Estabrook Buzz
News and Notes from Estabrook School | June 21, 2017
Dear Estabrook Families,
Earlier today we bid farewell to 88 fifth graders at our 2017 Fifth Grade Graduation. The celebration highlighted the hard work and perseverance they demonstrate every day, the dedication of our exceptional faculty and staff, and the partnership Estabrook forms with our families. I reminded families that it was a short six years ago that they were just getting ready for kindergarten! I congratulate our graduating class and wish them all the best in sixth grade.
The end of the school year brings with it the departure of a few members of the Estabrook team. Third grade teacher DANI TURNER leaves Estabrook after the better part of a decade with us. Ms. Turner recently completed graduate work in literacy. This summer she will move from Estabrook to Clarke Middle School, where she will serve as a literacy coach and interventionist there. Special Education Teacher ERIN AFFRONTI heads north from Estabrook at the end of this school year, as she relocates to Vermont. Ms. Affronti will continue as a special education teacher in her new home state. In addition, we send best wishes to KELLI THON, who concludes her run as our occupational therapist, and to Kindergarten Assistant NICOLE PARR, who leaves Estabrook as she and her husband prepare to welcome their first child this summer. Please join me in congratulating these Estabrook faculty members and wishing them all the best!
I congratulate PTO Co-President SARA CUTHBERTSON on the completion of her two-year term, and wish her the best as she moves on to support our students as a member of the PTO Executive Board. Thank you for your service, Sara!
Lastly, I want to thank you for your ongoing support as I conclude my first year as your principal. Along with my colleagues, I have benefitted greatly from the important role you plan in helping us teach your children. It continues to be a high honor to serve as Estabrook’s leader. I look forward to our ongoing partnership, and wish you the best for an enjoyable, relaxing summer break. I can’t wait to see you when we return August 29! In the meantime, please be in touch if we can be of assistance.
Jeff LaBroad
Summer Office Hours
The Estabrook School office will be CLOSED on Monday, July 3 and Tuesday, July 4.
Make reading an important part of your child's summer!
As you may recall from earlier in the year, you will able to view and print your child/children's end-of-year grade level Report Card and English Language Learners Report Card via the ASPEN portal. Paper copies of these two reports will not be distributed to students via backpacks on the last day of school.
The viewing portal for these reports will be opened to you on the afternoon of Thursday, June 22, and grades will be posted by 3 p.m. on that day. The primary owner of the Family Portal account will receive a generated email from ASPEN informing you that the report in now available on the Family Portal.
If you haven't already had the opportunity to log into ASPEN recently, you might want to try to do so prior to the June 22nd date to be sure that you do not have any login issues. Should you have a problem with logging in, please send an email to:
Directions for accessing reports in ASPEN:
- End-of-Year grade level report card: The report will be posted to the Pages tab, in the Published Reports section. To retrieve the report, click on the PDF icon.
- English Language Learners report card: The report will be posted to the Pages tab, in the Published Reports section. To retrieve the report, click on the PDF icon.
Email change reminder
Check out Lexington's 2017-2018 School Calendar
The school calendar for the upcoming academic year is available for you to review. Holidays and vacations are shaded in grey for your convenience. The first day of school for 2017-2018 is Tuesday, August 29.
Click here for the complete Estabrook School Calendar
Click here for the complete 2016-2017 Academic Calendar
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL | Thursday, June 22
Students will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m. Report Cards will be released electronically to parents later in the day.
NEW FAMILY VISITING DAY | Thursday, August 24
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL | Tuesday, August 29
See what we're learning, doing, making and celebrating from our faculty and staff!
Estabrook BUZZ
Location: 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, United States
Phone: 781-861-2520