MACS Family Resources
Week of May 18-22, 2020 - Volume 9
We Are Here to Support Your Family During Remote Learning
Please know that your families are a part of our MACS family and we miss you all. We are here to support in any way possible and we want to say THANK YOU for supporting your child during this unprecedented time. Together we will all come out stronger on the other side of this event.
This newsletter will continue to be published weekly for all MACS Families. You can find this resource on our MACS website, Twitter (@MACSchools) and Facebook.
We have also developed an ongoing Learning Support for Families Google doc, which is published on our MACS website as well.
Summer Enrichment Experiences (SEE)
This opportunity will ensure that your child has access to experiences that keep them motivated and excited for new learning. Stay tuned for more information regarding these camps and the registration process. We will utilize our student email accounts, Seesaw and Schoology to push out information about these awesome SEE opportunities.
Resources from Imagine Learning
Our district provides the following resources within Imagine Learning:
- Kindergarten through 5th grade- All students have access to Imagine Math and Imagine Language and Literacy.
- 6th-8th grade- All students have access to Imagine Math
STEAM Thinking
Did you know that you have so many opportunities for STEAM learning in your own home. Check out some of the links below to help your family engage in STEAM learning experiences this summer from home.
Activities To Support Your Family's Social and Emotional Learning
21st Century- Future Leaders Academy (FLA) Programming Continues Remotely
Each week our FLA teachers will be sharing resources here to support our students during the COVID-19 school closure. Check out the first ones below and remember this is totally OPTIONAL for our students and families. The regular school day work should be the priority and these resources will serve as enrichment.