November Music!
Mrs. Ezzelle

What Are We Learning?
- Beat
- Rhythm
- Lines and Spaces
- Our Voice and how to use it
- We will use our PBIS matrix- We will prepare for a performance
- We will play music games, sing new songs, and do hard things
We are starting preparation of our Veterans Day performance with our 4th and 5th grade students! This performance will be on November 15th at 1:30 pm. Following the performance, we will have a short reception with refreshments for our Veterans and their guests. Please register your veteran using the qr code below or by following this link!
What To Expect?
Every grade level will have a performance for PTO! Look for those dates coming soon!
November: 4th and 5th grade will give our annual Veterans Day performance on November 15th at 1:30
December: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will present their annual PTO performance on December 5th
May: Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grades will present their annual PTO performance on May 1st
We are also planning a Talent show in the Spring for all 3-5 again!
Meet Mrs. E!
Mrs. E loves her family!
I have two crazy labs who love to run, play, and snuggle!
Mrs. E is a mom!
I am a new mom to handsome little Colton. We are so happy he is here!
Email: ezzellek@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org/
Location: Wilkesboro Elementary School, 1248 School St, Wilkesboro, NC 28697, USA
Phone: (336)838-4261