TF Office Notes
Upcoming Dates
- September 16-20 - Homecoming Week
- September 24 - All School Picture
- September 26 - 5th Grade Water Festival
- October 4 - Picture Retakes
School Pictures
School Pictures are Ready!
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
- Event Code: FE116924
- Also Needed: Synergy Student ID
Remember to order your yearbooks!
Stop and Think Room
- We all have rough days, and we all make mistakes. If your child makes a poor choice, that's an opportunity to learn.
- If your child has been sent to the Stop and Think Room, or will in the future, click here for some information about what that looks like and our goals for helping our students grow.
Join the Team at TFE!
- Do you have open time during the school day? Click here for lots of helpful information about joining our team by serving as a substitute teacher or paraprofessional.
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) Test Results
MCA Scores are available in ParentVUE for students who were enrolled at Chisago Lakes last spring in grades 3-8, and grades 10-11, and participated in the MCA.
Please check the Documents Tab on the web or mobile app for each of your student(s). All individual MCA test scores are shared electronically.
Homecoming Is Next Week!
CL Homecoming is a couple weeks away, so here is some information of the fun (and optional) dress up days we will have for staff and students.
Students from the High School will be selling homecoming buttons, beads, and other CL gear on Wednesday September 18th during all lunch periods. If you'd like your child to participate, you may send them with a few dollars to buy spirit wear for the game.
Attending the Homecoming Game?
If you are attending the game, here are some guidelines and expectations from Mrs. Otte, our CL Activities Director. These are set in place to ensure a fun event for everyone. Please make sure to follow them. Enjoy the game!!
All School Picture
Health Information from Our School Nurse
Please review the "stay home" guidelines below
Please keep your child home if they have any of the following:
- Vomiting within the last 24 hours
- Diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher in the last 24 hours
- Rash of unknown origin
Students may not return to school until they are free from the above symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, fever) for 24 hours, without fever reducing medications. Call the TF attendance line every day your child is staying home and state the child's teacher, grade and specific reason for their absence.
Specific COVID guidance:
There is no set time frame that a student needs to stay out if they have COVID, and the school no longer has test kits to distribute. Current CDC/MDH guidance regarding COVID indicates that, if a family member has COVID, the student should continue to go about their daily lives and attend school, unless they develop symptoms. If a student develops COVID symptoms, they should stay home and consider testing for COVID.
In light of this, moving forward, if a student stays home due to a family member having COVID, the student's absence will be marked unexcused. Please contact your school's health staff if you have any questions.
Taylors Falls Parents For Education
- Join us at our monthly meeting this Monday, September 16th at 6pm in the Community Room at Taylors Falls Elementary. New families welcome! We'll be working on our fall events--come help us plan fun for our kids and teachers. We will not have NHS childcare available this month but we will have other activities available should your child need to attend. Come share your ideas!
Join our email list! Send us a message at tfpfe@isd2144.org to be added! No SPAM, we promise!
Parent/Student Handbook
- Our parent/student handbook is full of important and useful information about our operations here at school. Please give it a quick read to set you and your child up for a successful school year!
Do you plan to give your child a ride to school or plan to pick them up?
- We have a lot of moving parts to make our morning drop off and PM curbside pickup operate smoothly. If you're new to our school, please take a moment to review the following guidelines so you know what to do and what to expect. All parents who drop off/pick up are encouraged to review these documents.
- While I hope you read both of these documents, this is super important: If you have a change to your child's normal day end routine, please call the office by 2:30 to let us know! One family who doesn't call can delay dismissal for the entire school.
Food For Kids Program
Please click here to sign your child up for our Food4Kids Backpack Program.
School Messenger: texting option (opt-in process)
At Chisago Lakes School District, we utilize SchoolMessenger in order to get our important messages out to our families.
In addition to emails and phone calls, this year we will utilize the texting feature for school delays/closings, transportation (late buses), and other emergency situations.
To ensure that you receive text messages, please opt in by doing the following:
- Text Y or Yes to 67587
Please note, the phone number you opt in with must match the phone number on your ParentVue account. Log into your ParentVue account to double check your phone number used or to make changes.
Girl Scouts
Have you ever wondered what Girl Scouts is really all about? Click here to find out!
Chisago County Health & Human Services
Chisago County Health & Human Services is hosting its 6th annual Operation Community Connect (OCC) event on Thursday, October 17th, 2024 at North Branch Area High School. Click here for more information.
Little Wildcats Preschool, Preschool + Parents, ECFE
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, Sept. 17th - More Than Just a Book Class @ WCC (register online)
- Tuesday, Sept 24th - More Than Just a Book Class @ Primary School (register online)
- Thursday, Sept. 26th - Early Childhood Screening (by appointment only)
- Friday, Sept. 27th - Pleasant Valley Apple Orchard Field Trip
- Monday, Oct. 7th - No School - Staff Development
- Tuesday, Oct. 8th - Exploring the World of Loose Parts Class @ Taylors Falls
Trips and Classes
Community Education
Check Out Nature Club!
Let's Go Exploring Nature (PreK & Parents) - Together, we'll embark on captivating nature hikes (weather permitting), where kids and parents alike will have the opportunity to observe and connect with the natural world.
Nature Club (Elementary) - Students will get involved in the wonders of the natural world, discovering the secrets of tree identification, the art of seed harvesting and preservation. This curriculum evolves with the changing seasons,
Girl Scout Sign Up Day
Learn what Girl Scouts is all about at this free event! Click here for more information.
Jason Riebe, Principal
Mr. Riebe lives with his wife of twenty years and four children (all of whom attend/ed TF Elementary) in Taylors Falls. On a weekend, you'll find him doing pretty much anything outside: Fishing with the kids, hiking, hunting, camping, or tinkering with a new woodworking project in the garage. He's an avid Boundary Waters explorer, North Shore adventurer, ardent angler, and is fond of weekend experiments on his smoker.
Fun facts about Mr. Riebe
- His right eye is two different colors. This is called heterochromia!
- The only food he can't (and won't) eat is green peppers.
- In college, he worked in orphanages in Mexico and the Republic of Trinidad.
- He and his wife once hiked in the Andes Mountains in Peru for 6 days.
- He loves birds!
Email: jriebe@isd2144.org
Location: 648 West Street, Taylors Falls, MN, USA
Phone: 651-213-2101