Youth Services News
September 14, 2020
Supporting Homeschooling and Remote Learning Families Webinar
Mindfulness in Ordinary and Extraordinary Times for Library Staff Webinar Series
OLIS is offering a 3-week series of webinars called Mindfulness in Ordinary and Extraordinary Times for Library Staff biweekly beginning on Tuesday, September 29 through October 27 at 10:00 AM. The sessions will be presented by Dr. Richard Moniz, Director of Libraries at Horry-Georgetown Technical College and co-author of the book The Mindful Librarian. To learn more and register for Part I visit this link: . Links to Parts II and III are in the description. We will be recording each session if you cannot make it to each part live!
New CCBC Website with Enhanced Search Features
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction recently announced the CCBC's
new, greatly enhanced website. In addition to overall robust site search capability, the new CCBC website includes valuable tools:
- CCBC Recommended Book Search : Provides information about books recommended by the CCBC, searchable by author, title, subject and keyword, as well as focusing results by diversity content (heritage, disability, LGBTQ, religion) and general content subject headings.
- CCBC Diversity Statistics Book Search: Includes information about all books received by the CCBC since 2018, including diversity content aligning to the annual, nationally recognized CCBC Diversity Statistics.
- CCBC Booklists: Features new and revised thematic lists curated from CCBC recommended titles.
Mock On
It's time to start taking a closer look at the children's books of 2020! All discussion meetings will be virtual using Zoom. A letter certifying participation is available for those applying the Mock Newbery program towards professional development. For more information, including registration and reading lists, visit
We'll also be using the RI Mock Newbery Goodreads Group to discuss each of the titles on the first reading a list. A thread has been created for each title and we'll use the comments from the Goodreads discussions as a springboard for our virtual discussions. Start out by introducing yourself in the Introduction thread! Not a member of the group? Join now!
Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy Leadership Institute and Annual Conference
Each year CLEL–Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy–hosts a unique conference focused on serving children birth-6 and their families in libraries. And this year will mark two firsts for this conference: it will be virtual, and it will include a Leadership Institute! All are welcome to these virtual experiences--we welcome out of state folks, students, volunteers, trustees, and partners!
The first of this 2-day event will be a Leadership Institute on October 8; this event is geared for staff that are already in leadership positions, as well as those who wish to lead from where they are, and those who are looking to move up into official leadership positions. The Leadership Institute will feature ALSC president Kirby McCurtis as its keynote speaker, plus thought-provoking breakout sessions and some important calls to action. The main conference will be on October 9, with Library Journal Mover and Shaker Janet Damon as the keynote speaker and plentiful breakout sessions on a wide variety of topics. Both days are excellent opportunities to network with colleagues from across the state and country, snag some great ideas to try, learn something new and deepen your knowledge, and have some fun!
View the full schedule for both days here.
Registration is now open; register for the Leadership Institute and/or the Conference online. Registration deadline is September 16.
The fee to attend the Leadership Institute is $20; the main Conference is $25; and the fee to attend both days is $45.
If you’re not already a CLEL member, please join this unique organization–it’s FREE! No need to live in Colorado to join--there are CLEL members in other states and even other countries!
If you have questions about the CLEL Leadership Institute or Conference, please contact Beth Crist,
September is RI Heritage Month
In lieu of the live RI Heritage Fesitval festival this year, the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission is planning for a September 2020 RI Heritage Month. Every Saturday in September the Commission will host a virtual Facebook event that will feature “Heritage Highlights” from cultural performance groups, heritage museums, cultural organizations, hands-on activities like crafts, cooking, and more! Please help promote these events by sharing the flyer below and the Facebook events at
OLIS LibGuides
A COVID-19 page and a Virtual Training page have been added to both the Children's Services Roundtable (CSRT) LibGuide and the Young Adult Roundtable (YART) LibGuide. These pages are still under construction, but the COVID-19 pages will include information and resources on topics that arise during the weekly chats and the Virtual Training pages feature learning opportunities specific to youth services.
CSRT LibGuide -
YART LibGuide -
Also be sure to refer to and bookmark the COVID-19: Information for Rhode Island Libraries LibGuide -
This LibGuide contains reopening guidelines and other COVID-19 related information.
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri