory does not update or change the information that the school uses for purposes of official school communication. Vernfield Elementary School does not provide any information for use in the school directory. Information included in the school directory is provided solely and voluntarily at the discretion of the parents/guardians.
*The school directory may not be used for purposes of soliciting business or any other non-school-related activities.
October Counseling News
The month of October is Bully Prevention Month and to kick off the month, students will be participating in Bullying Awareness and Prevention lessons throughout the month of October. I will be teaching classroom guidance lessons in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade.
Here is an outline of what will be taught!
-In Kindergarten we focus on ways to be a good friend and get along with each other. I will do a read aloud in First Grade of the book, Thea the Yellow Tomato by Stephanie Brown, focusing on accepting ourselves and others. We will focus on the first R of bully prevention; Recognize (is it unfair, one sided, happen over and over, makes you feel sad/scared).
-In Second Grade students will learn about the second R in bully prevention, refuse. We will read the book, The Bully Blockers Club by Teresa Bateman and Jackie Urbanovic and practice ways to refuse a bully, ask them to stop, ignore, walk away, report to an adult.
-In Third Grade students will review the 3R's to bully prevention: Recognize, Refuse, and Report. Students will practice assertive communication skills and I-Messages (I feel... When you.. Please..) to communicate their needs.
-In Fourth Grade students are empowered to stand up to bullying and practice changing negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
-In Fifth Grade we hone into cyberbullying which is a critical piece as our children get older and learn to stop, block and tell when someone is breaking the rules of cyber safety. Students are always encouraged to report to a trusted adult if they are unsure of what to do.
Nicole Wagner, School Counselor
More recipes needed for the Vernfield Cookbook
Have you ever attended a gathering and wished you could have the secret family recipe of your favorite dish? Do you have a tried and true recipe that everyone asks for?
Well, the Vernfield Home and School Association has the solution!
We are pleased to announce the creation of a first annual Vernfield Cookbook, "Cooking with Spirit"!
We are asking all Vernfield families to support our students by submitting a recipe online for inclusion! Bring your best recipes to share, it takes only a few minutes to enter them online for printing.
Please submit recipes via the following link:
Username - VernfieldHSA
Password - Contribute2024
The below categories still have room to grow:
- Apps and Beverages
- Soups & Salads
- Vegetables & Side Dishes
- Main Dishes
- Breads & Rolls
- Desserts
- Cookies & Candy
- This & That
If you are looking for great recipes to try, the cookbook is available for preorder as well, via the below link:
More information can be found in the accompanying flyer for details!
Questions? Contact Laura DiNardo at laura.j.dinardo@gmail.com.
School News: Vernfield Chorus Sings the National Anthem at the Iron Pigs Game
Ms. Schreiber 's chorus entertained the crowd at the Iron Pigs Minor league baseball game on Thursday, September 19th.
Vernfield students sang, The National Anthem, while fireworks erupted in the sky. A bonus was a guest appearance by the Phillie Phanatic
Moe's Taco Kit Fundraiser on October 8th
How about a night off from cooking dinner while supporting Vernfield Elementary?!
Attention friends, family, neighbors, and local Queso lovers! We are hosting a Moe’s Popup Fundraiser on Tuesday, October 8th, benefitting the Vernfield Home & School Association.
These Take-home Family taco Kits are ready to eat when you get home, making your night easier, plus for every kit sold, 25% will be donated to Vernfield Home & School Association..…that’s $10.75 per kit!!!
The Meal Kits feed 4-6, come with all the fixings to make up to 12 tacos, and are $43.00(+tax). Choose from chicken, ground beef, ½ chicken and ½ ground beef, or vegetarian. Check out the photo for all that is included!
This is a fun, and convenient way to have dinner ready to pick up while supporting a favorite organization. Take a much-deserved night off from cooking, order your family a night of fajitas. Show your support!
How to Order:
1. Please place your order by 1:00pm on Monday, October 7th.
Fill out this form to submit your order: https://form.jotform.com/223203866877162
2. Pick up will be at 960 Long Rd, Telford PA 18969 between 5:30-6:00pm on Tuesday, October 8th.
3. Can't make it, order a KIT CREDIT, Vernfield Home & School Association will receive the $10.75, and you can grab your kit where and when it works best for you!
When picking up your order, please pull up to our table/van, tell us your name, we will bring your order right to you, and you’ll be on your way!
See you on Tuesday, October 8th, we’re looking forward to it!
Spirit Wear Sale update
Thank you everyone for your orders in the back to school spirit wear sale. Orders are expected to be sent home with your student the week of 10/14/24.
We will also be offering a winter sale using Nyce Shirt Co. with some new and familiar logos along with a larger selection of items such as a Blanket, Hat, Pajama pants and more.
The next store will close just in time for the winter break should anyone want to purchase gifts! More to come....
Online Vernfield Calendar
The link to the 2024-2025 Vernfield Calendar link from the district is below. Please click on the below link and follow the instructions to download the district provided calendar.
HSA Executive Board Members
President:Sarah Osiol; sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
VP Fundraising: Danielle Rostick; pharmgirl19130@gmail.com
VP Communications: Mandy Merrill; amhansen@gmail.com
Secretary: Kendra Luther; itpmentor209@yahoo.com
Co-Treasurer: Kristen Viscardi; keviscardi@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Stephanie VanHeyst; lasinss16@gmail.com
Stay in Touch with Vernfield Home & School!
Vernfield Elementary School
Website: vernfield.soudertonsd.org
Location: 960 Long Mill Road, Telford, PA, United States
Phone: 215-721-0606
Twitter: @SASD_Vernfield