May 16th, 2024
May Student Spotlight!
Keith Buck🎨
Keith Buck is a 7th grade artist who attends Wirth Middle School. He has been creating great artwork for about a year now. He is an amazing artist, although he wouldn’t tell you this himself. He enjoys spending his time sketching and drawing. He draws fictitious characters and his favorite character to draw is Satoru Gojo from the anime Jujutsu Kaisen. Below are some examples of his artwork for you to enjoy. As you can see it is amazing, and he has worked very hard to make these drawings. You will not regret laying your eyes on his astounding artwork.
By Jakobe
For Your Summer Break, Which Would You Rather Do?
A Day In The Life Of An 8th Grader
Being an 8th grader is like being on a rollercoaster. We all have our ups and downs. For example, when you're in your classes you’ll see things will get more competitive and also become more straightforward. That goes for your school work and communicating with your peers.
As 8th graders we have more activities to participate in than 6th and 7th graders. We have a lot of extracurricular activities, and more entertaining events near the end of the school year, such as our 8th grade graduation. This is exciting for most 8th graders because we'll be graduating and going to high school soon.
High school is important because it represents growing up and starting a new chapter in life. Being an 8th grader is important to a lot of people because it shows how far they’ve come since the start of Junior High. As an eighth grader, I’ve come to realize that I’ll never stop missing the last grade I was in, but all we can ever do is move forward. Are you ready to be an 8th grader?
By Aiden
Out with the Old, In with the new; Celebrating our 8th Graders
As we all know, our school year is coming to an end. Wirth Middle School will be welcoming a new class when we return, but to make room for them, our 8th graders will be moving on.
There will be a ceremony held for the students, and a dance afterward. Both events will be held on May 23rd. The celebration for 8th graders who are permitted to attend the ceremony, will begin at 10:45 a.m. in the 8th grade gym. Students are advised to be inside the school doors by 8:30 a.m. The girls will be required to wear white, and the boys will have to wear white tops and black bottoms.
Guests are allowed in at 9:00 a.m. with a ticket. There will only be 4 tickets allowed per student, so choose your audience wisely 😉. We want everyone to have a good view of the scholars, so we ask that balloons and large stuffed animals are not brought into the gym.
The dance for 8th grade students who are permitted to attend, will be held on May 23rd in the 8th grade gym. The doors for students will be opening at 5:30 p.m., and closing at 6:30 p.m. Parents will be allowed in to take pictures, but will need to leave by 6:30 p.m. The dance will end at 8:30 p.m. There will not be a specific attire asked to be worn, but please keep it PG (school appropriate)! Transportation will not be provided, so make sure you have a ride to, and from the dance. We ask if you are not able to attend the ceremony and dance, please stay home. It will not be very interesting staring at classroom walls all day. Out with the old, and in with the new as our 8th graders will be moving up into high school!
By Yareli
Farewell Message to Our Younger Classmates
Aaron's Farewell Letter
Leaving the 8th grade and becoming a high schooler feels like climbing a ladder, step by step into maturity and adulthood, becoming an entirely reformed or new person on every step. Wirth offered a lot of opportunities for me and I'm nothing but grateful to every single last staff member and classmate who helped me on my journey. There are a lot of things at Wirth that I'll miss but that doesn’t mean I'll be sad to leave it. Becoming a high schooler is just starting a new chapter in my book as I continue to write my story.
What I'll miss most about Wirth is the memories and experiences I had and how it changed me into who I am today. The person I was in 6th grade is completely different from who I am now, and without Wirth, I wouldn’t be able to experience that change. I will also miss working and building up WMS’s Cup of Tea, and I'm happy to be here from the beginning and watch it get big as I graduate high school. Thank you to the tech team (Allen, Adrienne, and Jessica.), Ms. Oggero, Dr. Doias, and my fellow editors/reporters for giving me this opportunity and helping me on this journey.
If I were to give advice to all the 6th and 7th graders I'm leaving behind, it would be to make the most of your middle school experience while you have the chance. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. There was a lot I wanted to do before I graduated but I was either too lazy or too shy to try. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to try new things and to get involved in every activity that’s of interest to you. Cherish your friendships because most of your friends most likely won’t be going to the same high school so make the most of it. You’re only in middle school once so don’t rush anything and just act your age. Also if you ever get into it with a teacher/staff member, no matter how hard it is, let them have it because you’re never going to win that battle and you’ll just end up digging yourself in a deeper hole.
Thank you all for reading, and enjoy your summer. I'll miss all of you!
Erica Says Goodbye Home
For many, home represents a physical shelter where they find comfort and celebration. However, for me, home is about the connections I have formed with others. In middle school I made many connections that have become an important part of my life. As I'm going on to high school the thing I will miss most is the familiarity within the environment and the people around me. I am grateful for all of the teachers that have pushed me to be the best me I can be. If there is only one thing you should remember, remember that home can be anywhere or anything you make it. Above all else, don't lose your stuff.
By Erica
Yareli's Farewell To Middle School
Leaving middle school for high school is something every kid nervously looks forward to. It was the same for me until slowly I started dreading the thought of leaving yet another world I had managed to build. But I realized that my anxiety was clouding my ability to see that, although I would be leaving behind loved friends and the security of knowing the halls, I’d be finding a path I’ve been waiting for; The path to my inevitable future success. To me, leaving 8th grade for high school means leaving behind what remains of my comfort zone, and finding the tools to carve the path I need to get to where I see myself.
There are so many things I will miss, like friends who won’t be shoulder to shoulder with me in my new classes and school, and the comfort of knowing my reputation lets everyone know I was there for a reason. I’ll miss the teachers who recognized that reason and pushed me to climb to higher levels. Of course, I will miss our 8th grade principal Mr. Keller, who made my middle school days just a little easier to bear. Although I may be leaving behind important parts of my journey so far, I know I’ll still get to carry the memories and impact they’ve made on me. Which makes it all the more bittersweet.
The advice I’d give the students filling up our soon empty classrooms would be to never stop running. Even if you’ve met your goals and are satisfied with your accomplishments, never stop believing that you can do more, that you can be better. Keep a mindset that will allow you to stay on track, and even if you face hurdles, it will allow you to jump. Be part of a reliable circle of authentic friends, and remember what a friend really is. Stay on top of your grades and take care of your responsibilities, whether it’s a sport or studying. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! You’re going to have to sooner or later, so go to tryouts, sign up for that program, and go to that dance. I’m not going to lie, there will be people, adults and kids, who will test your mindset. They will test your circle of friends, and your determination to succeed. Show these people nothing will stop you from running, and nothing will stop you from winning, from getting to where you desire to be.
Make great memories, live your summer to the fullest, and come back ready to make yourselves proud.
By Yareli
Aiden's Farewell To 8th Grade
I’m anxious to be leaving 8th grade since I am moving on from what I've made my comfort zone for 176 days. Moving into High School I will have to embrace a new environment and new people. This is also what makes this experience exciting. I get to approach it with an open mind and accept the challenges that will come my way.
The things I will miss the most are the staff that have been there for me and who’ve helped me calm down in my time of need. Also my friends for being super helpful and funny. Something else I will miss is the awareness of knowing where to go throughout the school.
To all the students that I’ll be leaving behind, the advice I would give would be to not upset your principals and do what you’re instructed to do. 😬
Goodbye Wirth Middle School and thank you for everything you’ve done for me.
By Aiden
Jakobe's Farewell
I would like to say farewell to my colleagues, friends, and teachers. What I will miss the most is the way my friends were incredibly funny and had inviting personalities. Without my friends, I don't know who I'd be today. Another thing I will miss is the way the lunchroom was always filled with laughter. Despite what I will miss about Wirth I am still excited to experience going to high school and being in a different environment. Some advice I will give to you all is don't be scared to change environments and don't ever give up, keep running through life despite the height of the hurdles you have to overcome.
By Jakobe