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The Crusader Times
Be Present - Be Positive - Be Persistent in your Learning
An International Baccalaureate Candidate School --Middle Years Program
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Bonita Vista Middle School Community,
Good morning! As we enter our last week before Fall Break, we would like to share some highlights from our week at BVM and provide updates for the upcoming week.
Recap of Last Week:
This past week, our teachers engaged in important discussions with students about responsible social media use and the implications of making hoax threats given our recent events. Additionally, we ensured that our students were informed about the support services available for their social, emotional, and mental health needs out of our counseling department. We would like to commend our students' collective response to these recent incidents. Our students have shown us maturity, resilience, and growth through these incidents. This is a direct reflection of their parents and guardians that have reinforced the appropriate ways of responding to hoax threats, appropriate and responsible uses of social media and information sharing. For that BVM community --we thank you!!!
Moreover, this past Thursday, we were grateful to have hosted district leaders and principals from other sites within our district for a learning walk. Despite the challenges earlier in the week, our guests were impressed by our students' high attendance, normal behavior, and active engagement in classes they visited. In all classrooms this year, our primary focus is that students can articulate or share the intended learning of the day. When we walk into classrooms we always ask students the following two questions: 1. What are you working on? 2. What are you learning? --Our goal is that students can make the connection between their learning tasks and their learning target. Ask these questions at home too!
Also this past Friday, we held our Fall Spirit Assembly and introduced our students to the Fall Sports programs and featured a performance by our BVM Band and BVM Cheer. We encourage everyone to check out photos and videos of the assembly on our Instagram account: bvm_principal and published below in this newsletter.
The School Week Before Fall Break:
Looking ahead and as we close out this week before Fall Break (September 23 - October 7--Students return on Tuesday, October 8th), we remain committed to supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of our students. Our counselors will continue to be available, and we have provided their contact information below based on student alphas for easy access. Historically, the week before Fall Break, we notice that students' anxiety and stress levels rise. This is one of the weeks where and when misbehaviors peak (The other peak period is January-February--I will discuss this more at upcoming Coffee with the Principal Meetings). My ask is that we both remind students about appropriate behavior and that we have additional social and emotional check-in conversations with our students at home to make sure that everything is okay. Please know that although I will be taking some time off during the 1st week of Fall Break, I will be available and on campus during the 2nd week of Fall Break September 30th - October 4th should you want to set up an appointment with me. You can schedule these meetings with Sharon.bishop@sweetwaterschools.org.
Student Alpha
Woodie Taeatafa
A – Gomez
Monica Echegaray
Gon – Mc
Veronica Sandoval
Me – Z
Lockdown Safety Drill on Wednesday, September 18th:
We will also be conducting a Lock Down Safety Drill this week (Wednesday, September 18th) where we will again take the opportunity to emphasize the importance of responsible social media use and the seriousness of making hoax threats. Please note that this is only a drill, and we will remind everyone of our safety drill via text (before and after our drill).
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to a positive, supportive, and productive week.
Dr. Salazar
Upcoming Events
College Thursday
Wear your College Gear!!!
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 08:00 AM
Bonita Vista Middle School, Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Crusaders Wear Blue on Fridays!
Show your school school spirit by wearing Blue on Fridays! Let's go BVM!
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 08:00 AM
Bonita Vista Middle School, Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Updated Academic Tutoring Schedule: August 19, 2024
Attendance Resources and Information
Parents and guardians, to report a student absence, please make sure to fill out the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLJrFXTi9s9G9nIzEOJSMEn2NeMLbDqMYUseHAKr5YRwJmYQ/viewform.
For any absences extending to 5 or more school days, please contact Ana.Monge@sweetwaterschools.org, our Attendance Coordinator, to complete an short-term independence study contract.
Please contact Ms. Rubi.deleon@sweetwaterschools.org, our attendance technician, to report any attendance errors.
Traffic Guidelines
Parents please make sure not to park in the parking lots of our local business or churches. We want to respect our neighbors and the spaces that they use for their employees.
Parents and guardians, to ensure a smooth flow of traffic during drop off and pick-up, please follow our traffic guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h0yXoyV5YvLAWlj7qBZbbvb0RKGKkEYAoAGqUStI1Bg/edit.
Additionally, we ask to not use our church across the street, Risen Savior Lutheran Church, or other local businesses like the Bonita Del Rey Dental Care, and Ralph's to drop off or pick up your students. We have received reports that employees at these organizations and establishments have not been able to either park or access their cars becasue our parents are using these areas to wait or drop off their students. We kindly ask that you use the traffic guidelines above.
Thank you!
Acknowledgment Corner
Acknowledgment Corner
Crusaders of the Week: 7th Grade
Nominated by Ms. Abundes, Titan Smith. I am very proud to recongnize and commend Titan Smith for demonstrating integrity and honest as he foun dsomething that did not belong to him and turned it in. Titat is a perfect example of "principled" student who is guided by strong core values and work ethic. Let's go BVM!!! #IBCandidateSchool #IBProfilePrincipled
Crusader of the Week: 8th Grade
Nominated by Coach Spencer, Gigi Hernandez! Gigi is not only a great student, she is also a wonderful person. Gigi is respectful and trustworthy. She is a girls locker-room aide and goes above and beyond to help out! Gigi is eager to fulfill her responsibilities. She truly believes in the "Crusader Way" and we are luck to have her. Let's go BVM!!! #IBPROFILECARING#IBCANDIDATESCHOOL
Fall Sports Assembly 2024
Fall Sports Assembly: BVM Cheer
BVM Cross Country Team Introducation at Fall Sports Assembly 2024
BVM Girls Basketball Introduction at Fall Sports Assembly 2024
BVM Boys Basketball Introduction at Fall Sports Assembly 2024
BVM Baseball Introduction at Fall Sports Assembly 2024
BVM Softball Introduction at Fall Sports Assembly 2024
Fall Sports: Cross Country Invitiational at Hilltop High: 9/14/2024
8th Grade Girls Cross Country
8th Grade Boys Cross Country + Recent Alumni
7th Grade Girls Cross Country
7th Grade Boys Cross Country
Photos and Videos from Hilltop High School Invitiational: 9/14/24
Softball vs. Eastlake on 9/14/24
Middle School Athletic League Results Week 2: September 14, 2024
Standings: Boys Basketball as of 9/16/24
Standings: Girls Basketball as of 9/16/24
Standings: Baseball as of 9/16/24
Standings: Softball as of 9/16/24
IB Learner Profile: Principled
Character building is embedded in an IB education. We want our students to learn and embody 10 Learner Profiles (See attachment below). Our Second Learner Profile: Principled being someone who will act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of faireness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. You can email me directly pictures and stories of how your student has exemplified being Principled if you'd like your student to be featured in our weekly newsletter: alexander.salazar-arbelaez@sweetwaterschools.org.
IB Learner Profile Principled: We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of faireness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of peple everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Other ways we will recognize our Students at Bonita Vista Middle School
Crusader of the Week
Students are nominated for Crusader of the Week in the following areas academic achievement, improvement in behavior, demonstrating kindness and so much more. After the 10-day balance period at the beginning of each semester, teachers may begin submitting their nominations. Each week one 7th and one 8th-grade student will be recognized. If more than one student in each grade level is nominated next in line will be recognized the following week. Students may only receive Crusader of the Week once in the school year. Those who earn Crusader of the Week will be mentioned in the Principal’s newsletter, and the morning announcements, and receive a certificate and a small treat in front of their peers.
Straight A Luncheon –
Students (7th & 8th) who earned Straight A’s in BOTH Scholarship and Citizenship on the Fall Semester Report Card are recognized with a luncheon at the end of January/beginning of February.
Outstanding 8th Grade Students (We select two per year)
8th-grade teachers and other school staff nominate two students who have been outstanding the entire school year in all subject areas and extracurriculars. Those nominated then go on a ballot and are then voted on by the admin, counseling team, and other school personnel for the award. Each member of the voting team gets 1 vote. This award is then presented at 8th grade awards night, each May.
IB Learner Profile (Principled) Highlight: Ms. Nancy Mariscal-Huizar
FYI Corner
Robotics Fundraiser: September 18th
Sweetwater Union High School District Escape the Vape Challenge 2024
Available to all SUHSD students "Escape the Vape" Logo and Poster Contest --Entry Deadline is September 20, winning entries will receive $100 Target Gift Certificate. Interested participants may see the posters around campus or they may go see Dr. Meza in room 406 for more information. Thank you! Let's participate BVM!!!
Contact Information
Email: alexander.salazar-arbelaez@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: http://bvm.sweetwaterschools.org/
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619-397-2200
Twitter: @BVM_Principal