Heights Happenings
Heights Elementary IB World School
November 1, 2024 Volume 10 Issue 4
About Us:
School Hours: 7:55 am—2:10 pm
Doors open: 7:30 am
Breakfast: 7:30-7:45 am
Heights Contact Information:
Address: 15200 Alexandria Ct. Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Telephone: 239.481.1761 Fax:239.481.3154
Website: het.leeschools.net
Twitter: @HeightsIB
Facebook: Heights Elementary
After School Program: Lisa McElyea
504 Accommodations: Bryanna Van Helden
Contact Information Changes: Jennifer Kurowski
Transportation: Suzi Loughren
Gifted Testing: Lisa Alexander
Clinic: Zuri Galvan or Nurse Carey
School Counselor: Kathy Morrow
IB PYP Coordinator: Lacey Davis
Reading Coach Kg-2nd grade: Katie Bocchino
Reading Coach 3rd-5th grade: Dodie Lytle
Math Coach: Natasha Edinger
Our Children...Our Future...Our World
Heights Mission: Heights Elementary IB World School is dedicated to developing balanced, lifelong learners through educational excellence, a global perspective, reflection and action.
Heights Vision: To Be A World Class School.
Heights PBIS Statement:
We strive to be a school that models positive behaviors which develop the whole child and social skills. We have a common culture and language which supports student growth and high expectations to empower our students to become well-rounded global citizens through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.
From The Heights Admin Team:
Heights Families!
As we wrap up the first quarter and move into the second, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude. Heights Elementary thrives because of the dedication and support from every key part of our school community—our parents, PTA, Watch DOGS, volunteers, support staff, and teachers. Each of you play an essential role in creating the nurturing and successful environment that makes Heights so special. Thank you for everything you do to support our students and our school’s mission. We look forward to another great quarter together!
What is going on at Heights in November?
Nov. 3rd: Time change (turn your clocks back an hour)
Nov. 5th: Election Day
Nov. 6th: House Color Day
Nov. 7th: Heights Run Club starts for the students that signed up
Nov. 8th: 60th Anniversary Celebration
Nov. 8th: PTA Family at the Park (2:45-4:00 Wa-ka-hatchee Park)
Nov. 11th: Veterans Day (Schools are open)
Nov. 12th: Heights SAC Meeting (6:00- Media Center)
Nov. 13th: House Color Day
Nov. 15th: Student Picture Day
Nov. 15th: PTA Mother/Son Event (6:00-8:00 Pre-Sale Tickets)
Nov. 19th: 2nd quarter Interims available in FOCUS
Nov. 20th: House Color Day
Nov. 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break (Schools closed)
Heights is 60!
Fun Fact About Heights
- Heights Elementary opened in 1964 with just 8 classrooms
- Heights Elementary was surrounded by gladiolus fields back in the 60's. Check out the wonderful mural in the Heights office area.
- In 1969, Heights was converted into a preschool day care center.
- During the 1969-1970 school year, students from the Tanglewood area attended Heights as the new Tanglewood Elementary was being built.
- In 1970-1971, Heights was used to store district furniture and did not function as an elementary school.
- The official school colors are Purple and White or Gold and are known as the Heights Hurricanes
- The Heights Panther was later added because the school wanted to have a mascot character. So Heights Elementary is known as the Heights Hurricanes and Heights Panthers.
- In March 25, 2008 students walked from the old building and into the building we are in today.
- 2008, Heights Elementary became Heights Elementary IB World School.
- Since 1964, Heights has had 8 principals
- Dr. Henry Gilmore (1964-1965)
- Mr. Eugene Robinson (1965-1968)
- Miss Roseann Tarantino (1968-1969)
- Mr. Thomas Halgrim (1971-1982)
- Mr. R. Paul Cochrane (1982-1997)
- Dr. Ed Steinwind (1997-2003)
- Mrs. Diane Salko (2003-2016)
- Mr. Doug Palow (2016-Present)
Did You Know Heights Has A School Song?
Kids Heart Challenge is Back
Sign Up Today to Become a Lifesaver!
Hello Heights Elementary students and families! We are excited to share with you that Kids Heart Challenge is back, and we need your help! If 50% of our families sign up at Height's KHC Sign Up, our school will earn an additional $500 in US Games gift certificates to further support physical activity and the health of our students, families, and staff.
When you sign up online with your student, you will have the opportunity to learn Hands-Only CPR and warning signs of a stroke as a family, so you can all have a plan in case of an emergency.
We are excited for us all to help create a community of lifesavers and want every one of our staff, students, and families to join me by signing up at Height's KHC Sign Up
The Heights Elementary school day begins at 7:55 am. One of the most valuable life skills a student can learn from their parent/guardian is the responsibility of arriving at school every day on time. This skill can easily be accomplished and will transfer as a valuable asset for the future. One of the most important times of the school day is the morning. This is the time when important school news is announced, teachers define the plans for the day, and instructional goals are reviewed and set. The whole tone of a child’s school day is set in the first part of the day. Please help support your student in learning habits that will help them be successful at school and throughout life.Our overall attendance goal is 96%. For the month of October we were at 94%.
This is the only way you can excuse an absences. Please read your Code of Conduct or call Mrs. Kurowski to see what is considered excused or unexcused.
IB News:
In the month of November, many of our grade levels wrapped up their second unit of inquiry.
- Our First Graders decorated pumpkins as storybook characters. Each pumpkin had to represent an attribute of the Learner Profile. The whole school enjoyed completing a Scavenger Hunt to find all the attributes of the Learner Profile. First Grade also hosted a Starbooks day in which classrooms were transformed into a miniature Starbucks, as students "sampled" books from different genres.
- In Second Grade, our students went on a field trip to Farmer Mikes, as well as completed a tour of our Heights Sprouts Garden to learn more about the life cycle of plants both in our community and right here on our campus to wrap up their Sharing the Planet unit.
- Our Fifth Grade Exhibition is underway. Students have selected their topics to research and will be hosting experts in the field on our campus in the month of November.
IB PYP November Profile Word: Communicator
As IB learners we aim to be communicators. We understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. We work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others.
This IB learner profile is one of 10 attributes recognized and valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.
How can parents help to develop students who are Communicators at home?
- Take turns speaking and listening to one another about your daily events.
- Explore other forms of communication including symbols, signs, and sounds.
- Read a variety of texts and find connections between the books and your child's life.
- Discuss the TV programs and videos you watch together.
- Make books, magazines, and other reading material readily available.
- Take time to listen to your child when he/she talks with you, by turning off technology and providing undivided attention.
- Ask questions about what they are saying, ask for explanations.
- Act out stories, plays, poems, use language in fun creative ways.
- Sing together.
- Support other forms of communication via art, dance, music etc.
PTA News:
Heights Yearbook:
It's time to order your Heights yearbook for $25. Go to BuyTheYearbook.com and enter the school code 384204.
Photo ID:
All campus visitors will need to show their ID at the door and also to receive a visitor pass. Based on the School District of Lee County safety procedures, we are ONLY allowed to accept physical forms of ID when you show up on campus. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept picture IDs on a cell phone or from the Florida Real ID website. Thank you for your understanding and helping to keep our campus safe.
Upcoming FAST Dates:
Progress Monitoring #2
Dec. 4th: 3rd grade ELA
Dec. 5th: 4th & 5th grade ELA
Dec. 9th: 3rd grade MATH
Dec. 12th: 4th & 5th grade MATH
Jan. 9th: Kg & 1st grade ELA
Jan. 13th: 2nd grade ELA
Jan. 14th: Kg, 1st grade, & 2nd grade MATH
Notification of the Presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials in the School
To the Chairperson of the Parents Teachers Association and the Students of Heights Elementary
This school has been recently inspected and certain asbestos-containing materials or assumed asbestos-containing materials such as: fire doors or roofing materials that are tested prior to repairs or removal as needed, have been located in the school buildings. Please be aware that the School District of Lee County has an active management plan designed to ensure that the building is maintained safely for all occupants. These materials are being controlled in accordance with the Asbestos Management Program for the School and following the limitations and procedures of the policies and requirements of the Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Program of the School District of Lee County.
The report listing the location, quantities, and condition of all known materials and contains the details of the control procedures is available at the school office for your inspection during normal school hours. Copies of the whole or parts of the school’s asbestos file can be supplied to you at a cost of $0.15/page
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teachers at Heights Elementary are certified, but may be assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulation: Madison Barker (ESE)
In addition, the following teachers are engaged in training to add the endorsement, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), to their certificates: Nicole Berry, Nicole Driscoll, Courtney Sleeper, Jennifer Kee, Gina Celej, Melinda Melendez, Stephanie Bovinett, Reagan Potter, Jamie Leach, & Libby Davis.
The School District of Lee County Board Members:
District 1 - Samuel Fisher, Board Chair
District 2 - Melisa W. Giovannelli
District 3 - Chris N. Patricca
District 4 - Debbie Jordan
District 5 - Armor Persons
District 6 - Jada Langford-Fleming, Board Vice Chair
District 7 - Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan
Kenneth A. Savage, Ed.D.
School Board Attorney:
Kathy Dupuy-Bruno, Esq.