September 2024

Message From the Principal
OHS Families and Friends,
I hope this email finds you safe and well. The school year is in full swing. It has been great to see students enjoying themselves back on campus. Thank you for all of those who came to our Back to School night last week.
With progress reports only a couple weeks away, students are encouraged to attend consultation at 8am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings to get help from their teachers. Grades are available in the Aeries portal. You can find tutoring times and places at the bottom of the newsletter.
Included in this update is additional information regarding the upcoming school year. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or need assistance. We are here to help, and we look forward to a great school year!
Kristen Wiedenman
OHS Principal
Welcome Tigers
Ms. Osby
Please welcome out newest English teacher who comes from a family of teachers. When not teaching she spends her time baking something amazing, reading a good book, making a mess with clay, surfing the waves or long boarding the cement. She also loves spending time with her kitty BunBuns and her family.
Mr. Peters
Ms. West
Meet Ms. West, our new Special Education teacher. Ms. West taught with Mr. McCarthy in the 2017/18 school year where she finished her student teaching. She loved the school culture and always hoped to come back to our campus. She a BA in English from UNLV and an MA in Education from Chico State. She taught at Central Middle School for 5 years and 1 year at Gridley High. She likes to crochet, read, garden, working on house projects & spending time outdoors with family.
Our August winners are:
$50 Visa Gift Card- Genevieve Lee 11th grade, Ms. Saeturn
Airpod Pro's- Mathias Washington 9th grade, Ms. Weliver
Portable Charger- Saige Gaston 11th grade, Ms. McCarthy
Congratulations TIGERS!
School News
2024 New Tardy Policy
Our new tardy policy started August 19...
Attendance Matters
Good attendance benefits your child’s education. Please call our attendance staff at extension 3310 or 3311 whenever your child is absent. Please provide the following information:
- Child's Name
- Date of the Absence and the Reason
- You can also email us at mdelatorre@ouhsd.net or smedina@ouhsd.net
- Only persons listed in Aeries can excuse an absence.
Students not feeling well while at school are to let the teacher know so they can be sent to the attendance office where the nurse can check them or the we will contact the parent/guardian to come pick them up. To avoid texting in class, we will not send passes for sick students.
SEL Wednesdays
This year we will have Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Days every Wednesday during Advisory, between 1st and 2nd period. You can find that schedule and lessons on the links below.
Username: orovillehs
password: character2022
Work Permits
If you would like to obtain a Work Permit, the following steps will need to be completed:
1. Print out and complete both of the following forms:
Forms can also be picked up in the Counseling office.
Office Hours 8:00 - 3:00
2. Once forms are completely filled out by student, parents and the employer, they can be brought into the office. After forms have been received, grades and attendance will be checked in Aeries. If you have met the requirements, a work permit will be issued. This work permit will only be valid for the employer that is listed. If you have multiple jobs, you will need one for each job.
**Excluding 9th graders coming from our local feeder schools already in our database. If your student is new to Oroville High, or the Oroville Union High School District, please contact Michela Monnot in the counseling office. Email: ohsregistrar@ouhsd.net or call 530-538-2320, ext. #3309.
If you are a parent of a student already enrolled with Oroville High, (including 9th graders coming from our local feeder schools), and you need help with the annual data confirmation please give us a call at 530/538-2320, ext. 3309.
Around Campus
After School Tutoring
English- 3:30 to 4:30 Monday with Lawson- Q1, Tuesday with Rodriguez- S2, Wednesday with Osby- C4 and Thursday with Rodriguez- S2
Math- 7:30 - 8:00 with Chavez in S3 Mondays and Thursdays & 3:30 - 5:00 with Mr. Lee in C6, M-F
Science- 3:30 to 5:30 Monday with Leyva- X2, Tuesday with Permann- X3, Wednesday with Weliver- X1, Thursday with Gonzalez- X4
Social Studies- 7:30 to 8:00 with Mr. Husa in M6
College and Career
College and Career Pop-Up- Ms. Richter will be holding a pop-up session every other Thursday at lunch starting September 5th in L3 (computer lab). Ms. Richter will be there to answer any questions you may have about after high school plans. She will help students walk through how to build a resume, answer questions about a career you have in mind, or answer questions about your academic progress for a college you want to pursue.
Important Dates:
- FAFSA opens Oct. 1st 2024 until June 30th 2025
- CDAA (California Dream Act Application opens Oct 1st 2024 until March 2nd 2025
Students can sign up to see their counselor in the counseling office. Make an appointment to see your counslor to organize your academic schedule, for personal and social issues on campus and for planning for college or career path after your high school education.
Counselor assignments by students last name are below:
Fall Sports
Athletics are in full swing and we are ready to go! Visit our website where you can see all of the schedules and keep up to date with what's going on.
Don't want the hassle of making sure you have cash or spend your time standing in line? You can purchase your tickets online before you get to the game.
Can't make it to the game? We have you covered. Check out the live stream... all from our website. Check it out and cheer on the Tigers. #TIGERPRIDE
Athletic Boosters
Attention OHS parents & guardians.
Will your child be playing a sport this school year? Are you looking for a way to get involved? The OHS Athletic Boosters is a non-profit organization here to help support our students' sports with fundraising opportunities. If you have any questions or would like to join us, please come to an Athletic Boosters meeting on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 in the OHS library.
Upcoming Events
9.2 Labor Day- No School
9.11 SEL All School Assembly
9.13 First Football Game against Durham
9.18 Board Meeting