Paradise Place ETNS Newsletter
9 March 2025
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Science Blast
We are very proud of the five classes who presented their projects at Science Blast in the RDS this week. The children came up with some brilliant questions to investigate and the judges were very impressed with the confidence they showed explaining their results.
Huge thanks, as always, to our brilliant class teachers - James, Shauna, Andy, Greg and Ali who prepared the children so well and to all the team who supported the children on the day.
World Book Day
What a great World Book Day we had! The children had lots of opportunities to choose the books they like to read and lots of time to read them. We had book cafés, sharing stories from home, curling up in cosy spaces, making bookmarks and writing book reviews, visiting our favourite book shop, Chapters on Parnell Street with our vouchers - so much fun and so much reading!
Thank you to Derek who coordinated and to our class teachers to provide the children so many opportunities to read every day.
News this week
Visitors from Malta
The Department of Education asked us to host some special visitors from the Department of Education in Malta on Monday last week. They visited classrooms around the school and spoke with Éadaoin about teaching and learning in Ireland. We had some wonderful feedback from them, and from the Inspector who accompanied them, who was full of praise for our fabulous children and their learning, and of course, the phenomenal support they receive from their teachers and school adults.
Time to Count
This week, 3rd Class finished the 'Time to Count' programme with their volunteers from Bank of Ireland. This group of volunteers have visited 3rd Class every week for eight weeks to play fun maths games. There was lots of chat about the different games and the children had lots of favourites! We said thank you to the volunteers for giving their time to work with the children and to Greg who coordinates the programme for us here. The children all said 'thank you' in their home languages:
National Children's Choir
Coming up this week
This week is 'Seachtain na Gaeilge' or 'Irish Week'. We will be making special efforts to use the Irish language and the children will be learning traditional Irish songs and dances. We will have a special celebration day on Friday and all of the children are invited to wear green on the day.
A reminder too that next Monday is a bank holiday for St. Patrick's Day. School is closed on Monday, 17th March.
Parent Events
Reluctant School Attendance
Thanks so much to all who attended our 'Reluctant School Attendance' talk on Thursday. It was great to see so many parents/carers joining us. Thanks to Emer, our Wellbeing Practitioner, and Lorna, our psychologist, who led the session and to Kate who supported the parents attending. Kate's door is always open if you have any questions about supporting your child to get to school.
Join A Parent Team
There was a great turn out at our meeting for parents/carers on Friday to invite families to be part of our school teams. Lots of family members signed up to come into the school and help with things like gardening, playing educational games and reading with children.
If anyone couldn’t make it but would like to know more they can let us know. There’s lots of time, if people would like to sign up. Watch this space for more information on parent teams and events just for the grown ups!
How do children have a voice at Paradise Place ETNS?
Giving children a voice and ensuring they have a role in the decisions that happen in our school is really important and while we have done this for many years, it is also one of the core part of our Educate Together ethos. This week, we're meeting the Play Leaders!
A Play Leader helps children to play. They organise games for children to play at breaktime. Their job is also to ensure everyone is included and to make sure no-one is left out. They also organise Active Week and create games.
Play Leaders do Craze of the Week every Friday with children in the yard. They also take some classes to the hall to play some games and dance. They sometimes do a ‘Wake and Shake’ in the mornings to get everyone energised.
Attendance at school
Our aim is for every child to have attendance of 95%+.
This month is Attendance HERO month and we're looking for children to be Here, Everyday, Ready and On time. You might have spotted our Attendance Superheroes in the yard in the morning! We're on the lookout for children who are Attendance HEROes.
Big well done to Sean's 4th Class who achieved 100% attendance last week! Look at the happy, proud faces - super work everyone!
and finally...
Dates for your Diary
10th March - Andy's 4th Class to Fighting Words Writing Workshop
10th-14th March - Seachtain na Gaeilge
14th March - Céilí and Ceol
17th March - Bank Holiday - School Closed - St Patrick's Day
20th March - 3rd Class to DCU, 5th Class to TU Dublin
20th March - Parent Session - Emotion Coaching
21st March - 3rd Class to the Ark, 5th Class to Drumming workshop
25th March - 4th Class to Drumming workshop
31st March - 5th and 6th to National Children's Choir Rehearsal - all day
1st April - 5th and 6th Class - NCC Concert - evening
3rd April - 3rd Class to DCU
Contact us
Email: office@ppetns.ie
Website: www.ppetns.ie
Location: Paradise Place, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 8300 841
Twitter: @ppetns