MES Communication
August 25th - September 7th
Hello Moncure Community!
I would like to begin by thanking you for helping to make our first two weeks a success. Although transportation issues presented our school with challenges, the smiles on your kiddos' faces each morning truly make my day. Thank you for sharing your children with us! Now that most of our transportation issues are resolved, it is time for us to excel. To our car rider families, thank you for dropping your children off as close to 8:20 as possible. Every moment makes a difference in an instructional day. With our upcoming extended Labor Day weekend, we have two four-day weeks in a row. We hope everyone uses the extended weekend to enjoy time with friends and family. Between August 26th and August 29th, our grade-level teams will be offering parent information meetings. Please refer to the section below for more information.
Mr. Machi
School Calendar of Events
August 26 - Grade Level Parent Meetings (4th Grade (5:00) / 5th Grade (5:45))
August 27 - Grade Level Parent Meetings (2nd Grade (5:00) / 3rd Grade (5:45))
August 28 - Grade Level Parent Meetings (KG (5:00) / 1st Grade (5:45))
August 30 - Extended Labor Day Weekend—NO School
September 2 - Extended Labor Day Weekend—NO School
September 10 - Title 1 Annual Meeting / SIP Information (6:30 PM)
September 12 - Stafford County ESOL Family Night @ MES
Lunch Menu (August 26th-September 6th)
FREE Breakfast and Lunch is available daily. Students may decline a meal at any time. Available Everyday: Hummus or Sunbutter & Jelly
Specials Rotation (August 26th-September 6th)
Moncure is operating on a six-day rotation this year. Please look for specific Specials information from your child’s teacher!
SCPS 2024-25 Calendar
To help you to prepare for the year ahead, I encourage families to access the SCPS 2024-25 School Calendar. Please print or keep this link handy, as it will help you to prepare for holidays or periodic days off.
Grade Level Parent Nights (When and What to Expect)
We invite all families to join our grade level teams for short presentations about what to expect this year. Some of the areas that may be addressed include our required SOLs (Curriculum), Homework, Assessments, Field Trips, and Behavior and Attendance Expectations. All meetings will take place in our gym. Please see below for presentation dates and times. (Interpreters available: Spanish, Dari, Pashto, Urdu)
Dates and Times:
· Aug 26 - Grade Level Parent Meetings (4th Grade (5:00) / 5th Grade (5:45))
· Aug 27 - Grade Level Parent Meetings (2nd Grade (5:00) / 3rd Grade (5:45))
· Aug 28 - Grade Level Parent Meetings (KG (5:00) / 1st Grade (5:45))
Free Complete Meals / Individual items cost money
Attention, everyone! Please note that lunch is only free when you select an entire meal. If you choose to purchase items separately, there will be an additional cost. For example, if you only want milk, it will cost 65 cents. We encourage everyone to take advantage of the free meal option to avoid extra charges. Thank you!
MES - Title I / School Improvement Information Session (Tuesday, September 10th @ 6:30 PM)
We would like to welcome our parents to our annual Title I and School Improvement Information Session. Our session will focus on what it means to be a Title I School, dive into our 2023-24 School Accreditation Detail Report, and share our goals for the year. This session is intended for parents and will last approximately 30 minutes. Should this interest you, we will meet in Moncure’s Cafeteria at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 10th.
Stafford County Public Schools - ESOL Family Engagement Night
Stafford County Public Schools is holding an ESOL Family Engagement Night at Moncure Elementary School on Thursday, September 12th. Families are invited to learn about resources and opportunities available to ESOL students. Local organizations will be in attendance. We encourage our families to attend and participate in this annual event.
Help Moncure Participate in a Pop Tab collection for Ronald McDonald House Charities.
To learn more, please click HERE! Each house team will be competing to see who can collect the most Pop Tabs! House points will be awarded each quarter!
Reminder - ParentVue (Access and Use)
It is VERY important that ALL families use ParentVue this year. Not only will ParentVue allow you to access your student’s progress reports throughout the year, but they will also be your way to find out how your children are doing on their state-wide assessments. Additionally, our county is asking that ALL absences be submitted by parents through ParentVue this year. If you are having a difficult time accessing ParentVue, contact our school. It is very important that ALL parents know how their children are doing in school. Thanks for your partnership!
Reminder!!! Stafford County Public Schools Has a NEW Cell Phone Policy.
As part of our commitment to providing the best possible learning environment for our students, Stafford County Public Schools has standardized its personal/electronic communications policy to encompass all grade levels beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. All students, grades K-12, must keep their phones, smart watches, Gizmo-like and other electronic communications devices off and away for the duration of the school day.
This policy, largely already in place at the elementary level, aims to reduce distractions, boost student engagement, and create a more focused educational setting for all students. We want to highlight the inclusion of personal electronic devices other than cell phones to this policy, as we know that smartwatches have become more commonplace at the elementary level and will no longer be permissible in school.
Key Points of the New Policy:
- Prohibited Use: Students are not allowed to use personal/electronic communication devices (to include cell phones, smart watches, air pods, etc.) during school hours, to include lunch, recess, and restroom breaks.
- Device Storage: Devices must be kept out of sight and silenced or powered off.
- Exceptions: Limited to documented medical needs, pre-approved circumstances, and before and after school activities.
- Consequences: Repeated non-compliance may result in devices being placed in locked pouches that must be retrieved by parents/guardians.
We believe this policy will significantly contribute to a more productive learning environment for all students. We appreciate your support and working with us to reinforce these procedures with your student(s).
For more detailed information, please refer to the attached flyer and our school’s website. If you have any questions, please contact our school.
We are looking for PTO Volunteers!
Moncure has awesome students and a beautiful school. However, the past few years have been very difficult for our Parent Teacher Organization. Currently, we have a small group of volunteers making our PTO possible. We would love to add a few more volunteers to our group. If you are interested in supporting our students, our school, and our community, then serving as a member of Moncure’s PTO might be right for you. We encourage anyone (regardless of home language) to participate. Should you wish to learn more about our PTO, please go to https://ames.ptboard.com or scan the QR code.
Substitute Teachers Needed
Have you ever considered being a substitute teacher. Stafford County Public Schools is always looking for substitutes to support our schools. To learn about the application and hiring process, access the link below. We are always looking for energetic and positive substitutes to support our school. SCPS Substitute Hiring Information
A Note to School - Communication
Plans change and communication makes everything easier. One way to communicate is by completing our “A Note to School” form and sending it through email to our office and your student’s teacher or by simply sending the form or a note to school. To access digital forms of this note, you can go to the parent portion of our webpage or simply use the link below. Thanks for keeping us informed. The earlier the better.
How to communicate with Moncure:
mefrontoffice@staffordschools.net -or- "A Note To School"
Please include in all emails:
Student's Name, Teacher's Name, and your name
Office Dismissal Hours (“No Student Office Dismissals” after 2:30PM)
It is not uncommon for our office and elementary schools across our county to receive multiple emails each day with dismissal changes from parents. The notifications require our office to contact teachers to prevent students from being dismissed incorrectly. Student office dismissals after 2:30PM only add to this confusion. Please understand that our “No Student Office Dismissal” restriction after 2:30PM is based on student safety. Thanks for your understanding!
“Caught Ya” Citations
“Caught Ya” Citations are a great way for students, parents, and staff to recognize adults in our building! These citations also provide students with an opportunity to earn House Points. Everyone wants to be a member of the “House of the Year!” If you would like to recognize one or more of our staff members, simply use this link. “Caught Ya” – Staff Citation Link Thanks for making someone’s day!