McMillan Monthly
McMillan Community Highlights for February, 2024
The mission of McMillan Middle is to academically challenge students and to promote student ownership of learning in a safe, diverse, and respectful environment.
Principal Message
Greetings McMillan Families:
I hope this newsletter finds you well as we start February. It's been a fantastic start to the new year at McMillan Middle School, filled with learning, growth, and a positive school atmosphere. We are thrilled to kick off Black History Month with a burst of creativity and celebration. Get ready for a door decorating contest from the Monarch Connect committee, where each PRIDE will have the opportunity to showcase their artistic flair in honoring the rich history and contributions of the Black community. Every morning for our special daily announcements we'll highlight inspiring figures, events, and milestones that have shaped the course of Black history, plus other unique curriculum and projects in individual classrooms. We're ready to be inspired and educated as we commemorate Black History Month with pride and enthusiasm.
We are excited to report that physical altercations at school are significantly down by 32% this year from last year. Most referrals are written and occur between 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM, so speaking with your student about 3rd block, how it went, choices they make, and transitions they go through with an effort to focus on learning are steps that can help all of us be successful.
Our attendance numbers are also looking up as we also push to "Strive for 95" as one of our school goals. That means attending 95% of all minutes available per school year. Looking at the chart below:
Green: Students have missed between 0 and 5% of all minutes. 415 minutes in each day.
Yellow: Students have missed between 5% and 10% of all minutes.
Orange: Students have missed between 10% and 20% of all minutes.
Red: Students have missed more than 20% of all minutes.
McMillan students have better attendance compared to last year and the year before, as the areas for Red are getting smaller, and Green, Yellow and Orange are getting larger. This is amazing progress by our students, staff and families as we focus to keep our "main thing the main thing" - getting all students ready for High School and beyond! #1team1dream. Remember - Students who attend school regularly are more likely to be on or above grade level academically. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to be socially and emotionally connected to the school community. Good attendance prepares students to excel in college, career and life.
Please review the rest of the newsletter for important updates, good news, and take advantage of the opportunity to provide feedback on the climate and culture of McMillan (see “Parent Climate Survey”). As always, we appreciate your continued support and involvement. If you have any questions, please call us 531-299-2440.
Very Respectfully,
Dr. Walters - Proud Principal at McMillan
February Academic Calendar/Homework Help
We just can't hide that MONARCH PRIDE!
ACP students attend the "Fellowship Games" at College of St. Mary.
Teachers and students are focused on improving State Testing Scores along with a well-rounded experience that prepares them for high school.
Honors Special Projects classes debate who, in fact, is the greatest Monarch!
The Wrestling team took time away from practice to cheer the Girls Basketball Team onto their first victory at home!
Music and Quiz Bowl students have been competing, rehearsing, learning, and representing the MAC with Pride!
Staff like Peyton Donald in maintence, continue to be recognized weekly at McMillan through #30WaystoSayYay for all they do for our community!
Human Growth Classes - your options in PE.
PE classes are going into their Human Growth and Development unit starting February 5th. Teachers gave out permission slips mid-January to every student that is currently enrolled in PE giving them the option to opt in or out of HGD based upon grade following BOE requirements. These permission forms are due to Ms. Johnson, Mr. Benak, or Mr. Brown at this time. A requirement exists for this form to return as it will be graded as a test grade. Your teachers need to know what sections you want your student to be involved in, if any. Please return this slip back so staff know what information we can teach to the students. This slip NEEDS to be returned no later than the 5th of February. Please see the links below and let your students' teacher know which parts of HGD you want them to take.
Your PE Team:
Mr. Benak:
Mr. Brown:
Ms. Johnson:
Accessing Parent Portal - Click the Logo
The Campus Portal for Parents allows parents and guardians to monitor their children's academic progress online. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please click the Infinite Campus icon to access directions.
McMillan February/March Events
February 1 - Mid Quarter Progress Report Grades put in by teachers
February 2 - Teacher Plan Day, No School for students
February 3 - All City Music Festival Performance at the Holland Center for Band/Orchestra, 7:30 PM
February 3 - Marisett Wrestling Invite at McMillan - all day
February 4 - All City Music Festival Performance at the Holland Center for Choir, 2:00 PM
February 6 - GBB vs. Beveridge
February 7 - Wrestling vs. Monroe/Marrs at Marrs
February 7, 1:30-2:15 - Book Blasters meeting (library)
February 7 - Solution Tree visit to McMillan with Vanessa Reyes
February 7 - Boys Swimming, King/Beveridge @ McM
February 8 - GBB at Nathan Hale
February 9 - King/Norris @ Norris
February 13 - GBB vs. King Science
February 14 - Boys Swimming Norris/King @ McM
February 14 - Wrestling vs. Bryan/Norris @ McM
February 15 - GBB vs. Norris
February 16 - Boys Swimming Bluestem/Morton/McMillan/King @ Byran Middle
February 19 - No School, Presidents Day
February 20 - GBB at Lewis and Clark
February 21 - Boys Swimming Monroe/King/Lewis and Clark at McMillan
February 21 - Wrestling vs. Norris/Marrs at Norris
February 22-29 - GBB All City, TBD
February 23 - Boys Swimming King/Buffet @ McM
February 24 - McMillan Monarchs MindMaster Quiz Bowl Competition - 9-4pm
February 27 - High School Orientation from OPS High Schools
February 27 - NAEP Testing, all day, library, students pulled by the State by lottery
February 28 - Boys Swimming King/Marrs/Beveridge @ Burke High
February 28 - Wrestling vs. Hale @ McM
February 29 - Multi-School Math Competition in the Auditorium @ the MAC, All Day
March 1 - Wrestling JV All City @ Norris
March 1 - All School Dance Sponsored by StuCo - 3:30 to 5. (Sneaker Ball Dance)
March 1 - Quarter Report Card Grading Window Opens at 6:00 AM
March 1 - Cory Greenwood Speaks - Suicide Prevention Speakers
- 8 AM, 8th Grade
- 10 AM, 7th Grade
- 12:25, 6th Grade
March 3 - Boys Swimming All City @ Burke High
March 4 - High School Course Selection for OPS High Schools for 8th Grade
March 5 - Wrestling Varsity All City @ Bryan High
March 5 - Quarter Report Card Grading Window Closes at 3:30 PM
March 7 and 8 - MS Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 11 to 15 - Spring Break, No School for students/staff
March 18 - Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer and Track begin
March 21 - Dhonielle Clayton visits McMillan from We Need Diverse Books.
March 26 - McMillan Registration Night for 6th/7th. 4:30 to 6:30 PM (Tentative)
Be a Mentor with Teammates!
Winter Sports Information/Updates
Winter Season #2 including Wrestling for both boys and girls, Boys Swimming, as well as Girls Basketball are well underway. All teams are performing well and seeing gains each week. If you would want to donate food, water, or gatorade to the teams, please contact your coaches. Buses are sometimes an issue upon return from games, so thank you for your patience with STA. Any questions feel free to reach out to Mr. Curran.
Quiz Bowl, Science Bowl, Science Olympiad, Academic Pentathlon, and Music: These are going well this year, expanding opportunities, and hosting events. Thank you to our teacher and students for their dedication. Science Bowl, Academic Pentathlon, and Science Olympiad looks to get rolling this month as well!
Wrestling: We are excited to bring back the Marisett Invite the weekend of February 3rd. This was a long-time tradition at McMillan named after legendary Wrestling Coach Fred Marisett. Feel free to attend this invite at McMillan - we hope to see you there! - Mr. Curran, McMillan Middle School Athletic/Activities Director.
Spring Athletics: Please note that Girl Soccer (Ms. Harold/Ms. Best), Boys Soccer (Mr. Brown/Mr. Lundeen), and Track (Mr. Eaves, Mr. Morgan, Ms. Conley, Mr. Smith) will begin once students return from Spring Break. Day of of tryouts for all will be Monday, March 18th.
A full list of coaches can be found here:
Mr. Curran - Athletic Director
Nurse Notes for 6th Grade
Dear Parents/Guardians of 6th graders:
It’s hard to believe 6th grade is already half over. It is time to start thinking about getting your child ready for 7th grade. The Health Office is responsible for reviewing health records to ensure all students meet the State of Nebraska requirements:
Nebraska State Law requires a physical examination by a Physician/ PA /Nurse Practitioner upon entrance into 7th grade. A copy of this examination must be submitted to the school nurse upon the start of school. A complete physical needs to be dated AFTER March 1st 2024 – this physical will also meet the requirements of a sports physical if your child is planning on participating in sports.
All students entering 7th grade MUST HAVE 1 DOSE of Tdap (Tetanus and Whooping cough)
When your child receives his/her physical and immunizations please send a copy of the record to the school Health Office or you may have the doctor's office FAX it to (531)299-2459, so we can update your child’s record.
7th grade students going into 8th grade who plan on playing sports must have a physical dated after MAY 1st 2024.
Also please keep in mind that per the OPS medication policy, any medication your child is to take at school must be accompanied by a physician’s written order and parent consent EACH YEAR. This includes ANY over-the-counter medications. Asthma/Anaphylaxis plans also need to be updated and provided each year also.
Nichole R Bonacci-Lemay BSN, RN - School Nurse - McMillan Middle School
Culture and Climate Survey for Families
Message from Ms. Naser, Social Worker
Hello McMillan Middle School Families!
If your student needs clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, or anything else to aid their success please contact our School Social Worker, Samantha Naser through one of the avenues below.
Phone: 531-299-9678
Social Work Support Link:
¡Hola Familias de McMillan Middle School!
Si su estudiante necesita ropa, útiles escolares, productos de higiene o cualquier otra cosa para ayudarlo a tener éxito, comuníquese con nuestra trabajadora social escolar, Samantha Naser, a través de una de las vías a continuación.
Teléfono: 531-299-9678
Correo electrónico :
Enlace de apoyo al trabajo social:
Cory Greenwood comes to McMillan
Families, please see this information about a featured speaker coming to McMillan on March 1st. If there are questions, please contact McMillan at 531-299-2440.
Your School Counselling Team - Ms. Rawlings, Mrs. Rodriguez, and Mrs. Ballard.
Who to Contact at McMillan for Help!
6th Grade Dean, Ms. Sarah Castanos
Ms. Castanos is the 6th grade administrator and is one 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact her for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student. Ms. Castanos also works with Climate/Culture throughout all of McMillan.
7th Grade Dean, Dr. Matthew Coffey
Dr. Coffey is the 7th grade administrator. Please contact Dr. Coffey for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student. Dr. Coffey also works with all things MTSS-B and helps facilitate our school store with Lion's Loot.
8th Grade, Activities & Athletic Director, Mr. Alex Curran
Mr. Curran is the 8th grade administrator and our school Athletic & Activities Director in charge of after school sports and activities. Please contact Mr. Curran for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student. You should also contact Mr. Curran with any sports or after school activities related questions or concerns.
Email: Alexander.Curran@ops.org6th Grade Counselor, Ms. Stacey Rawlings
Ms. Rawlings is the 6th grade administrator and is the other 1/2 of the "Deanselor". Please contact Ms. Rawlings for any concerns or questions regarding your 6th grade student any counseling issues.
7th Grade Counselor, Ms. Jodie Rodriguez
Ms. Rodriguez is the 7th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Rodriguez for any concerns or questions regarding your 7th grade student and any counseling issues.
8th Grade Counselor, Ms. Demetria Ballard
Ms. Ballard is the 8th grade counselor. Please contact Ms. Ballard for any concerns or questions regarding your 8th grade student and any counseling issues.
Emotional Intelligence at home!
Dr. Andrew Walters, McMillan Middle School Principal
Location: 3802 Redick Avenue, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 531-299-3923
Twitter: @OPS_MacPrncpl