Mustang News
December 2024
Upcoming Events
Multicultural Night & Santa Supper
Join us from 5-7pm for PTO's annual Santa Supper and an around-the-globe celebration of different Santa traditions. Tickets for the Santa Supper portion must be pre-ordered by Thursday, December 5th and will NOT be available for purchase at the door. No late payments will be accepted. There is no cost associated with attending Multicultural Night.
Tuesday, Dec 10, 2024, 05:00 PM
3rd Grade Holiday Concert
- Students should dress in their holiday best.
- Students need to be at the District Office by 5 pm. Students must be on time - if they are late, they will not be part of the performance.
- Students will be gathering in the Board Room. Parents and family members will be gathering in the main courtyard.
Wednesday, Dec 11, 2024, 05:00 PM
Maricopa Unified School District, 44150 West Maricopa-Casa Grande Highway, Maricopa, AZ, USA
Spirit Day - PJ & Fuzzy Socks
Join us for a comfy day in fuzzy socks and pajamas. All outfits must be school appropriate. The student and the staff member with the most spirit will be recognized.
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 08:30 AM
End of 3rd Quarter
Today is an Early Release day. K-5th students will be dismissed at 1:35pm.
Friday, Dec 20, 2024, 01:30 PM
Winter Break
There is no school 12/23-1/3. Students return Monday 1/6.
Monday, Dec 23, 2024, 08:00 AM
New Year, New You
SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. When setting goals, it is helpful to write the goals down, express goals as positive statements, set performance goals over which you have as much control as possible, and set priorities. It takes an average of 66 days for a behavior to become a habit. Some people and some habits take longer than others and it requires dedication to build good habits. In other words, you don’t need to be perfect. Don’t give up!!
Portrait of a Graduate represents MUSD's vision for the 21st century skills, character traits, and/or social-emotional competencies that students need to succeed in college, career, and life. It is a community's vision of the essential skills or attributes that students will learn before they graduate.
As a school community, we work together to help students develop these important skills and traits in many ways, some of which include:
Academic Achievement:
We do regular progress monitoring, hold quarterly academic achievement awards for 3rd-5th grades, and have AZ state testing in the spring.
We offer Intervention, Resource, EL, Gifted services to meet the needs of all students.
Each minute of the school day provides opportunities for learning, and it's noticeable when students miss time. When a child doesn't show up for school regularly, they miss out on vital instruction that can make it difficult to catch up when they return. When absent, children also miss out on the opportunity to form meaningful relationships with peers and staff that can help them feel better about school and themselves.
You can review your child's attendance at any time by logging into your ParentVue account.
SEL (Social Emotional Learning) is the process of learning essential life skills to be able to form healthy relationships, recognize and manage emotions, develop empathy for others and make responsible decisions. Research indicates that SEL instruction helps students have better motivation, academic performance, and behavior, while reducing emotional distress. As a result, students have the crucial social skills to navigate both their academic and personal lives. There are 5 core categories of SEL:
Self awareness: the ability to recognize and understand one’s emotions, thoughts, values, strengths, and weaknesses
Self management: the ability to manage one’s own emotions, thoughts and behaviors in different situations
Social awareness: the ability to understand, respect, and empathize with others
- Relationship skills: the ability to form and maintain healthy relationships with peers, family members, community members, and others
- Responsible decision-making: the ability to make thoughtful, ethical, caring and constructive choices
Counselor Corner
Congratulations November Students of the Month!
Ms. Khaaliq - Ka'marion
Mrs. Denton - Aidan, Ms. McMurtrey - Ella, Mrs. Seamons - Lee
First Grade
Ms. Basilone - Elisa, Mrs. Fuentes - Raine, Mr. Pascador - Allara
Second Grade
Mrs. Graham - Nathaniel, Ms. Hamili - Athena, Ms. Swanno - Melanie
Third Grade
Ms. Isenberg - , Ms. Palmer - Khalissee, Ms. Perio - Darian
Fourth Grade
Ms. Jacobs - Angel, Ms. Lee - Prestyn, Mrs. Sentell - Noah
Fifth Grade
Mrs. Ansley - Phillip, Mrs. Buechner - Zoey, Mrs. Gomez - Joseph
Thanks to all who joined us for Donuts with Dad and supported our Fundraiser at Barros!
Parent Surveys
Important Links
Contact Us
Front Office: 520-568-7150
Attendance: 520-568-7154
Health Office: 520-568-7153
Front Office Email: PBESrecords@musd20.org
42202 W. Rancho El Dorado Parkway, Maricopa AZ 85138