RI Children's Book Award
Last Call!
Last call for voting!
Tomorrow, Tuesday March 15, is the last day for submitting your school's votes. Please tally all of your school's votes for each of the nominated titles and submit them using this year's online form: https://olis-ri.libwizard.com/f/ricba2022
Please note that if you used the Google form ballot template from the RICBA PR materials, the results from your school's Google form must be tallied by you and entered into the online form at https://olis-ri.libwizard.com/f/ricba2022.
If you have issues with the online form, please contact Danielle Margarida no later than 4pm on Tuesday March 15. Voting will only be accepted through the online form at https://olis-ri.libwizard.com/f/ricba2022. Voting will not be accepted by email. The online form closes at 11:59pm tomorrow, Tuesday March 15.
If your school received a free RICBA book set from the Office of Library and Information Services this year, you must submit a voting form to be eligible to receive free RICBA book sets in the future.
2022 RI Children's Book Award Voting
The time has come for your students and patrons in grades 3-5 to vote for their favorite book among the RI Children’s Book Award nominees for 2022! All voting and program evaluation will be completed online February 1 – March 15.
Important voting information:
- Your school or library does not need to register to vote. Any school or library that would like to participate is encouraged to do so!
- Please complete ONE form per school or library building. If you work at multiple schools or libraries, please fill out a separate form for each building.
- This form is to collect your school or library’s total voting results, not a way to collect individual children’s votes.
- Distribute ballots to students or patrons who have read 3 or more of the nominated books, collect all completed ballots, and tally your school or library’s results on a blank ballot (Voting materials, including the paper ballot, online ballot template and graphics can be found at https://tinyurl.com/RICBAVoting22).
- The total number of votes for each book should be entered into the form.
- If you have any difficulties or need to edit your form after it has been submitted, please contact Youth Services Coordinator, Danielle Margarida (danielle.margarida@olis.ri.gov, 401-574-9309/401-400-3006) before 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15.
- All forms must be submitted by Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
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Announcing Kids Reading Across RI 2022
About the RI Children's Book Award
The award began in 1990 as a joint project of the Rhode Island State Council of the International Reading Association, the Rhode Island Library Association, and the Rhode Island Educational Media Association, under the coordination of the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services. Today, the Rhode Island Children's Book Award is co-sponsored by the School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLRI), the Rhode Island Library Association (RILA), and the Rhode Island Center for the Book at the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (RICFB), and is advised by the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS).Three public youth services librarians, three members of SLRI, and three members of RICFB are each chosen to each serve three year terms on the committee.
20 nominees are announced each spring. Public libraries, school libraries, and classrooms promote the award and share the nominees throughout the year. Voting takes place the following February and the winner is announced in March. Children in grades 3-5 who have read at least 3 books from the list of 20 nominees are eligible to vote. Voting takes place at participating schools and public libraries throughout the state.
More Information
About us
Email: danielle.margarida@olis.ri.gov
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov/youth/ricba/index.php
Location: RI Office of Library and Information Services, Providence, RI, United States
Phone: 401-574-9309 401-400-3006
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rhode-Island-Childrens-Book-Award-1353731481320472/?ref=page_internal