InView FAQ
Hudson City School District 2024-2025
Dear Parents:
Q: When do we give the InView and why do we test?
Parent permission is not necessary when testing an entire grade level.
Q: How is InView related to iReady?
Both assessments are used to identify gifted students. However, the two tests measure different areas. InView evaluates cognitive functioning and ability whereas iReady evaluates achievement in reading and math.
From InView, we identify students in the superior cognitive ability (for Tiers I and II of our service model). Through iReady, we identify students who are gifted in the specific subject areas of reading and math (Tier III of our service model).
Q: What is the CSI?
Q: How do we know if a child is identified as gifted?
Students are identified as cognitively gifted with scores of 128 (CSI) and above.
If a student is identified gifted, parents will be notified by the gifted coordinator.
Q: What are considered good scores?
The mean CSI score is 100. The range for average scores is from a CSI 84 to 116. Sixty-eight percent of all scores will fall into this range, and 95% of all scores will fall between CSI scores of 68 to 132.
Q: Will some students be reassessed?
Parents, teachers, students, and administrators may also request retesting.
The State of Ohio allows students to be assessed for giftedness twice during a school year. If a student scores in the screening range on the InView and the CogAT reassessment this year, then that student would need to wait until next school year to request further testing.
Q: When will students be reassessed?
Parent Permission is needed for a student to be reassessed.
For other referrals, we offer testing after school concludes in June.
Another opportunity for retesting will occur in August, prior to the start of school. Once again, this testing will be arranged and organized by the gifted coordinator.
Q: How important is this test?
This test is only a snapshot of student performance. Sometimes students have bad days. We do use the InView to screen and identify gifted students, but there are multiple opportunities for reassessment. One score does not ruin a school career.
Q: Can a student study for the InView test?
No. The assessment evaluates ability, not achievement. We are looking for advanced students, not ones who study hard.
Q: What information is shared with parents?
There is a short description of each of the five subtests.
The CSI is shown, and so is a range for the student.
There are also columns for stanines, percentiles, and the number correct.
- A stanine is a score from 1 to 9 derived from a norm-referenced national sample. A stanine of 9 indicates a very high level of general ability relative to the norm reference group, and a stanine of 1 indicates very low relative achievement. The average stanine is 5. It is just another way to compare scores.
- Percentiles are common when reporting test results. Percentile ranks show a student’s performance relative to all of the students taking the test. It typically means a percentage of the students who scored below on the test. A student who scored in the 86th percentile scored higher than 86 percent of the students who took the test.
Gifted Services
Q: If my child is identified gifted via the InView, what do services look like?
Score 137 or higher OR
Score 132-136, but also are identified as gifted in reading (score in 95th percentile or above on the i-Ready reading test)
- Score 128-131 OR
- Score 132-136 but do not have the reading identification.
Students who are only identified as gifted in reading and/or math (qualifying with a score in the 95th percentile or above on the i-Ready test) are served in cluster groups and the teacher receives ongoing support and training. This classification is Tier III.
Gifted math students also may follow one of the accelerated math pathways at HMS.
Q: If parents still have questions about gifted services, who can they contact?
The Gifted Services webpage can be found here.
Hudson City School District Gifted Services
Gifted Coordinator
Phone: 330 653-1329